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I think it's in my blood to love
to be aloof among white picket fences
to scar easily and to cry under a witch's spell
rearrange my things
throw them away
give them away
I'm going to give you away
you're just old ***** laundry
with a stronger stench to you
 Oct 2012 Caroline
morgan nicole
I hate you.
I need you.
You make me sick.
Im addicted
all it took was one hit
now I
I can't let you go.
Your breath is the sweetest.
Your eyes stab into my soul.
You have became my
Beautiful nightmare.
it's easier to lie to myself and say
I'm not falling in love
because it scares me so badly
it's easier to fall out

I'm just a bear cub
following your ways
to see what's okay

There he stood, upon that ledge.
Barely a step, from the edge.

Looking down, upon far away ground.
There was no movement, and no sound.

Tears streamed down from that lonely face.
He stood no glory, nor no grace.

'Its all gone, why can't they see?
There's nothing left to take from me.'

'Nothing more I can give,
I've lost the fight, my will to live.'

One more step, one deep sigh.
He closed his eyes, and ceased to cry.

With his last words he whispered to,
Any one that he once knew.

'Good bye, and please don't cry for me.
Sure I'm gone, now you might see.

I couldn't take it anymore,
For all this hurt, there is no cure.

The pain it burned and killed my heart.
You all hated me from the start.

I only wish, the one that mattered,
Would have seen, instead that shattered.

He didn't even realize,
That I loved him; that I tried.

Goodbye, all, its time to die.'
And with that he plunged, from the sky.

His last words, with his last breath,
His last movement, what a mess.

The tears that shed, upon his grave.
The flowers that, weepers gave.

If only they would have showed,
How much they love it, that he glowed.

If only they would have seen,
The sadness that stole his dream.

And the one whose love he didn't know,
Echoed through his heart also,

Wept upon his grave that day,
Then followed him, the same way.
As the locusts sang in the twilight heat
The Sun no longer baked the city-street,
The lonely last was her to repeat.

Her lonely soul ready to bare
Trying to hide her utter despair,
She wouldn't mind if there were someone to share,

Seeing lovers in the park
Who would hold hands without a care,
She would cry inside, 'It just isn't fair."
In August.

May never comes too soon
June is the month to spoon
July just right for a honeymoon

But August?

July 16 1963
 Oct 2012 Caroline
 Oct 2012 Caroline
I look at this blank page
I see nothing there
So I start to fill spaces
Between all the air

And then I did wonder
If it truly was me
That filled in the spaces
That lie in between

Or where all the spaces
Already there
And I only traced them
To make them appear

I know it sounds crazy
But what if its true
That all is prewritten
Everything that we do

And every step taken
Is merely a print
That’s only revealed
When we step upon it
 Oct 2012 Caroline
Thomas Hardy
He was leaning by a face,
He was looking into eyes,
And he knew a trysting-place,
And he heard seductive sighs;
But the face,
And the eyes,
And the place,
And the sighs,
Were not, alas, the right ones—the ones meet for him—
Though fine and sweet the features, and the feelings all abrim.

She was looking at a form,
She was listening for a tread,
She could feel a waft of charm
When a certain name was said;
But the form,
And the tread,
And the charm,
And name said,
Were the wrong ones for her, and ever would be so,
While the heritor of the right it would have saved her soul to know!
 Oct 2012 Caroline
Harumi Ikeda
I'd write a love poem
But i don't have anything to say
Because love left home
And died during it's escape

With no way of revival
It never really felt safe
In this house of games
And frivolous ways

You say i broke your heart in two
Well, you shattered mine
And refused to come help pick up the pieces
Now, who needs more help?
Me or you?

Failure is my motivation
But success is my greatest fear
And the lies that are whispered
Will always land in my ear

So the pen shall rest silent
And the paper will be blank
You'll probably cry bitter tears
I'll just laugh through my pain
one day I promise to be less fragile for you
I won't take every kiss on my forehead too literally
and when you hold my hand I'll know it doesn't mean a thing
but I hope that one day it means something again
maybe as much as the handfuls of goodbyes you've spent on me
or the dumpsters full of hellos you've saved

— The End —