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Carolin May 2015
Rosy cheeks. Cranberry
flavored lips. Wild curls like
dandelions in my eyes. A
shy smile that took a while
to be formed. Innocence of
a lost child is what i see in
your beautiful face. Thick
eyebrows perfectly drawn
just like the ones of a wolf
in the woods. I'm still left
with the question how many
days did it take God to
create the details found
on your skin and face
every time i watch the
sun set and rise in your
beautiful eyes* ~
Carolin Jun 2015
Dressed in black smoke.
Burning in flames.

Words were trapped in my
throat , making me not able
to cry or sigh.

My colours faded away into
the black and grey. I was
left alone with nothing to
say while I was drenched
in my own misery and

The room was getting dark.
My life was falling apart. My
heart was torn to shards.
Poison filled up my veins.

The ventricles of my heart
tangled up. But you, you
showed up and untangled
every knot.

And that was how we fell
in love.That was how I was
rescued and saved* ~
Carolin Sep 2014
Caress my hips and
kiss my flesh. Listen
to the melodies these
moans will make. It's
only a matter of seconds
and you'll manage to
break through the raging
storms taking place under
my soft delicate fragile skin.
Tell me darling that you
can fix my broken bones
and kiss my devilish horns.
Promise me you'll always love
me in such different forms* ~
Carolin Oct 2014
Kiss till
the lips go
numb and
you're both
about to
explode from
the fun* ~
Carolin Jul 2014
Did you read what
Tyler Knott Gregson
wrote "Wasted are the
days where the skin
beneath our clothes
doesn't get touched"
she told him. Before
she knew it he fiercely
ripped open the buttons
of her shirt. He took his
hands and touched her
chest freeing all that
was trapped within.
Lips to lips they created
a magical kiss. Skin on
skin they felt the shivers
begin. Body heat filled
the room sweat dripped
like rain slipping off
forest tree leaves. Moans
got louder as they felt the
thrill begin. She said kiss
me over and over to write
fine poetry on my skin we'll
read It together to see if it could
rhyme after we have a glass of red wine ~
Carolin May 2015
I am stronger than this.
I am stronger than having
my hands and legs tied
and ready to commit suicide.
I have poems ready to burst
deep down from the inside.
Dreams that are waiting to
be chased. A light that is
ready to shine over my
shadows and dark. I am
stronger than this. Water
will not defeat me tonight.
I refuse to give up and die.
I want to exist. To swim to
the surface and make it alive
to the water's shore. I want
to love and live* ~
Carolin Feb 2017
They said I could be
whatever I wanted to be.
So I decided to be a
poetess. I decided to be
wild and free. I broke out
of my skin. Dressed my
self up with my papers
and pen. Broke my walls
and burnt my bridges ,
stepped on my past and
took out my stitches. I
became a soul drenched
in chaos and raw emotions.
I became madly in love
with a man who became
my religion and god. With
a man who became
everything I've believed
in. I became madly in
love with a man who
washed me from sin
and made me holy
again the minute he
touched my back
and chest. The
minute he kissed
my lips and
hips ~
Carolin Oct 2014
I bow to the light in you.
For it is all i see in the dead
of night. Kiss my burning flesh
and leave little promises behind.
Brush the chaos off my skin while
you undo my black and grey tight
dress. I'm sure the feeling it will leave
behind will be the best. Caress your
hands above my chest. For it is where
you can come and rest. I'll be your own
personal cozy nest. Hide under my skin
from the world when it darkness and seems
like it will end. I'll make secret tunnels for
you to hide within. The light in you shines
over the darkness in me. Almost like how
the sun shines over the sea. I'll bow to the
light in you the way angels do with light at
heaven's gates. I believe you and I are more
than what could be destiny and fate* ~
Carolin Aug 2015
I carry your heart in the
middle of my chest.

Between my *******.

A place where it's safe
to rest.

Your heartbeat is the lullaby
that helps me go to sleep.

