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There comes a time in ones life when certain things that once mattered so much, don't mean anything at all. And you ponder the truth beneath your bare and naked bones, when your soul can only endure so much before nothing matters at all. There is only so much a person can take before life engulfs them in the shadows of who they once were. I believe in beauty, and I believe in pain. However, when the two collide, you succumb in weakness like a knife plunging directly to the heart. If not for the little beautiful things in life, and if not for the immeasurable pain we go through that causes us to die inside, over and over and over again. What then, would life be without strife? And what then, would life be without knowing that beauty live's in each of us, and we haven't a **** clue how to let the beauty shine so bright? Eventually it blinds those that couldn't handle your flaws or your imperfectly perfect life. Those absent eyes pierce directly through your soul, and you haven't a clue where the *******'re going or what to do. You're left with nothing but the painful and bitter truth of being human.
© 2014 Christina Jackson
The title of this prose is also lyrics in The Killers song "Human". Just some thoughts rambling about my head when I can't sleep.
There's a certain kind of numbness felt-
It hits you below the belt

Stomach in knots

Nothing left-
And all the cards are dealt

There's a certain kind of numbness felt-
When what you've wanted

And nothing is left
© 2014 Christina Jackson
The difference between
you and I

You'll sleep just fine tonight

And sleep for me won't come
until fall

The most unfortunate occurrence of
them all

Is leading someone on..
© 2014 Christina Jackson
As I sit and stare-
The water motionless,
yet moving along
I gaze upon eternity here-
With white rip tides,
gasping for air
I sit and stare-
The waves endless
in shape and form
Life pummels toward you
without a care-
© 2014 Christina Jackson
You give your soul to someone you hardly know
You gave it all away without knowing
Deep down within the core of your core
You had to have some inclination

A life built upon a false obligation

That giving your all to someone
was a terribly flawed observation
© 2014 Christina Jackson
The light in him is slowing dying out
Those beautiful rays that once
illuminated my entire life,
are dying out
LIFE;  The human life is but a
fraction of a second in history
Our lights don't keep shinning on
forever, on into infinity and beyond
Just as the light bulb loses it's
essence and then burns out
We are the light bulb, only
given so much time until it's
thrown away and changed out
Oh beautiful love, with your eyes
radiating so bright. Please,
don't burn out. I need you
to stay a little bit longer
Don't die out. You are not
allowed to leave me here
in this little hell.
© 2014 Christina Jackson
I cannot in good conscience move forward in my life under the circumstances I'm currently perplexed by.
Mistakenly so, I have fallen for two men.
The first of which, his illustrious and alluring sweet scent, his warm lips pressed against mine.
I'm intoxicated by his every whim, sweat beads leak through my once impenetrable armored skin
Mistakenly so, I have fallen for two men
The second of which, stimulates my mind through use of intellectual punch lines
The lines of which his skin I have yet to be graced by, the eyes of which have never met mine
Mistakenly so, I have fallen for two men
The audacity of my actions has left me with no logical sense of direction
The dexterity of loves swift kick has left me fragile and of not so sweet disposition
I cannot in good conscience move forward in my life under the circumstances I am currently drowning in.
Mistakenly so, I have fallen for two incredibly wonderful men.
© 2014 Christina Jackson
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