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 Jun 2013 canyoukeepasecret
Sir B
Where are you??
Better yet
What happened to you?

Scars and bruises covering your face
It scares me off to death
Thinking someone could harm you

So now,
You will tell me what happened to you
So I can reassure you
And so we both can laugh and make merry

Inspiration from a few songs
 Jun 2013 canyoukeepasecret
Sir B
He is a human
He would like the best for you
He would do his best in front of you,
or.... rather try to
because he is horrible at everything
including life

He seems to have gained a respect
in a gaming world
He wants to gain respect
in a world that matters
not a world with people
who are in front of their computers!!

either ways
His life is ruined
Everything falls apart in instances
He can't get anything right

He cares so much for others
That sometimes he overlooks his own problems
For the same reason
Of protecting that special someone
But this new century world
Has lost everything and all meaning
Of the word sacrifice
I fear for it
And still feel lonely for not being loved

Lets highfive and kick reality in a hole, because the above will never happen!
 Jun 2013 canyoukeepasecret
Sir B
I want

something new
something random
something to steal love with
something fun to do
something to remember this day with
something beautiful

and in the end

something.. which will not let us forget each other
Something different
The gift of observance comes rushing back
As half-lit skies circumvent in upheaval
Seeing the hidden guise for what we all lack
I quick deduction spawns an intent retrieval
Grasping the whole of what my peers are concealing
A half-*** attempt to make sense of these feelings

All of these words are so hollow and insignificant
Pleading a case as if they have a sense of morality
A conceded hope that ends up as a wasted expedient
The building block pieces to a straight willed society
Fixated mortification's that serves as our propriety
Keeping our relative outlook as my favorable notoriety
 Jun 2013 canyoukeepasecret
This account isn't made for you
All these poems aren't about you
The one I like is of course not you
The one I love couldn't be you

In my head you're erased
In my heart you have no place
I don't remember our kisses' taste
I forgot about our sweet embrace

You don't love me anymore, I could only care less
I will never wear that **** blue dress
Remember the day I said 'to you, I'd still say yes'
Forget it 'cause I am a big mess.
For my "Big Brother".*
Love Always, *****.

You said it was adorable
The way my hair curled
around the hollows of my neck
Brushing across my skin
like a
n o o s e

You said my looks could shatter glass,
that my repugnant features
would SURELY guarantee a life of solitude
You loved to point out my flaws
And how my laugh was too late
breathing too loud
walking too fast

The shallow scars on my wrists
were alluring to you
you encouraged me to make more
and I loved the kiss of cold metal just a little too much

You said you understood me
my thoughts were dark and scattered
I wasn't always able to share them with you
But I didn't need to
you already
"u n d e r s t o o d"

my dark companion
the only one I ever trusted
We fought our demons together
Dragging the other to hell as well

You wasted no time in telling me
what a waste I was
of skin
of space
and I wasted no time in  b e l i e v i n g  you

You would hold me in your arms
and whisper bittersweet nothings
compliments with a hard slap attached
convincing me I was far more flawed than I am.

We fought like rabid wolves
nipping at my ankles,
you'd force me to f a l l.

tearing and ripping apart flesh
with words
and my feeble palms
left angry red marks on your chest and face
but my struggle only made you more eager

Every tear that fell from my face
gave you life
every sob that came from my throat
gave you a voice
you could not stand alone
you said
y o u  c o u l d   n o t   l i v e   w i t h o u t   m e

You said I didn't understand you
that I could never comprehend the torment YOU
were experiencing
I was FAR too dull to see.

It wasn't until I realized
I didn't need to play your childish games
I didn't need you
or your "passionate, intense" heart.

Once I stopped hitting back
your blows became harder

Not worthy of love.

Not worthy of life.

Not worthy of existence.

And I believed you.
I trusted you.

E n d   i t,
you said.
Peering down at the street far below us

You said to.

The height was dizzying

Y o u   s a i d
Note: I'm still alive and healthy, and I'm a lot more happy than I was at the time this writing takes place. The person that inspired this is someone I am no longer in contact with, this poem is my way of letting go and moving on. Thank you all so much for your kind words and support!
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