It's the medicine that heals
me as it's fast and cheap.

I carry your heart wherever
I go.

Through ice and snow.

Through rain and storms.

I carry your heart through
it all* ~
Carolin May 2015
You peeled the mask
off my face. Saw the
scars that marked my
flesh. Caressed the skin
below. You called me
pretty as you sighed your
poetry down my throat. I
watched your eyes make
love to my soul. In that
moment i knew you would
be my home for an eternity
and i couldn't ask my God
for more* ~
Carolin Jan 2015
And if the room is set
on fire , I'll inhale the
smoke just to see your
face clearly. Just incase
death sets us apart. I'd
like to see the details of
your face so i could carve
it in my heart while i wait
for you to come visit my
grave. I'd die for you my
love* ~
Carolin Apr 2015
Dress me up like a pretty
bride. Dress me up in colours
of white. Adjust the flowers
in my hair. Dance with me
to the song in our hearts. Throw
the rose up in the air. I'll twist
and twirl and jump to catch it
in mid air. Holding it in my mouth. Holding it between my teeth i'll
do the salsa and dance around before i hand it over to you.
Because tonight is the night
where we'll be saying our I
do's* ~
Carolin Apr 2015
I don't believe in black
or white. I believe in
human rights. Doesn't
matter if your chocolate
brown or caramel like.
Doesn't matter if your
vanilla white. We're all
humans and so we
should wake up and
start to unite* ~
Carolin May 2015
And darling I
don't mind lighting
myself up in flames
to light up your
dark* ~
Carolin Jan 2016
If I walk into the forest
will I become like those
big old trees ?

If I walk under the violent
rain will I be a wrecking
storm of my own ?

If I walk into a meadow
will I bloom the same
way the daffodils and
tulips do ?

If I walk in a wedding
dress and stick flowers
in my hair will you marry
me and say your vows ?

Will you kiss me and
whisper the words of
"I do" in my mouth* ? ~
Carolin Aug 2014
It hurts dancing to the beat of the dial tone. Almost feels like dancing bare foot on a million stones. If I could shrink in and crawl through
the phone lines to fall into your arms trust me I would. To be the size that will fit the rubber and plastic that would be fantastic. All I need is just
a little bit of twisted magic. But i'll cross a thousand states to be right beside you if I could. If only this chaotic dream can come true ~
Carolin Jan 2016
If you leave me i'll suffocate.
I'll know how it feels to drown without water.

I'll know how to cry rivers
and lakes. My life will become
one big mistake. And i'll be
trapped in my room.

Making paper boats and
watching them float on the
tears that roll across my

If you leave me i'll runaway
from life. Slice my veins with
a knife. And watch the red
mix with the salt of my tears.

I'll drop to the floor as the
blood stains my clothes while
my eyeliner smudges and
smears as it covers the
details of my face till it
slowly disappears.

If you leave me the air won't
reach my lungs. The blood will refuse to pump in the
chambers of my
broken heart.

Because I love you.
Endless love* ~
Carolin Feb 2017
I feel numb and cold. I
feel isolated and bored.
My hands have sinned
again. This body is no
longer holy without you
by its side. Without your
hands caressing my
arms and thighs.

I painted a map on the
wall. Planned to build a
raft to float across the
ocean hoping to land
on your shores.

I can't sleep alone
anymore. I have to
move next to you. I
forgot what is it like to
feel. Lost my appetitive
and will to survive. I
need you badly in my
bed sheets tonight. I
stained the walls
with geography.

Paint splattered on my
shirt. And now I'm left
with nothing to do but
to write you a love note
and head out to build
that boat.

