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  Jun 2015 Cat Sommer
Liv Blaise
heartbreak is not real
when someone breaks your heart it still goes on beating
it does not feel pain, it does not hurt
what hurts is your thoughts and memories
how they are shattered and tainted with bitter words saying
"I don't love you anymore"
heartbreak is not real
when someone breaks your heart it still goes on beating
so go on like your heart does
im not sure if this one makes sense???
Excuse me sir, but
"Heartbreak" isn't metaphor
It's physical pain.
Cat Sommer Jun 2015
Every shower in the fourth month,
April that is,
Leaves a trail of something beginning behind.

Every flower in the fifth month,
May that is,
Folds upon the path of itself behind the beginning.

It is the first cycle heard of that is not so vicious,
Rather a fictitious nursery rhyme to end the pain of dark rain and times.
From month to month and year to year,
April showers bring May flowers.

But what does the promise of may flowers carry?

May flowers carry the promise of the sixth month,
June that is,
That unwinds the connections felt upon walking that folding trail.

That will always be the month that I lost you.
Something different, something sweet, something personal. :-)
Cat Sommer Jun 2015
Hollow is the repercussions I feel,
And shame is the tyrant of lucid imagery.
   Weak is the management I failed to seek,
And time is the master of foiled leniency.

Nails crawl at my spine and claw at my skin,
For a time I thought that they would become weak.
Wood saws at my mind and pinches my toes,
For a time I thought I may hold victor.

Hollow were the adverse consequences I felt,
And shame was a florescent picture.
Weak weak the advice that I had failed to strive for,
And time was-
Time is-
Time, it will always be-
The mastered version of foiled leniency.
It's the first time I've really written in a while, sorry if it's a little rough around the edges. I hope you enjoy. :-)

— The End —