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May 2015 · 588
Carrie Bradshaw May 2015
Dancing colors..
Playful lines...
unique figures ..
Things playing into your mind
Draw it into a*  canvas
  *Bring it some joy or sorrow
Play free with your emotion
Play with your imagination
Bring it some art
Bring it some life
That canvas of a plain white  
I want to paintttttttt...♥♥♥^O^
May 2015 · 2.7k
**Faces of Beauty**
Carrie Bradshaw May 2015
Different faces.
Different stories.
So many faces
with different beauty.

Barbie  face..
Smokey eyes..
Red kissable lips..
Skin color so white
Beautiful Famas face
  all girls
   would wish they have

Pink cheeks..
Tangerine lips..
Curly eyelashes
so fine
Beautiful bubbly face
    can melt a man's heart

Ashame ladies hid
their  faces
Shy having pimples
or any scars
Things  signifies hardwork
Tells you ,you're strong
Face that reminds you,
the true Beauty
is inside you're heart

Face that tells you a story  of
We are all perfect even if we have flaws.. because I believe that flaws complete us no matter what ...don't be shy.. ♥♥♥
You're beautiful
May 2015 · 946
**Faces of Beauty**
Carrie Bradshaw May 2015
Different faces.
Different stories.
So many faces
with different beauty.

Barbie  face..
Smokey eyes..
Red kissable lips..
Skin color so white
Beautiful Famas face
  all girls
   would wish they have

Pink cheeks..
Tangerine lips..
Curly eyelashes
so fine
Beautiful bubbly face
    can melt a man's heart

Ashame ladies hid
their  faces
Shy having pimples
or any scars
Things  signifies hardwork
Tells you ,you're strong
Face that reminds you,
the true Beauty
is inside you're heart

Face that tells you a story  of *beauty
We are all perfect even if we have flaws.. because I believe that flaws complete us no matter what ...don't be shy.. ♥♥♥
You're beautiful
May 2015 · 463
**I LIED**
Carrie Bradshaw May 2015
Her favorite role
in an act
No one would probaby know
That she's alone, weak
and sad inside
Scared to be left
Left alone in the dark
Smile on her lips
doesn't seems to fade
signifies bittersweet lies
No one knows
when she's alone,
she cries
When the lights are off,
She's awake
Thinking how she end up
..Thinking who will care for her
who'll  gonna trust her
accept her
without doubt
Even though
*I lied

— The End —