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the clouds bloom
like mysterious flowers
seeming  to survive by soaking up
the tears of the waiting multitude.
they churn the wind
causing it to blow through
my every cell
filtering through my every pore
as i abandon any hope
of maintaining some adult-like dignity
the puddles call
the rain falls
and i let myself go

- Vijayalakshmi Harish
   Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
 Jul 2013 Cassidy
Sir B
I realize
I made mistakes
One too many
I wish to change them
Apologize for them

I can change them by
Time Travelling
I see nothing wrong with it
But I hope
I make the right choices the second time...
Thank you for reading the above poem. Means a lot to me now.
 Jul 2013 Cassidy
 Jul 2013 Cassidy
I don't often feel
And if I do
I can replace it
With many things.
I have other
That I prefer
And it isn't difficult
For me
To choose
To be sad.
I do not
Partially because
I cannot
Perhaps I am
Cried out?
I used to
But I don't
I have outlets
To release emotion
And a couple
To talk to.
I don't even have to tell people
About my problems
Because they are minor
And I feel
To bring it up
Even if I am asked.
So even a friendly
Even if the person is unaware
Of their impact
On my life.
I wonder
If these people know
How much I appreciate
I want to help them.
With their worries
I want to improve their moods
But sometimes I need
Because no one
Is strong enough
 Jul 2013 Cassidy
 Jul 2013 Cassidy
It was his first day at school
I noticed him amongst a crowd of people
I passed him in the hallway and
I admired his hair
At lunch I spoke and
He told me of his day
He smelt like home and he looked like it too.

It was our second year at school
I noticed him amongst a crowd of new people
I glanced at him in the hallway and
I noticed he altered his hairstyle
At lunch I cried and
He told me it would be okay
He smelt like mystery and he looked mysterious too.

It was our third year at school
I noticed him amongst the crowd that do silly things
I peered at him in the hallway and
I noticed he had covered his hair with a hood
At lunch I spoke and
He sneered and left
He smelt a lot older and he looked it too.

It was our fourth year at school
I noticed him amongst the crowd I'd been warned about
I darted from him in the hallway and
I noticed he had grown his hair to cover his eyes
At lunch I sat in silence and
He ridiculed me
He smelt like cigarettes and he looked like he hadn't a clue.

It was his fifth year at school
He drifted from the crowd every one knows about
People shift away from him in the hallway and
They notice his hair covers his sunken eyes
At lunch he sits in silence and
They ridicule him
He smells like regret, because I left too soon.
 Jul 2013 Cassidy
maybella snow
i wanted my hair
           to be pretty and curly today
   i put it up in pin curls last night
                         it didn't work
instead it went frizzy
     because i had brushed it to get rid of
the dread-lock look
i just wanted to look
       pretty today
with curly hair
 Jul 2013 Cassidy
Mike Hauser
Poor Man says...
If I had money
Then I would be free...

Rich Man says...
If I had more money
Then more money is what I'd need...

Poor Man says...
If I had a Mansion
Then who could want for more...

Rich Man says...
I have three Mansions
I'm working on my fourth...

Poor Man says...
I'd have all these friends
I'd shower them with much...

Rich Man says...
I have friends
But don't know who to trust...

Poor Man says...
With my money
I would buy happiness...

Rich Man says...
When the money arrived
Is when the happiness left...
 Jul 2013 Cassidy
Jess Petra
 Jul 2013 Cassidy
Jess Petra
The infinitely large and deep eyes
Against mysterious and elegant black skin
Unite our dark and romantic heaven

The beautiful are difficult to obtain beneath these skies
As if in another world to win
We live hidden past the shadows and around eleven

Peaceful night chaos reject the sunrise
In search of wondrous dreams from angelic twins
Leaving this whole world make believe

Fly by the clouds drawn by black horses
In simple black dresses
With long black tresses

Where there is no light
Just ivory black
Figure pottery black
And chinese ink sticks black
 Jul 2013 Cassidy
Valerie Watts
The rigger journeyman was city bred,
But Cumberland was in his bones,
He saw the hills above the doors,
He saw the fells above the roofs
And when the great pain came,
His eyes belonged to them again.

By Ruskin Street he stopped to choke
At forty six, his wife beside,
My father's line revealed to me,
A farming, rigging family tree.

His place of death recorded so,
Not 'in' or 'at' but 'by' they wrote,
Impressionistic, vague, but true,
Or careless hand for riggers, who
In city great of small account
By Ruskin Street,
Out for the count...

The journey ends
And Benson, male,
No sails will mend.
On finding Victorian death certificate of ancestor.
 Jul 2013 Cassidy
Jeremy Bean
Hurting myself
just to see if it helps
because there is nothing else
The gears have stopped turning
the passion stopped burning
its beyond my discerning
Every decision
fuels the addiction
of my own self affliction
I've loosened my grip
on everything I wished
in this ignorant bliss
 Jul 2013 Cassidy
there is a chance that i may never hear you voice again
and it is that chance that makes me pick up a cigarette
for the first time
there is a chance that i may never see your face again
and it is that chance that makes me wipe tears from my eyes
every single night
there is a chance that i may never feel your love again
and it is that chance that makes me pick up a knife
for the very last time
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