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"Music releases the soul like a dove during ceremony, it's beauty unmatched. It's wings free, yet birthed out of the idea of slavery, considered a caged being. As if birds could be tamed, or used for entertainment rather than fond adoration." © 2014 Christina Jackson
"If there ever is a time your heart is restless, think of me. The lyrics, the melody flowing through you like the wind on a warm summers day. May it bring comfort to your heart, and peace to your soul. Think of me once more, as the song moves through you, forevermore." © 2014 Christina Jackson <3 A beautiful song to go with this <3
That sweet illustrious
scent of barreled
wood smoke

The aroma radiating
through the air
into your nostrils

A desire to sip
that sweet nectar

I crave the warm
blood rushing
through my veins

The alluring feeling
when you've had
just enough

It chemically
changes the brain-
And you're happy

For a few short hours

I feel incredibly alive
I feel real
I feel happy

Then all fades away-
and disappears.

Oh whiskey, you understand
me so well.

You are a dear loyal friend
© 2014 Christina Jackson
It is not death that kills us-
Rather life that swallows us whole

The pain and suffering-
Oh, how it comes and goes.
© 2014 Christina Jackson
A shadow was cast upon the moon
Red, orange, yellow
faint hints of maroon

Majestic in sight
circular in form

A wondrous event
For all to bear witness

Such a lovely sight
that continued on
into the hours-

Of a late April night

Almost as though all
the fairy tale books
magically came to life
© 2014 Christina Jackson
My heart is drenched
in the drunkenness-
Of all the love I have
And all the love I will
ever give to you

As if the wind
blowing through
your hair wasn't
It too moved me
like a tornado.
Its beauty disastrous
yet over ever so

Leaving behind
remnants of
sunny days
and clear blue skies

My love for you will
burn a million suns
until no suns are left
to die a bitter
© 2014 Christina Jackson
The window creaked like old shaky bones

Narrowing the top, where the crevices of glass
close like a safe full of gold and treasure
Yet, never breaks

All along I believed- His heart was immortal
The most graceful heart was held in he.

I admired him as though church goers do,
the stained remnants of stories we hold

So delicately- Do we hold on to the beautiful
in life
Yet, not the broken

All the broken pieces and shards lost
throughout the years of history-
I'd ought keep them all

Deliver them to the glass-man
and he'd have returned every
last piece of history
Place them in the palm of my

Where they so beautifully belong-
forever with me
© 2014 Christina Jackson
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