I'll be kicking these
waves soon. By dawn
i'll be wrapped up in
your arms. And we'll
be kissing again under
the moon light. But now ,
i have these feral
waves to
fight ~
Carolin Jul 2014
I'll follow you
into the woods
were wolves run
wild and free.
Through open
sprinklers and
wet cement.
Although I
don't know
where i'll go
i'll follow you
until the death
with my very
last breath ~
Carolin Jan 2016
Everyone's love has
faded from my heart
starting with family
and ending with

Your arms are the
ones that i'll chose
to run in when drunk.
Your chest is the one
that i'll hide in. Your
collar bones is where
i'll bury my face in.

For it's you that will
wash me clean
from sin.

And wash my body
from the alcohol
drenching it from
within in order to
make me sober
once again.

It's you darling.

My mind and heart
will always chose
you even if in a
room with a
hundred or
a billion
standing* ~
Carolin Jun 2015
I'll strip my clothes
off for you. And i'm
willing to strip my
skin off too , cause
darling i'm madly in
love with you and all
the things you do* ~
Carolin Jul 2014
His presence fills her veins leaving her craving for more.
She begs for him to leave a part of his soul in her mouth with
the end of every kiss in her dreams . Starting to get attached to
this chaos made up in her head he becomes her escape from this cruel reality. Left alone in the institution at night she asks why can't
you be my favorite pill on the doctor's prescription. Finding his addiction stronger than cigarette nicotine she thinks her love for
him might become a daily routine ~
Carolin Jul 2014
Kiss me a secret but one that you can keep .
Meet me at the edge of the world where it's
silent . I promise there won't be anything violent
there . Tell me im pretty while you adjust those
dandelions in my hair . Would you kiss my neck
if I told you this is a dare . I'll leave a poem in your
mouth for you to keep until the next day comes and
we'd get to meet as the winds ruffle through your curly
hair . For now I'll leave you with these words of I love
you I love you hanging up in the air ~
Carolin Jan 2015
There lay sadness so deep in
his hazelnut brown eyes. It
startled her. Could this be
because of a mother’s love
that chocked him deep down
to the bone. Drifting away
through the black and grey
trying to avoid everyone who
came into his way. He found a
girl who was sad and blue. “I
might as well follow you on
twitter too” he said to himself.
Exchanging thoughts and ideas
they decided to stay together.
Become better and walk out of
the misery they lived through.
A date and two he found himself
drenched in her love. “How
could you be prettier than emeralds
and all the stars. How could you
be prettier than the fresh blood
red roses people leave for their
loved ones over their grey silver
grave stones ?” You brought me
to life when all I wanted to do was
stay home till death comes and
picks me away to the heavens like
they say. “The sadness in your eyes
told me that you need someone to
love you and stay” was all she said
while she looked at him straight
ahead as he blushed and turned ruby
red. Take this feather and ink and
write me down into your story. Ink
my skin with words of love. But let
me tell you one thing first I see
dandelions and happy wishes too
behind the darkness you hold inside
of you. And gardens about to burst
with wild flowers , butterflies and
daylights sunshine. He held her tight
and poems began to roll down her
arms and thighs*

They made vows to be together even
after fifty. Promises seem like sweet
nothings and cheesy, but what they felt
inside was real. "Exterior is only what
beauty defined. Interior is where your
heart refines" she said to him everytime.
Their 'ILoveyous' never been feigned to
just saying it. Everytime those three words
versed out loud, they can feel their hearts
glued together. Beating to the same nocturne
rhythm. Both beautifully in tune, in sync.
Both of them knew this is how they truly
feel. Heart's that were once armored with
steel. Stolen and found their nest where they
truly belong. Like a ship that needs its keel.
They sail through stormy oceans to finish their
last song* ~
Erenn in italics
Carolin in bold
Collab number six.
This can't get any better than this. This poem is dedicated to two special people. I hope this sets a smile on their faces when they read it.
It's an honor to work with such a talented friend and poet.
Like , repost and give us your feedback.
Here is his link please drop by his page and visit
Carolin Aug 2015
I'm a little snail with no
home or tail. All I carry is
this shell over my shoulders
and back.

Wondering slow and lost
into God's woods.

