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 Sep 2013 Cassie
First there is the prep.
The roommate.
Wearing salmon colored pants.  
He has Shaggy from ****** Doo
On his left thigh.
The alcoholic.
She has a drinking problem.
She is in denial of her drinking problem.
She hangs out with the loners.
The loners.
Unkempt, unattractive and fat in all the wrong places.
The blond looks like Tom Petty.
The one with dark hair, glasses and braces
They live next door.
Living together but segregated. 
Wild cards.
All of us.

©Gambit '13
 Aug 2013 Cassie
Love is…
 Aug 2013 Cassie
A cat?
I never trusted a cat
Betrayal will only befall to those who do
That’s why I swore to myself not to

I will never trust a cat again
Because I once did
And it only led me to vain
Goodbye to you stupid cat, I bid

That cat was cute
Or so I thought
It acted sweet to me
Making me fall wounded on my knee

I never would have thought
That the first time it called
What it wanted all along was food
Ah, I was fooled

When it was hungry
I generously fed it
But when I can’t give any
It didn’t even doubt to bit

This is now my perspective
Trust is not an option to give
Not to an ungrateful being
That only costs pain and suffering

A lot thinks I’m so bitter
But like in medicines, bitter is better
I’m not closing any doors
I’m just creating a solid wall

Maybe someday something will pass through
Impossibly by crashing ‘because it’ll be hard to do
Climbing it is an option, **** I gave a clue
But what will be willing? Did I just heard a ‘boo’?

I hate what I just found out
Psychologically I was reversing myself, and that
Whatever happened to my wall? Well guess what
Climbing was an easy task for a very exceptional cat
 Aug 2013 Cassie
She was wearing a tight black dress under her
red flannel. Studded combat boots and a crooked smile. She slung her arms around my neck and then pointed to the bottle of whiskey she left by the fire behind me. "Catch up" she whispered through a sea of adorable laughter and wandered off to talk to my ex boyfriend. He's my best friend and they get along just like siblings. She isn't jealous but she cares more than I'd ever expect from an other human being. She is so gentle at the smallest hint of pain but so harsh in the way she jokes. I think she's flawless. She wouldn't agree but she's not hurting herself to meet anyone's needs. She thinks The Hangover movies are "******* stupid" but she watches Christmas Vacation at least once a month and America's Next Top Model religiously. She said she likes to remind herself, she can feel for people without understanding their ways so she keeps an eye on all of the things she hates. She was meeting my friends for the first time on a cool Thursday night in the summer. We went to their show and she cried at the way they write their songs. She didn't ask a single question between sets when she saw them fighting. She just looked them all in their eyes and told them they were gonna make it just fine. I think that was the first time I fell in love with the sound of her voice. It's the only thing that stops my hands from shaking in the middle of the night
 Aug 2013 Cassie
 Aug 2013 Cassie
Soil, mulch and flora.
Odors of spring on bodies.
Peonies ripen.
 Aug 2013 Cassie
Cunning Linguist
Real lies, unreal thing
Light me up just take a puff
Then once more until you huff
And again with feeling
Feel your life unreeling

Real eyes

Lungs replete with cloud of one thousand burning trees
Avert your gaze, look beyond the haze
So you'll fail to notice I etched the stress as wrinkles in your face
and smothered your Eros, imbued void in its place


Whether its reward or solace you seek
Inhale me, the vapors of your saving grace
I am everything you've hated to love and loved to hate

Now exhale your pain
Oh exalted Soul
Pity I bring you no relief
Rather, wield a sword

Now as I overwhelm
And pull you down under
You can take the helm
But your vessels asunder

Your heart and lungs are now black
I harbor plague, yet still you'll come back
Because your peace of mind rests with me
In these most tumultuous tides
 Aug 2013 Cassie
I like my body
And I use it to express myself
Which is legitimate and fine
Because it is mine
It belongs to me
So when you,
Who I trust
And confide in
Condemn me for
the choices that I make
I feel like my walls are caving in
Like there's not a mind left on this planet
who understands, who loves, who cares
If I can't come to you
I am alone
You abandoned me
Made my skin feel cold
Left me out
Used my confessions to hurt me
Abuse me
Minimize me
You made me feel stupid
You mocked my self respect
Tore it out from under me and distorted it
Tried to convince me I didn't own it
I never thought I'd find so much hate
Hidden inside of someone I loved so deeply
You have no idea the pain you've caused
When you decided to
tell me how to live
As if I'm too ******* pathetic
To know on my own
You think you're better than me
You think I should hate myself
Well I don't
But I do hate you
 Aug 2013 Cassie
I wanted to feel the crevices of her collarbones,
to caress the curves of her legs, grab her protruding hip bones,
hold her delicate hands and take in her breaktaking smile.
I wanted to say I got to hold her plump but flawless thighs,
kissed the concave stomach of hers
and felt each individual vertebrae of her spine.
The embrace during a hug from her was unbearably calming and secure.
The precious look on her face when she awoke every morning,
was too much to handle at times.
She was lovely, unique, beautiful and perfect,
but most importantly she was all I thought about,
until that one day she said she would be mine.
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