This is the last tear I would shed for you
I don't have any tears left in me anymore
The depths of my pain go beyond crying
Aching and throbbing as I bled
All I wanted was a little kindness
A little compassion, a little acknowledgement
It was a mistake on my part
To even consider you capable of any
You told me I was worthless
A waste of time, A waste of oxygen
You repeated it like a mantra
Cursing my existence
Until I, too, believed it to be true
You were systematic in your hatred
You abused my body, my mind, my soul
You attacked me incessantly until I shattered
Now an empty, broken vessel of the person I once was
You cannot hurt me any more than this
You've taken all I have and more
I have nothing else to lose
I simply don't care anymore
So I close my eyes, and let go
Of the final breath I had been holding onto
As I welcomed the cold night, the darkness
...I hope I've finally made you happy now.