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Cece Raine Aug 2014
I used his tears as ink and wrote grand tales of love among the stars while he screamed "It's useless."
-Forever, Raine
Cece Raine Aug 2014
Late at night, I can feel the words clawing their way up my throat but they can never seem to find there way out of my mouth. Instead their ghosts haunt my every thought. I paint the empty sheets of paper with ink until they are drowning. Only when all my pens have dried and papers crumpled do I realize what I have done. I wrote my mind in the stars but now they only tell of demons that haunt me. It won't be long before they are upon us.
-Forever, Raine
Cece Raine Aug 2014
Sometimes, in these endless moments, I allow myself to let go of everything. It's almost as if I stop existing for a moment, and become everything else. I am the heavy air, struggling to carry the weight of its secrets. I am the trembling stars, afraid of the moment they might burst and become nothing. I am the crumbling sky, fated to watch helplessly while the stars burned. I am the outstretched trees,  desperately trying to keep the sky from falling in. You see, in this moment, I realize even the world is more ****** up than I could ever be.
-Forever, Raine
Cece Raine Aug 2014
I have gotten to a point where my sadness needs no explanation. When night comes and I can feel fires burning in the back of my throat & a gnawing in the pit of my stomach & an aching deep within my soul I know to let go. I sit staring through empty windows into empty streets within empty cities and I'm so very grateful that I am no longer empty.
-Forever, Raine
Cece Raine Aug 2014
Because when the sun set that day I was drowning in your shadows as they grew and grew until you were lost in the darkness you've tried so hard to keep in chains. Never did I imagine I would become nothing more than another of your demons, locked away and rotting. Never did I imagine I would become something as beautiful as your darkest desire.
-Forever, Raine
Cece Raine Aug 2014
You're gone.
You're gone and I haven't allowed myself to feel any of it.
My bones are trembling
I can't break apart
I can't stay still
Cracks are forming in my skin
Fear is welling up inside of me
I am no longer empty
But then again
Wasn't this what I asked for?
-Forever, Raine
Cece Raine Aug 2014
You are
The ink that seeps
From all the tiny cracks and crevices
Painting my skin
Twisting into words banned from my lips
But scarred on my heart.
God help us all the day I realize that escape is impossible
-Forever, Raine
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