Living with the constant fear
of getting squished like cookie
dough by someones shoe.

Afraid of loosing my cool and
hiding for an eternity inside
my shell.

I'm a snail who goes wherever
my minds tells me to go. To
places that are high and

Under leaves and branches
of trees.

I'm a snail who doesn't want
to live the rest of it's life alone
and blue.

A snail who wants love , a wife
and a cozy home.

I'm a snail who wants to have
children and a wedding on pretty
river stones , where
the water floats by and
the fish pause to awe
and sigh* ~
Carolin Jul 2015
Running barefoot in
the woods. Naked
and all alone.

Stumbled on some
stones. I fell on all

Looked up and saw
a wolf that had glowing
fur and eyes that shined
so bright through the night.

He gave me some of his
body heat to warm me

I took a few of the stars
that dangled from his fur
and wove them onto my

And he welcomed me
into his heart and cradled
me like a child in his mother's
arms during the night
while we heard the
owls hum a song.

A song that would make
all the untamed animals
come out and dance.

A song of love that would
get you out of your pants.

A song that would set you
in a never ending trance.

A song that washes your
soul from gentle sin.

I was no longer lost and
alone. Cause I met a wolf
that welcomed me home.

I met a wolf who saved
me from the blistering
cold winds and the

I met a wolf who brightened
my life with his own

I met a wolf who knew how
to define the word
L.O.V.E* ~
Carolin Dec 2014
She whispered to the
blue shy sky secrets of
love.While he told the
silver moon about his
online crush.Winters cold
breeze carried their words
above making the roses and
tulips flirt and exchange kisses
and hugs. Does he love me does
he not? Does she love me does
she not he thought. Angels twirled
at heavens doors as they watched
the young two blush from above
He never believed in online dating
But this girl got his feet up his lips
He was crushed by a few in the past.
But fate has its twist as they met on the
net. Both made a comment on youtube
Only two on the comment box. Only two
love the same song. "He's pretty cute."
"We love the same song!" The two started
exchanging emails That's where fate laughed
out its sparks
. *Sparks that were brighter than
those we see in Central Park.
This was it they lit up each other's
dark. Getting all excited to meet up
in real life. He held her hand and that
was when she knew he's an angel in
disguise. Exchanging smiles he said "I want
you to be mine". "I'm willing to love you till
the end of time" she said. Laughs and
giggles spread they both felt light headed
and like little kids. I love you they said as
their lips first met
Erenn in bold
Carolin in italics
Its our 2nd collaboration
He's talented i enjoy writing poetry with him
Im looking forward to write more and more
Visit his page
Carolin Jul 2015
I'm the werewolf of the night.
The one you fear looking at
straight in the eye. I'm the
werewolf that howls at the
silver moon. Left alone in
the dark feeling sad and
blue. Not having a ****
clue of what to do.

I'm the
werewolf that carries it's
secrets under its skin and
fur. While others talk about
what bothers them while I
sit as my blood boils from

Not knowing of how
to tell the people the mess
that i've been dragged in
since that night the black
wolf sank it's fangs deep
down into my skin.

Causing the pain to spread
from vein to vein. Causing
me these fevers and aches
as my body transforms and
shakes in the dead of night.
Causing me to go mad and

I'm the werewolf that saw
it's life and freedom taken
away in the light of the day
as I was about to be another
wolf's prey.

I was once an innocent
little girl that loved walking
alone in the woods. I was
once a little girl that thought
evil and magic don't exist
in the world.

