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 Mar 2013 Caroline
Amanda Fawcett
You asked me how I am doing
and I said “Good”
You asked me to be honest
and I said “I’m fine”
You told me to expand.
I replied,
"I'm not good at all.
And I want that to be simple enough.
I'm not being exaggerative
or selfish
or birthing drama for drama's sake.
It's just that I am here.
Here on silly earth,
And I feel alone at crossroads in my life.
I am under no illusion
of my incredibly blessed
or undeserving existence.
But that's just the problem.
LIFE is starting now.
And for the first time,
I have had to make choices
choices on my own
(according to mother)
will shape who I fundamentally
become as a human.
So that's a bit distracting.
‘You need to remember not to let people down.’
‘You should consider how you love someone, not just when to.’
‘You ought to be more assertive or it'll all come crashing down.’
She reminds me of my
uncontrollable imperfection
on a daily basis
Not necessarily through her words
I doubt she wants to inflict this on me.
But the way way she stares at me sometimes
from across the room.
Like she’s trying to admire a painting
that secretly
no one quite appreciates
or understands
but everyone seems to find profound meaning in it
so you go along
with the show.
Which I wouldn't have a problem with
if I could wake up refreshed in the
And not tired
like I am.
All the time.
I’m tired of being fifteen.
Because inside,
I don’t feel fifteen.
My mind turns on fifty year old gears
churning up one hundred year old
The age in which I currently must suffer through
is misunderstood
and incorrectly represented.
Teenager is a word parents
shudder to hear.
A word elders instantly accuse.
A word authorities doubt without reasonable basis.
The drum pumping my soul
is in fact a solo ensemble.
I am naturally clumped in with the lot
of marching bands
that clash and crash,
stomp and slam their drums
as they parade the flag
of fickle rebellion
into the air they barely know.
Don’t get me wrong,
the stereotypes of my age and time
are drawn up
from some truth,
but one truth shouldn’t result
in one outlook.
You don’t roll dice with
only threes on the faces
or only ones.
So it is hard to watch as
everywhere I go,
titles and labels
are being stuck into me
like toothpicks in a fruit salad.
And first of all,
just because society cuts me up
and breaks me down like a pineapple
you can buy with leftover quarters
doesn’t mean that I’m up for grabs.
And secondly,
No one should be branded
simply because
it is easier to ignore them
than to know them.
Don’t hear this as a “oh she’s a teenage girl” moment
hear this as a “she’s a human and wants to be heard without your filter over her words” moment
So, I’m having a hard time with that.
Not to mention the rest.”

“The rest?” You asked.

“You know,”
I said,
“How I have to decide what school
I am going to commit to
which is slightly like choosing
between your two parents.
You can’t pick one happily
and freely
without knowing what could’ve been
if you lived with dad instead.
It’s tricky to wake up in the morning.
It’s tricky to get out of bed
because I know that sooner than later
I will either be moving
that bed into the basement
or into a dorm
which won’t be on the campus I really desire
because God knows I didn’t
save enough pennies for that.
My whole future is before me.
Almost literally
considering the number of pamphlets stapled
over the dreams I carved so meticulously
out of my ‘mind wood’
with my ‘What do you want to be when you grow up’ knife.
So that’s intimidating.
And all those “it’ll work itself out” speeches
that surround me
don’t make the choices
suddenly blare across the radio
or start blinking from neon signs
telling me what to do
what to chose
what to be.
In the end,
all those “don’t worry about it”
and “you’ll figure it out”
do nothing but put a knot in my gut
that no amount of research
or interviews
or Friday night pig outs
can untie.
Because this stuff,
these moments as I build my foundation
for my single LIFE with little slippery Lego blocks
are not made with cheery hand-outs
or inspiring quotes.
LIFE is formed by me
choosing which Lego brick color
choosing which Lego brick shape
and of course
choosing which people will
help me to construct it.
It’s tricky
It’s messy
It’s loud
and it makes other things
hard to focus on.”

“Other things?”
You said.

“Other things.”
I reply.
“You know,
those books I have to read
those graphs I have to draw
those tests I have to study for
those miles I have to run
those words I have to memorize
those labs I have to finish
those annotations I have to complete
those poems I have to parse.
Don’t get me wrong.
I don’t mind school
Unlike the kids who complain
that they are forced to educate themselves.
I have no problem learning.
In fact, I want to
long to.
It’s not the books
or the deadlines.
It’s the people.
The people.
The cowardly childish people
with their smug clothes
and horrendous attitudes
that you can smell just over
the stink of their pomp.
I feel for them
because they don’t feel for themselves.
and because there is little way to prove to these kids
that they can be them
not doctored them
or decorated them
the “them” they thrive to be
not the “them” they try to be.
So I’m surrounded by people
icky people
whose glares and stares
and whispers like cold ghosts
leave me too feeling torn between
being myself
(whatever that even means)
and being accepted.
I want to be free
to try new things,
but new things are poison here at school
new things are demeaning
because they’re demanding.
I have moments where I say
‘Be you. What does it matter?’
But then when I am alone
at the table
at the only open table
with the last chair
the one that squeaks if you
rock to the left
when I am
listening to the music no one knows
and reading the book no one chose
thinking about the movie even no theater shows
that’s when moments of guilt ridden
loneliness bring me to say
‘Put yourself away for now.
Put in a pin in it.
Come back to what you want
after you’re done being what
society thinks you need.’
it is hard to be loved
by one sided people
it is hard to be loved
when the world wants you to say
what it wants to hear.
Us teenagers think we wear invincibility cloaks
So we never have to see those under the invisibility cloaks
‘Don’t question it!’
seems to be the motto of most I meet here.
Because who wants to learn,
who wants to try
if it makes them question their comfort?
And of course that all just touches the surface
of that other thing.
The thing I don’t want to really talk about.”

