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 Feb 2013 Caroline
Adam Schwab
Sometimes I stare at an object and try to make some sort of connection through its physical being and the life I'm living now.
I always thought poetry was to be an expression of how someone was feeling or the struggles they have been through as some sort of venting relieve from the world. But now I realize its much more. Poetry is whatever you want it to be. A story, and feeling, a want, a need, even imagination .
Theirs no need for structures, stanzas, or rhymes. You give it thought, and a meaning will arise.

Besides poetry I love to express my words through playing guitar. Although I love to write lyrics for them I never seem to use them when I play because I hear the words with ever pick and strum of the strings. And as I lit a candle to play among the flicker of
It's light. To play of a valentines day love from long ago. A love I will never have again with that same individual. I stared  into the light to understand why it
Never worked out. And yes I probably sound very superstitious with fate and all. But as I looked into the flame I realized, that the wick the wax so lovingly grasped slowly became a liquid . And as the flame made its way down to its final flash all that was remaining was a charred string. And I found myself finally breaking free from my heartache of misfortune.
You can't go on being
Miserable over one little thing, over one little person. Yea, that candle may have been the best light you have seen, but their is plenty more out there, and with a little effort to pull a Match, You can light a new candle.
 Feb 2013 Caroline
I don't regret the moments we had.

I could have turned the wasted into something constructive; too bad.

I keep to myself and don't call out to you.

You call and I do everything I can to help you pull through.

You whispered sweet nothings in my ear

To which you replied, "I'm sorry you thought I was serious my dear."

Now you wonder why I've grown cold

Being taken advantage of has grown so, so old.

The things you say are now just words

Hollow like the wings of birds'.

Don't take this as a declaration of hate

I simply believe in thinking that my words have weight.

If it is not true then the words won't pass my lips

I'm sorry if they sting like whips.

Little by little I refused to participate

As a result my feelings slowly seems to dissipate.

I was hoping for a sudden removal of the whole thing

A little bit of both was just what I needed to end this fling.

The air is crisp and I can feel a new leaf is turning

Finally being happy after all those weeks of yearning.
 Feb 2013 Caroline
I lov(ed) you
 Feb 2013 Caroline
She might loved you
but I loved you more
than anything I've ever
loved in my whole life
she might been there
when you needed her
but I was there when you
didn't even need a thing
I loved everything about
you even your darkest
secrets, flaws, imperfections
secrets that you only shared
with me, flaws that were
nothing but perfection in
my eyes, imperfections that
made me fall in love with
you more and more
I loved you despite all the
pain you caused, the long
sleepless nights and every
single piece you scattered
of this shattered heart
Everything I am now.
It's because of you.
When doubts appears within me.
You're there to push me.
The greater I am.
Is because of you
Yes, the greater I am.
Is because of you.

You probably feel I take you for granted.
But put those thoughts down.
Cause, even if you never realize your importance.
Please comprehend I must do.

The man that stands before you.
Is only greater because of you.

You make me better as a man.
When I could be failing myself.

Realize this.
Realize this.
You make me greater.
I stand above my bed
And examine the damage.
Blankets this way and that
Pillows all over
Sheets tangled up around themselves.
Proof of something that
Only hours ago
Left this place empty.
I take in the rubble
And breathe deeply.
I lower myself down to those
Tangled sheets
And backwards bedspreads
And fill my lungs with you.
I pull them up around me
And close my eyes
And wish for this place to be
The same kind of battleground
Again tomorrow.
 Jan 2013 Caroline
Andy Cave
Take a look at yourself
what do you see
is this the person
you'd imagined you'd be
sunken eyes from sleepless nights
bitterness you hide inside
you try to hide your pain
push away your problems
just to feel ashamed
ashamed to hide from yourself
and ashamed to admit
you were wrong.
Wasted years chasing an image in my mind.
When you were before me.
Wasted days chasing after this sight and picture of love.
When you were always before me.

We grew up surrounded by one another.
Even attended the same school together.
And, now we are lovers.

I never figure it.
Hardly imagine it.
Until your worth rubbed off onto me.

It's been said that love walks around in your company.
And you was within mine.

I never knew it.
Always looked through you.
Until the day I saw you.

And you became more beautiful.

I now know it.
I now can tesify about it.
Cause when I look to my right.
You are beside me.

Love found me.
When I found you.
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