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  Jun 2014 Chloé
Outside I'm just a woman
inside, just a girl that is lost
I seem to have direction
but maybe it's a lie with a cost
Setting myself simple goals to follow
as I need a continuous plan
It's to tell me where I am tomorrow
incase I've forgotten where I am
I can easily fool myself
and it's been working for a while
I just don't think too much
about the woman wrapped around this girl
Does she really know what she's doing?
Do I have any other choice?
Although I'm a woman physically moving
the little girl has lost her voice
Written a few months ago when I really felt that I needed more direction in my life.   It's a feeling that comes round again quite often.
Chloé Jun 2014
My pain is killing me step by step..
Chloé Jun 2014
As people get to talk and i'm going to listen i just want to move on..
Chloé Jun 2014
Every song and every poem feels like you could have been for me ..
  Jun 2014 Chloé
Cadence Musick
he was the kind of boy you'd
break all the rules for,
but you didn't know he'd break you.
  Jun 2014 Chloé
Aidyl Ecarg Nella
I've never given you this much trust before. I've always control.
But what if you stop, when I no longer make you?
What if you choose someone else, when I no longer make you choose me?
I never had this trust and I don't know where I'm mustering it up from.
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