You say I betray you
I want to protect you
Life doesn't come with a manual
I don't know what to do
I'm trying so hard
To see underneath
But you stack on layer after layer
Each time I dig deeper
I find more of your hurt
each time I dig deeper
You hurt me some more
Broken people do that sometimes
It is hard
but it must be done
if not by me
then who?
I'm very tired
It hurts to keep going
will I stop?
Only for the night
But when the sun rises
So will I
to keep digging
to find you
and pull you to where
I hope you'll be safe
Forgive me
For losing you in the first place
little sister
no one told me being a big sister would hurt so ******* much. i've never wanted a time machine more. i wish i was stronger, but i am so, so tired and i don't know how to do this, i am making it up as i go, and hoping so hard that the things i do and say don't make it worse. i wish i could go back in time and protect her from everything and everyone.