You pushed me to tell you.

So I did.
“I’m afraid
of God.
I’m afraid
of Death.
I can’t go off of blind faith
like I did when I was young.
I can’t accept ‘Jesus loves you
this I know’
because this I don’t know.
And no one
Not my parent
Not my mentor
Not even my Bible
can give me enough hope in this regard
to bring me to accept not knowing.
This amount of stress is me
Sits as a damp frog
Pestering me to choose
Croaking up unformed opinions
in the form of tar
that I get trapped in.
How can I believe in something
How can I devote my life to something
How can I pray to someone
that I am not even convinced has cared
for a thousand years?
I want to think God knows my name
that he is above me as
those shiny, divine painting portray.
But they’re lies.
And people expect me to believe
that he is smiling down on me like
a new daddy over a crib.
He isn’t a father to me.
So, I feel lost
and confused
and scared that I’m wrong
and even more terrified that I am right.
I’m scared of
And I’m scared
to die.
I don’t quite think I even know
how to live yet.”

You said.

I whispered.
“I know.”

We both paused.
My arms rested
at my sides.
Yours swung across
your chest.

“So you’re doing great then?”
You managed to slide through a smile.
“That’s good to hear.”
 Mar 2013 Caroline
Afna S
Complicated, she says.

Her feelings for him are complicated.

She’s fallen hard without even realizing it herself.

She’s irrevocably, truly, madly, and deeply in love with him.

Perhaps, he might feel the same way.

He makes her smile, & laugh like the rest of the world doesn’t matter anymore.
He makes her feel beautiful, wanted, & loved.

Time goes on...
She watches as he slowly unravels, exposing his true colors.

Uncovering him layer by layer.

It’s not the same anymore.

He’s not the same.

He makes her frustrated, upset and angry.

Tears from crying over him every night have turned into a silent, restrained sob.

She tries to tell herself she’s over it

But if you ask her if she truly loves him, she’ll say…
It’s complicated.
 Mar 2013 Caroline
Abagail Marie
Fighting hard ,
Just to stay awake.
Thinking back ,
On my mistakes..
When will I ever learn?

Headphones on,
The world is gone.
Drowning in the rhythm ,
To my favorite song..
Where will I find my place?

Hiding far,
Behind these blue eyes.
No one can tell,
It's just a disguise..
Who would ever notice?

Sitting alone,
Throughout the day.
Daydreaming of places,
I can go to get away..
What would it take to leave?

Writing seems,
To free my mind..
All of my thoughts,
Just seem to unwind..
Why do I find this helpful?

Staring outside,
At the passerbys..
Wondering who's lives
Are a web of lies...
How are we alike?
 Mar 2013 Caroline
Cat A
 Mar 2013 Caroline
Cat A
By myself
By others
The pain never ending
The happiness it's good
But I can't bare to watch it
Thinking that you can be mine
But it's all just a lost dream
The tears, the thoughts, the breaks
All learning toward one thing
The potential lies come together
To form an endless reality
Of hate
 Mar 2013 Caroline
med box
 Mar 2013 Caroline
running 'round in my head ,
racing and chasing
they're thoughts i can't put to bed
now i write words
that are better left unsaid
only thing worth reading
are just words re-read
the voices, these things
screaming in my head
they tell me, they tell me
i'm better off dead
once again medication, you've turned a corner
science and technology, a brand new order
you've taken my heart and censored it entirely
pieces of me that have been lost along the way
god hopes that i don't forget, and remember this day
this night , this moment that you've shown your face
the last piece you took,
was all there was to take away
 Feb 2013 Caroline
Adam Schwab
It was a Tuesday morning you accomplished the drive.
" almost here" you stated right before you arrived.
I awaited the door like a kid for a bus.
And took your hand up the stairs, just the two of us.

I cracked the door so it's just me and you.
Then I turned on will Ferrells love me **** tune.
I danced to the rhythm and you smirked to the rhyme.
And in that moment I knew you were mine.

I leaned in close with my hand on your back and you on the bed.
And the  necklace i gave  tied  to the base of your head.
The sun beamed through the dusty filled room.
As I slipped in a kiss, our hearts  made a boom

We trotted around to the window we stood .
It was hard to contain myself, I really should.
Right Up against you our lungs seemed to bind.
Each breath that we took , they seemed synchronized

But now I'm away and you are back home.
I'm tired of waiting, I feel so alone.
And when I feel down and distant from you.
I think of this time, when we were one and not two.
 Feb 2013 Caroline
Funny how we woke up in the morning
and pretended that tomorrow never happened—
strutted naked in mirrors celebrating our youth,
laughing, knowing suns and moons couldn’t do the same.

We borrowed our arms from the fridge
and peddled bicycles with bad breath—
trading war stories ‘cause we knew
if we came back alive
life would still be the death of us.
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