But this is me
today a werewolf running
around looking for fresh
prey. Looking for a soul to
take before the night
fades away* ~
Carolin Aug 2014
In bed with legs wide spread.
Lean forward towards me so
i can kiss your head. Shivers
descend making their way to
the end of my spine. I love it
darling when you whisper in
my ear the words of your mine.
It just gives me a feeling that
seems hard to define* ~
Carolin Jul 2014
Messy bed sheets.
Legs tangled like fancy shakespearian poetries.
Love marks on the skin telling him my lips visited you here and there. Don't tell me darling this kind of love can be a sin. Chest to chest and lips to cheek that reminds me of all the promises you keep. Standing so close to me allowing me to feel your body heat will be the secret i will forever keep. Come closer love and bury your face into my collar bones. Remind me how much our love is stronger than sticks and stones. Tell me i love you while our tongues start a war. Whisper these three words down my throat. I'll take you after for a cruise on my love boat ~
Carolin Aug 2015
It's getting dark now.
The tempest is rising from
underneath my skin.

You're miles away. And
it's driving me insane.

My bones are hallow and
my heart is becoming
weak and thin.

My hair is grey as dust
and ash. And i hear a
sad melancholy on
replay all day.

I daydream of my funeral
whenever i touch your side
of the bed and not find
you there.

I need you here now. This
distance is suffocating me.

My lungs are becoming
heavy and i feel the fiery
flames burning from within.

I need to jump now. To
reach your place. To swim
miles away over the ocean's
furious waves.

How could you do this and
travel to such a place. I
need you now and there
is no time to waste.

I'll take the risk and jump
from a highest of cliffs.

My bones are aching and
my body is shaking as I'm
craving your voice and taste.

Rescue me now.
Rescue me somehow.

Grab me by hips and pull me
away. Stop the wreckage
before it takes place.

I'll never let you travel miles
away from me like that again.

And i'll follow you wherever
you go even if it's outer space
or into the grave.

