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You know my weakest moments
you've been there as I cried
you hold me as I clench my arms tight around your side
my makeup stains your clean white shirt
you wipe away my tears
you tell me "dry your eyes" my love
for the end is no where near.
I have loved much
And met many
But I've never come across
Something as exquisite as you
And that my dear,
Is the most phenomenal love
A person can feel
Bench near the railroad
Light shining down
I'm drenched, wallowed
My omens around
Take a few steps deliverance drowned
The dawning arises oblivion found.
blood on her hands 
waste at her feet
I wish you could see- 
-if you could be

her beneath me and around me
her cry must be heard 
across the street
no one came
no one saw anything

but I wish anyone but me could see
and die inside like me
and be curious to see

that two plain women 
should meet: one sad 
one obsolete

I slip and slip in my myriad mind 
though wet red slowly runs...
she'd been rotting 
while I sleep 
with her body next to me

playing dolls
hide and seek
with a corpse that seeps 
watercolor composed in red 
while I sleep
with my body next to me

and I can't peek

two plain women- no none
but me
me the drained dead
me watching me.
It's 3.56a.m. and I've got something to confess.
You've once asked me if anything's wrong and if I'm alright. I replied with a "yeah, I'm fine."
I lied.

You see,
0000h marks the start of my torture
As 0100h sees my tears.
0200h hears my secrets while
0300h watches me bleed.
0400h tries to comfort me, and get me to sleep before 0500h.
0600h I wake, questioning my existence all over again.
It's a vicious cycle,
One that I can never step out of.

My smiles in daylight are lies,
Deceiving enough to let people think I'm alright.
But truth is I never was, and perhaps never will be.
I love too much and fall too hard.
Words that pierced my heart resonates in me as I lashed myself with pain and anguish.
Taking pills akin to M&Ms; while downing coffee like water to substantiate my status as a human – I need water, air and love to survive.

Every personal question people ever threw to me,
I answered them all
despite them not getting any answers from me.
The answers and thoughts in my head
doesn't leave their sanctuary that easily;
They murdered me with their constant bickering.

Perhaps, at the next 4.07a.m. when you're awake,
try asking me those questions again.
i might spill it all out to you

 Nov 2013 Chelsea Kelly
Quite pillow talk
Reveals your true thoughts of me
Late night discussions over cigarettes
"You're odd"
"But so are you, my love, and maybe that's why we work."
An awkward equation of random and weird
Two people meant to be
Spinning in a circle of curiosity
 Nov 2013 Chelsea Kelly
A smile on the lip
Tears in the eyes,
Scars on the wrists
A mouth full with lies.
A sad little girl.

The one who sits back the class,
The one that wears large huge bracelets,
The girl who doesn't speak
The girl that her eyes are filled with tears.
The pretty tiny sad girl.

She was tired,
She hates her life,
She wished to go to a new different world
She closed her eyes,
One two three four five.

And before everyone knows,
she was gone.
 Oct 2013 Chelsea Kelly
First month, first seat change. we were on opposite sides, no interaction. I relish this, i am not a
some might say I am shy or introverted
now that the time has come, I am not ready to change seats,
to take the chance of sitting closer, forced interaction,
I am nervous,
but am calmed with the thought that chances are, we'll be seated even farther apart,
I was wrong.
our elbows will brush, our knees will touch, our gazes will meet.
I hear the words coming out of the teachers mouth,
but  am stunned into silence ,
my whole being shaken,
our names are called,
our seats given.
To some, this may seem silly, immature, an overreaction.
For them, this may be true, in this situation calm, collected, thinking: this is no big deal.
But with dread curdling in your stomach as you snap to,
stumbling to your seat,
this is an earthquake shaking the earth, a volcano spitting ashes,
a panic attack waiting to happen.
and it pounces.
seated, trying not to squirm, to shake, to ****;
wondering what he's thinking, trying not to stare.
he thinks you don't see,
the glances he shoots the short foot between you,
thinks your engrossed in the teacher, the clock, the pencil
any thing but him.
But your any thing but engrossed, you see every shake, gaze,
fell every brush of the hand.
Finally, this long hour is over, the mixture of excitement and torture has come to an end.
As is to be expected, on your way still in has gaze, you trip, you stumble, your face cherry red;
embarrassed, but thankful,
that he doesn't have a class with an even more abundant chance of embarrassment.
over the day,
you forget the way he gazes,
his shy way
different from the others,
the way he's taller,
in a way that makes you feel safe, flushed, happy, even if their is no chance of him being yours.
But then lunch comes,
you sit down,
ready to devour food that can only fill your stomach, not your soul as much as you wish it would, or
but looking across,
you spot him, watching you,
his gaze surpassing the walls of people, as much as a shy person wouldn't like,
is it coincidence that he found the one gap with a view of me?
is he staring at me?
what to do?
with all this questing running your mind,
your appetite flee's,
and so do I,
to my safe haven within the books.
tomorrow, the nervousness has subsided, its over, your over, its done.
but then, on the way to first period,
our paths cross,
glances exchanged,
blushes made.
You know that this is not over, not done,
the time has come for class to begin.
I've tried to forget, to overcome this nervousness, but I've been defeated,
ground to a fine powder of nerves by a crush.
our knees bounce in anticipation,
our pencils tap,
our feet twitch.
time to share the book,
the dreaded closeness.
Finally it happens,
the brush of the elbows.
we both feel it,
the sparks that glow blue,
the cheeks that grow red.
we have been given a gift, a chance,
to overcome shyness,
to create something wonderful.
but to take that chance, to accept this gift means time, courage.
and every day until then,
this tension will be relieved
and i will be a nervous wreck.
We started on opposite sides,
but fate pulled us together, forced a chance.
now we sit close, still tense, still wired,
but strangely happy,
to this day, he still sits in the gap :)
on the forest floor
bark twigs and leaf matter lay
they'd soon be compost
And I think I saw you flash before my eyes.
And constrict me from breathing.
Shutting off my lungs.
It hurt so much.
And its like my heart is a guitar because you’re constantly plucking the strings
Its driving me insane.

Now please don’t let me fall
Because we both know I’ll drown
There’s no easy way out

I can barely see the skyline
Its fading baby
You’re fading away
If I leave do you think you’ll stay
And I can’t find the words to finish this
But goodbye means forever
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