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You're standing in the rain
it's 4 am and the wine you drank
is still dancing in your blood,
the cigarette smoke still lingers in your hair,
and lipstick is smudged on your skin.

Where you are is unknown
the streets are thick with puddles
and all the people have wandered off to bed
but you didn't.

Because going home meant being alone
and you hate lying in a bed
with cold sheets
with  no one to hold.

You hate waking up without someones fingertips
tracing your lips
or combing your hair.

You hate standing in your kitchen
looking out your small ***** window
wondering where the person who was made to love you
disappeared to.

So you stay out
just to feel less lonely.
Even if the only company you have are a few scattered raindrops
and the faint glow of street lamps at 4 am.
By throwing caution to the wind
I will sing for you
But I'm no fiddle
To be played and laid aside

My heart, My body, My music
I decide

Your eyes, a mirror
The growing light bursting from my fingertips and toes
Causes my shadows to dance across the walls

The energy of a kindergarten classroom bouncing in my body
A spirit  made not to stay stuck to the ground
Dreaming, Stretching, Climbing

Those, my people, define me
Drums beating the rhythm of my motion's design

No sample to be grabbed
A tester
Then to be put back

When you hold me
Hear the beating
Of this feeling that's my being

What I want to be
Is excited till I'm not, see?
Deserving of my heart
You very well may not be

Unwilling to play
"Do you, Don't you?" The game
Don't shove me
Afraid that I might someday go away
If you push me now
That'll be the choice you made

When it comes to this short precious life
Playtime's ending whistle blows
You do or you don't
You're the only one who knows

The birthplace of fear
To identify
We learn in time
Now or then
What it is
While it lives
In the now
Here it is

Giving  faith
We choose our team
To pass a fragile thing
Back and forth
Sharing something new
Me & You
No fear
Just truth

I will love you
Because that's what I do
I will love you
Because I don't know
What else there is in life
But love that's true
Will I find my source in you?

Life is Fleeting
Love is Time
Time is Energy
Energy is Life

Without Honesty
Everything means Nothing

We're off to Never Neverland
But Time keeps moving forward

My happy thoughts will always be the things that make me soar
But who and what and where will be the reason they are born?

*Oct. 2013
Fine, I will confess.
You have me.

You have me smiling at
the perfect shape of your perfect words.
Though half the world
create the distances between us
you map them with
the mere presence of you.
And I feel lonely no more.

You have me awake at night,
combing the depths of my half-awake mind,
searching for pieces of you
to go to dreamland with.

I sometimes blink twice
on a perfect moment,
as if to take a mental picture for you.
I sometimes rub my hands together
to feel how warm your face might feel like.

You have me.

You just do.
Just a thought.

Filling my mind with what it would be like if you were here with me.
 Oct 2013 Chelsea Kelly
i'm hurricane-brained,
and fading faster than i
could hope to explain
- m.f.
To the planet called Earth
And its so called overseers:
We are your distant neighbor
From a far-flung star
A thousand times greater than yours.

We don't come in peace.
Certainly, you may think
That your intergalactic
Space bound expeditions
Got us all figured out.

Your futile exploits
Gave you but an idea
That might turn out to be
A million light years away
From such a prized truth.

But we know everything
About your infant planet.
Your warm-blooded race
The silly thing you call Science
And your many weakness.

We have been here all along
Since the ancient times.
Your ancestors offered megaliths
And long tried to build relations.
But we were never pleased.

Your intelligence, though much inferior
Made us believe you are prepared enough
To decode encrypted messages on crop circles.
But even so with your best technology
You have failed us once again.

Humans! Take heed to the signs
And the warnings of our coming.
We have waited long enough
And gave you time to hone your potential
Only to find you stuck in your own maze.

You call us aliens, those big headed monsters
That you amuse yourself  in your movies.
But you are the strangest kind of life
That our probes have ever studied.
Your saga shall be recorded well.
 Oct 2013 Chelsea Kelly
If I were to become a cynic.
Which I'm not saying I am,
Nor am I admitting I'm not,
It would be because of the way you smile
In every direction
Your eyes meet mine.
And do I believe in living?
Or science?
If so, then tell me why,
My life starts with your frown
And there's no chemistry to properly and mathematically explain
How my heart could possibly skip a beat
And my lungs could forget how to work
Every time you find yourself
Near me.

If I were an optimist,
Which I'm not saying I am
Nor am I admitting I'm not
It would be during the times I find myself
On my knees praying
That you'll walk by me and stop.
And pray with me.

If I were yours,
Which I'm not saying I am
Nor am I admitting I'm not.
I would love you with a love so infinite
Unbreakable, fiesty, loud, passionate, and changing
That you wouldn't be able to breathe.
And if I believed in love, if I felt love was worth the risk,
Would you?
Do I believe in sacrifice?
Do I believe in the weight of the world, Atlas' shoulders, the music in the air?
If I did, how could it possibly explain
This out of breath, tear stained face I have to carry with me
Everywhere I go.

— The End —