I love you dear. And I need
you near* ~
Carolin Nov 2014
I never was Sunday mornings.
Usually Tuesdays after midnight.
When the clock hits two and you
lay down tired on bed in shreds with nothing
to do. Where the moon shines down
quietly and tears flow like gentle rivers
and all you feel is worthless and blue.
Where the misery begins and the sad
songs never seem to have an end. I was
a made up of a bundle of misery and a
pinch of mystery. A bundle of everything
that can tear human hearts and flesh apart.
That was the me before I met you. Thank you
for existing and letting me live too* ~
Carolin Jul 2014
Inject my veins with love and warm summer heat. Whisper to me something sweet. Your love is sweeter than any sugar beet. Undress my soul with those shimmering eyes. Mend my every broken bone like a doctor in disguise. Stitch up my wounds for they are still fresh do me a favor and caress my flesh. Darling you are made of a collection of beautiful atoms. Don't believe them when they say you look like scary phantoms. I'll shut my eyes and see you as I drift in distant sleep. Stay with me tonight so I don't weep. Promise you'll scare the dark shadows away and don't let them creep on my bedroom walls. I'll hold on to these moments in between for an eternity as I hear you whisper to my heart this is the beginning of a beautiful serenity ~
Carolin Aug 2014
In love with the way
he makes sense out of
his melodies. The way
he listens to every music
note so carefully. How
he makes his trance
and dubstep music so
perfectly. How he sits
down silently working
on his beats passionately.
I swear in my entire life
I haven't seen anyone as
lovely as he*  ~
Carolin Feb 2015
And if i were ever shot ,
id kiss you with the last
breath in my lungs. I'd
apologize for staining
your lovely hands with
my different shades of red.
And before i'd let out my
last sigh i'll tell you how
much i love you before i
die* ~
Carolin Oct 2014
And if you cut me
wide open with your
sharpest blades you'll
find the best of words
falling out of my veins* ~
Carolin Jun 2015
Whisper your darkest
secrets across my chest.
Tell me naughty words
to put my lust to rest* ~
Carolin Jan 2015
I can feel you here inside
of my head. All I want to
do is take you with me to
bed. Drench me in love. Kiss
kiss my tongue and lips. Kiss
me by the flickering candle
lights. Set fire in these veins
tonight tell me we’ll be alright.
Drive me insane. Oh darling it’s
true I can feel you inside of my
head. I see you every time I close
my eyelids and I can’t just forget
the touch your skin. If I could I
would of flown over to you like
birds do* ~
Carolin Oct 2014
Poetry is found in
the core of his heart.
You just need to be smart
enough to dive into his
heart. Swim through his
thin shy veins as if its
some kind of challenging
game. Forget about the chaos
and pain. Just breathe slowly
in and out of those delicate
floral lungs. And you'll be able
to find the best of poetries and
art as you reach the center of
his beautiful heart* ~
Carolin Aug 2014
Stay up wrapped
with me in the bed
sheets tonight.
Create ripples
as the angels
watch us from
above. The stars
could join them
too if they want.
Like they say
every artist
needs it's audience to
stay. Darling we
won't just be making
love but something
that's much more
greater than fine
art. We'll be shining
bright like turtle
doves in the dead
of night, as our
legs graze and
the heat starts
to raise*  ~
Carolin Jan 2015
Stir that chaos under my skin. Weave your words on my back
and neck. Give me a peck on the
lips when no one is watching us
on the places where my tears
used to flow in agony and stain.
Light my soul with the fire of love.
Take me to levels that are higher than all those poets who used
to write about their dreams ,
and fantasies. Brush my hair
with tenderness and care.
Whisper stories in my ear while
i lean closer and hear what
you say to me as we inhale and
exhale the fresh air in and out
of our lungs. Branches and
flowers are all that grow from
with in us.  Undo the zipper of
my summer white dress. I promise
i won't call you rude nor weird. Instead ill place a hand on your
lovely beard and let you pierce
my soul with seduction and delicate kisses.Tell me stories as we paint our new home with shades of love. Tell me words of hope and joy and ill swallow each one to fill the emptiness inside of me. And in-between our kiss infront of the garden of eve ill slip to you a key and
grab your hand while you follow
me. Into my sacred room we'll
be left alone to express our feelings physically. Into my room will be nothing but you and me. Nothing
but passionate kisses and two
lovers to be* ~
Carolin Sep 2014
Runaway with me into
the forest. I heard the trees
breathe out the sweetest kind
of poetries. The leaves fall
down flawlessly. Take
my hand love and run away
with me. Hold my hips and
kiss my lips and dance through
the night as the moonlight
shines down on us. I'll whisper
stories into your mouth. We
can even build ourselves a
little house. Adjust the pretty
forest leaves in my hair. Tell
me i'm made of a collection of
gorgeous human cells. While you
caress my flesh , as I strip off my
dark plum coloured dress maybe
that will help lessen our stress. Now
hold still darling and enjoy this heavenly kiss*  ~
Carolin Jul 2014
I couldn't make it past those eyes i think i feel you like the wind sometimes .
I need back inside your veins .
Your the home I've been dying to make a long time ago . I used to think my entire life was a giant mistake . I need back inside your veins before my lights start to fade . I need to feel you crawling under my skin and flowing through my blood stream once more . I need to feel you mending these old rusty broken bones at night . I need back inside your veins because ill be letting my darkness out ~
Carolin Jan 2015
Our love is strong as the heaven’s
golden gates. If the angels guarding
it could be heard I’m sure they would
have been singing your name all day
long with the trumpets and flutes playing
in the background with softest tune. I
light up candles and watch the flame
dance gently from the left to the right.
For I’m only a human with a candle
guiding me. I pray to my God in the
heavens above and lift my eyes up to
the picture of Jesus crucified on the
wooden cross. And the tears flow out
from my eyes and the blood begins to
boil in my veins underneath my skin. I
pray that our loves makes us feel safe
and free. I pray that he’ll someday marry
me. I pray that our love stands strong in
front of those who think its sin and wrong.
I pray for our love to live on and on* ~
Carolin Jul 2015
My heart drifted upon
the waves over the

It was that night we
spoke online for the
first time. When we
were miles apart.

I placed it in a clam shell
to keep it safe so no
pirates or seagulls take
it away before it reaches
the bay.

