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1.5k · Jul 2015
Cecilie Engelund Jul 2015
why is it that every time I get away from this country I forget about him?
but as soon as I get home my thoughts is all about him?
it's like I've been driving in the rain. after a while I drive under a bridge and the rain is gone. but as soon as I come out on the other side the rain hits twice as hard as before. my mind works this way.
1.0k · Jun 2015
Cecilie Engelund Jun 2015
Every time I'm on my own I feel lost, does that mean I'm twisted?
Even tough I feel lost I don't crave company. Is that twisted?
Howcome I feel this empty with no one by my side?
Why can't I be on my own without this feeling?
I hate this. I hate that I need company to feel alive. I hate that in order to make decisions I need people's opinion. I hate everything about the way I'm living right now. I hate it.
But am I being twisted for feeling like this?
583 · Jun 2015
Cecilie Engelund Jun 2015
How come I keep falling for those who pay attention to me?
How could I ever believe a dance ment something to you?
You don't even know my name?
And still i wonder, if we could ever be a thing.
Just after a single dance, no words exchanged.
How could you make me feel safe in your arms?
Still without words or even a name.
It makes me wonder;
Am I sick falling for those who pay me attention?
Am I sick feeling safe in the arms of an unknown guy?
Am I twisted for feeling like this everything i meet someone new?
I keep wondering if I ever mattered anything to anyone of the above.
445 · May 2015
dear life
Cecilie Engelund May 2015
oh dear life
why are you so hard?
why does it hurts so bad to be here?
why not make me love my life?
make me love myself?
oh dear life
why are you so hard?
404 · May 2015
Cecilie Engelund May 2015
birdy gets it
she gets everything
like she has been here
inside my head
when I was with you
and when I wasn't
she gets it
and is able to express my feelings
so why can't I?
329 · Apr 2015
What if?
Cecilie Engelund Apr 2015
What if we could be together alone for just one day?
Would it be easier?
Or would it push you further away?
What if we were meant to be?
Together forever
You and me
248 · Apr 2015
Cecilie Engelund Apr 2015
How lost are you
when chocolate no longer helps remove the pain
and your dearest friends are no longer people
you want to share your deepest thoughts with?

— The End —