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 Nov 2012 Caroline
Kam Rayefski
My eyes were always open, but never awake
Music I always write, but songs I could never make
I have never wanted much, never asked for love
I simply wanted assurance, a plea to up above

I spent a long while, lost and erratic
I was never with true love, just always dramatic
Living life with an empty feeling, never truly whole
And I always scramble for reason, but I couldn't gain control

Fighting my untamed feelings, mind against thought
I’d always try to do the right, but always be the not
Until one day when all hope was lost
Came unexpectedly, my luck suddenly crossed

Her smile quite soothing, her thoughts like mine
Her romance overwhelming, she is simply divine
She returned to me my poorest of gifts
She gave back my confidence, my deepest of rifts

Her beauty was like the snow, so delicate and pure
This woman with great power, poisoned me with no cure
This disease called love, killed me and had me born again
She stole me from insanity, but kindly bestowed me sane

She lifted me off my feet with a simple kiss
The ground I never knew, and I could never miss
To her I could return the same, I could always be complete
This woman I will marry, an event I would repeat

Together the world never could matter, but matter all the more
With love as strong as ours, no sadness anymore
Goodnight, Goodbye, Farewell to all
I was once lost, but now that I cannot recall

Eyes like yours I could never forget
Love like ours I can never regret
For you I will wait the end of the sun
We shall live until I am dust and done
A thousand miles away
Alone in the dark of night
Somethings missing
Somethings not right
Silence fills the room
Like humidity in the air
Lacking breath
Near is my doom
Sadness consumes me
Down into my bones
Laughter and happiness all around
Yet non that I can see

In enters worry
He controls me Invades my thoughts
Makes my world become blurry
As he spins a new being
From his own wicked thread
Wishing he would leave
Needing you to be near
He insists upon my hospitality
Giving me nothing
But hopelessness and dread
Please let me go
Allow me to be free
Free me from this evil

He is worry's favorite company
He spins the wicked thread
Tighter and tighter
Around my neck
Like thieves in the dark of night
My will - they steal
Life fleeting
Gasping for air
My love, my heart, hear me
Remind me of your love
Sit next to me
In the depths of this pit
Hold my hand
Till the monsters release me
From their grasp of death, doom and dread
Breathe sweet life into my lips
Stay till all is still

Breath again slow
Not labored and raspy
Fall into a deep sleep
Head in my lovers lap
Wrap me in your love
Safe now, consumed in you
i feel...trapped.
i'm locked in a box,
in my very own mind,
and i cant get out.

i cant escape,
cant leave, i hold the only key,
but there's no convincing me,
i wont give it up.

i cant. not yet.
i wont give away my sanity.
i wont give it away,
cant let it free,
cant let go of what makes me, me.

it builds up, all this depressive creativity,
longing to break free,
to bursts through the cracks,
and bubble up from beneath.

to leave me feeling...empty.
empty, and relieved,
that my eyes can see me for me,
and not who my captors want me to be.

i want to be free.
I listen to your view.
About all those that has hurt you.
And I truly wants to advise you.
That you hold apart of the blame too.

You chase after those lost souls.
That used and abuse you for their purpose.
And if given another chance.
You still be playing that role.

You a fool by choice.

You don't listen to your mind.
It advise you honestly with truth.
Then you afraid of what others might say about you.

You a fool by choice.

Notice that friends sometimes are worse.
They place you in situation that only gets worst.
Except, what you think is sincerity?
Is a friend with desperate needs.

You fool by choice.

Make up your mind.
To leave depression and stress behind.
It's only dragging you down.

Just refuse to be a fool by choice.
 Oct 2012 Caroline
Daniel Kenneth
I can't get her out of my head
It's this girl
A stranger to me, yet all I can think of
Beautiful beyond belief
A million dollar smile
The easiest laugh I have ever had the pleasure of hearing
Its this girl
And she will never be mine

Walks in the park
Naps in the sun
I just want some tea by the fire
Skinny dipping at midnight
Kisses stolen, snatches of heaven
Secrets shared, sleep long forgotten
I just want to love, and be loved

That's not how it works though
For me, anyways
I will get loneliness
Nights spent by myself
Nobody to share the blanket with
Or to rely on, while being relied on

Its this girl
And she won't be mine
 Oct 2012 Caroline
 Oct 2012 Caroline
Gleaming chrome
Reflecting skin
Revving up
Climb on in

Leather seats
Lay Em back
Open wide
Commence attack

Engine screaming
Round the turn
Oil and sweat
Bodies’ burn

Pistons thrusting
Up and down
Primal screams
Rumbling sounds

Friction building
Perfect time
Checkered flag
Cross the line
 Oct 2012 Caroline
beginnings  bring
everyday anger
setting slings
of unfortune
upon girls
crying, innocents
bodies disfigured
all for
your disembodied

forcing your
crimes against
my sisters
little brothers
you’ve stolen


and your
selfish ideologies
they were
just babies
with hands
beautiful hearts
dreaming sweetly

you are
lifetimes away
continents apart
just pray
you never
feel wrath
of this mother
this sister
this angry girl.
the day will come when the fullness of all ones actions are realized
 Oct 2012 Caroline
Megan OMalley
I lie awake in bed so still
Helpless i'm forced to take that pill
I cannot move, my fight is gone
I just listen to my favourite song.

My lips are chapped, cracked and dry
As my hair falls out i say goodbye
To those i love and who love me
Forever in my memory

But time goes on and they'll forget
The way i moved and the scent of my breath
So bury me in my favourite clothes,
My lady bird shoes and big clown nose

Then when Mama looks at me in my box
She remembers me saying
"I'll be an astronaut"

She starts to cry, as she only sees
The innocence that washed over me
So Papa takes her by the hand
And as she sobs she gives the command

My box goes down but i sore high
Me and my spaceship
Drift into the sky
 Oct 2012 Caroline
hold you?
upon their shoulder
like a boulder?
who is going
to kiss you

who is going
to miss you
while trying
to kiss you?
who will cuddle you
through the night?

who is going
all the
just to want
be your best friend?

who is going
miss the beginning
for you
just to be
at the end?

who is at the start
of every day?

who is the last to
be your
as it all
drifts away?

who is going to
want to guess
what tomorrow
will bring?

who is the only
to never
assume anything?

who really knows you?

as someone who you are?
or are they
just another
shooting star?
who is really going to know you?
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