I had hope and faith that
you'll hear it beat under
the seaweed and golden
sands that your gentle
feet will stand upon.

As you take your morning
stroll by the ocean's
beautiful blue
shores* ~
Carolin Feb 2017
We've been lost. Up and
down. Laughing like maniacs
and clowns. Broken and bent.
Wounded and hurt. Used and
abused. Beaten down to the
bone. Choked by the neck
and throat. Slaves to our
suicidal thoughts. Obeying
nothing but our sharpened
razors and shining blades.
We've been numb and
paralyzed , no one around
bothered to pause and
realize. But we moved
on as we clutched on
our lucky charms.

Despite our same homes
and walls. Same lives and
paths. Same work and ghosts ,
we found a light shining in
our cold worlds. Hope
dangling from a thread.
God's hand reaching out
from the morning's blue
skies patting our backs and
offering some help. We
found angels floating above
with their harps and violins
as we closed our tired eyes ,
they sang us songs to
make us feel alright.

We found new worlds that
exist inside of our chests.
Dreams of ginger heads ,
cookies and bread. Dreams
of gold and shimmering
jewels. Dreams of love and
wearing designer shoes.
We let go of the things that
hurt our souls and hearts.
In the hallow corridors of
our minds , we walked with
confidence and pride. We
promised that we'll keep
going in this life with out
a scream or a cry.

We promised ourselves to
move on as we let out gentle
breaths of relief instead of
sobs and sighs. We promised
to work ******* our lives.
We promised ourselves that
we'll survive no matter how
high our waves will rise. No
matter how rough our storms
and winds will get. With
a positive attitude
we'll bloom and shine
like the moon* ~
Carolin Feb 2017
Days spent broken and
bent. Hurting and torn.
So close to falling and
hitting the floor. Having
a fear of shattering to a
million pieces. Hearing
demons screaming
around. Afraid to look
down and seeing my
shadow , cause it probably
looks like a clown. Holding
on to hope. Refusing to
leave earth. Trying to
drown the nervousness
out of the depth of my
bones. I will ache and
shake. I will drop my
knives and blades , because
this was not how I was
raised to behave. I will
refuse to be a slave to
my suicidal thoughts. I
will block my demons
from my thoughts. And
look for a way to untangle
the knots around the
ventricles of my heart.
And breathe with relief.
Cause I deserve a chance
to exist. I deserve a life
full of love and strength.
A life full of soft
melodies and
faith ~
Carolin Jun 2015
Light shines
through the cracks.
That's how plants
grow through cement
and sidewalks. And
the sunshine pours
down covering everything
it touches in different
shades of gold. And the
snow melts off those who
have cold hearts. A new
life begins when the egg
shell is cracked. A new life
begins every time the
sun sets down and rises
up in God's beautiful
skies above. And we're
left with a new hope
and another story to
write* ~
Carolin Sep 2014
Thanks for
the giggles and
laughs you share.
Your laugh is like
sweet melodies
hung up in air. The
way the curls of
your hair hang freely
let's me pause and
stare. How can you
be so perfect ? How
do you spread such
love in air ? The vibes
that you create leave
me thinking that this
must of be our fate. If
you ever ask me to do
a favor for you I promise
i'll never be late. And
from since i knew that
we'll be together for a
forever. I knew I was
right the minute the
words of your my
soulmate trembled out
of your pretty soft rosy
lips* ~
Carolin Jun 2015
He kissed my neck.
And asked me to lift
my hair. He whispered
I love you in my ear.
And I felt my heart beat
hard from within. And
the blood boil under my
skin. I felt humming birds
racing up my spine and
flying from the hair I lifted
up behind. He saw the
beauty I had trapped in
my veins and eyes. He saw
the real me the day our
bodies touched and made
passionate love. A love
that no paper can handle
a love that refuses to be
tamed a love that can not
be simply explained* ~
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