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  Aug 2015 Champagne Walker
Some say
Love is a temptress;
Luring prey into its trap,
Set so innocently
So that victims
Walk blindly into it.

Some say
Love is a trickster,
Cunning and deceitful;
That it intoxicates the soul
And hides the truth.

Some say that it
Kidnaps them,
Brainwashes them,
And leaves nothing but pain
And suffering.

I say
Love is the chance
That no one takes,
The dream
That all fear,
The ambition
That no one feels worthy of.

I say
Love is the soul;
So afraid of death
That it never learns to
Champagne Walker Aug 2015
I may look OK the way

I joke and laugh all the time

but on the inside I'm truly dying

It hurts to laugh and upsets me to smile

If you knew me you still would not understand

the pain I feel on the inside but want reflect on the out

So who do who really see ?

Someone who is living with pain and anger but know peace

I want joy but can't get over my past

I just think about how long this pain is going to last

I can't proceed because of the hate I have within myself

and the anger  I have towards someone else

who hurt me I wanna be strong

I wanna be free
Personal Poem

— The End —