There comes a time in ones life when certain things that once mattered so much, don't mean anything at all. And you ponder the truth beneath your bare and naked bones, when your soul can only endure so much before nothing matters at all. There is only so much a person can take before life engulfs them in the shadows of who they once were. I believe in beauty, and I believe in pain. However, when the two collide, you succumb in weakness like a knife plunging directly to the heart. If not for the little beautiful things in life, and if not for the immeasurable pain we go through that causes us to die inside, over and over and over again. What then, would life be without strife? And what then, would life be without knowing that beauty live's in each of us, and we haven't a **** clue how to let the beauty shine so bright? Eventually it blinds those that couldn't handle your flaws or your imperfectly perfect life. Those absent eyes pierce directly through your soul, and you haven't a clue where the *******'re going or what to do. You're left with nothing but the painful and bitter truth of being human.
© 2014 Christina Jackson
The title of this prose is also lyrics in The Killers song "Human". Just some thoughts rambling about my head when I can't sleep.