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 Oct 2013 Candie
Matt Pentz
 Oct 2013 Candie
Matt Pentz

How do I write the words,
To say good bye?
Not that you are gone,
Your soul flying high?
It is so hard to believe,
That you are not there at the other end of the phone,
I keep thinking I should call,
that maybe you will be home,
But I now you are gone,
I know it's true,
Just as  I know,
That I never really knew you.

My Dad, my father, drinking buddy, and friend,
I miss all the wasted time,
And ******!
I want it back again.

Every time i look up at the stars,
I think of you,
Or see a boat, smell the sea,
Or stare out at the ocean blue,
I feel just a little bit of you,

Often I have the desire,
To build a plane, or a balsa wood canoe,

Everywhere I turn,
I see you,

I know you are gone,
That you walk now,
With Grandpa,
And god,

And I find it so odd,
That I can't let you go,
Even tho I know,
You are gone,

Like the stars,
Vanished at Dawn,
It was your time to go.

I see my campfires burn,
And think that if I quickly turn,
I'll see you, standing there,
Jeans, flannel, T-shirt,
With sawdust in your hair,
Smoking a cigar,
Drinking a beer,
Sometimes it really feels,
Like you are still here.

They were  rare,
But I miss our talks,
all the planes,
and all the midnight walks,

I know that I will see you again,
In some other place,
When my time comes to go away,
And I'm done with this rat race.

I miss you Dad,
And I think of you alot,
It is hard,
For in grief it is so easy to be caught,
Hard to think that you have passed away,
No more cigars, talks, or camping on a rainy day,

But I'll go on,
And live my life as the best man I can,
Until it is my turn,
And the lord calls me home,

But right now,
By your grave I stand,
Ashes spread where you loved to roam,
From mountains to sea,
Under endless stars
And majestic trees,

And so I say good bye, Dad,
And hope my faith is true,
That someday again,
I will see you.
I love you Dad.

~Matt Pentz
 Oct 2013 Candie
Mohab Essam
Insomniac as he turned.. A murderer he became
With so little to be done at night.. A new hobby has been gained
Slaying throats of fainted shrieks.. With the slightest pity and a merciless shame
Hoarding victims of ill-fated fate.. He came to acquire a notorious name
Dark in soul yet bright in mind.. Causing suffering, suffering pain
Cross his path, no one shall.. For he will rip your skeletal frame
Pray for mercy to the mighty Lord.. All your prayers are lost in vain
Call him a sick, *******.. For ****** is his middle name
No guns of lead, or shots and loads.. A single knife and a bleeding vein
Lock in stare and know for sure.. Your days are out and your time has came
 Oct 2013 Candie
 Oct 2013 Candie
why is it that every time a boy passes me in the hall
i feel guilty
like i owe something i haven't paid
like i ought to have something but i haven't taken the time to get up and get it -

why does the back of your neck frighten me
why does the suggestion of your frame
make me wish i was not existing
what is it about you that is so

i am a goddess
a wisdom
a prose
and yet i cannot look normalcy in the face
you are nothing special
but you are enough to untie my laces
 Oct 2013 Candie
Peyton Williams
It was there.
And then it was gone.
Frantically scrolling up and down I somehow knew the search was useless. The frustration streaming through my blood kept my mind off of everything else in the world. I was mad. Angry. Questioning why this would happen. Hard work pays off? Or hard work gets "accidentally" deleted by the stupid device that I have ignorantly become so dependent on. It has become our way of communication; our way of becoming something else. We try to make technology a mold of ourselves. Piling in personal information until we are left holding our entire life in our palm. We stick our faces behind 4x2 rectangles of wires and data, instead of looking each other in the eye.

But you see, the problem is, you can't bleed into a device. It won't absorb. Your feelings, your life will merely sit on top of it until your phone eventually shuts down.

But you can bleed into paper. You can write and write and only be concerned about how badly your hand is cramping. You can hold it, you can feel it. And you can hope others feel it too. You can carry it around and never worry about it becoming "outdated."

There are no upgrades.

There is only inspiration.

 Oct 2013 Candie
Sun to the moon*

They said you were worse with your constant phases
And I cannot keep up with every month
They told me you would never get together with me
And it makes me sad, because you're up there happy with the stars
They said you weren't so fond of things that appeared to be very bright
But you admire the twinkles the starts would make
They said you don't like the hotness during the day
Main reason why you would only appear during the night
For it brought you coldness and comforted you somehow

But I know better, I know all about your scars
And how you wished it would just fade away
I have seen your creases and dirt all over you
And how you say that stars can't help you cover it up permanently
I know about how many times you have been hurt and stepped on before
Of how you would only show a part of you to others
But I have seen the perfect roundness of your curves
For I cherish every moment of this when an eclipse occurs

If loving you means dying every night
Just to let you breathe
Then I would do it every time
And if you had enough of the stars
That the wishes you wished were a big disappointment
You know you could always come to me
And I promise, I will do my best to make you smile
One day when you get tired of wanting to shine for others through the night
I could be the one to brighten up things for you.
 Oct 2013 Candie
I looked for a corner,
somewhere quiet in the library.
how exciting, an e-mail with opportunities
from a professor who cares.
i want it, but I can't help but
feel a little sad,
wherever you are dad.
tough love.
scrunchies, a book of matches,
and crumbs from crackers
sit in my pockets.
laundry basket, mile high
way past the brim.
i wasn't kidding when I said
you'd find a bottle of whiskey
hiding in there.
and all I wanna do is get through
college, I think.
I want to be a strong woman,
for now,
a young lady.
flash-backs to all the fun times.
my hand writing drifts
in shapes
to the sound of
a music box.
the curtains created
pretty shadows that
danced upon my arms.
I tried to be cool,
reading the newspaper.
I wanted to look
oh, so serious.
I am a joker.
I am your equal.
Yeah, salty dog?
Which aspect?
Can I say these things in poems?
I read the words,
why can't I marry my cousin?
these things keep me from
my sleep.
sweet dreams, candy-man.
oh, canyon creek,
where shall I go?
a mind hole?
a gold mine in the
gutter of my mind?
thanks Conor,
for the milk thistle.
is it fair to choose what
we want to hear?
did they know that 2013
would be so strange?
Professor Coker
wants something typed,
******* i gotta go pick up my bike.
 Oct 2013 Candie
Ellyn k Thaiden
Jealousy finds me
Easier than most

But I am loyal
To the very end

And I might have
Paranoia of you liking others

It's just that I don't want
To lose you

Yes, I don't show my
Jealousy or paranoia
I keep it on the inside
So to not upset you

I'm sorry for not always
Talking of my feelings
I just don't want to loose you
Because I'm crazy
 Oct 2013 Candie
Portland Grace
I wondered why I didn't find the sunshine,
in the sky, but in your hips
And why I couldn't ******* feelings,
anywhere but your lips,

I asked myself why I held you,
as if you'd float away,
why I always glanced behind me
unsure if you would stay.

I danced your shadowed shoreline,
like a kite without a string,
a ship without an anchor
a crown without a king

You told me not to worry,
you told me I'd be fine
you told me you'd protect me,
but we ran out of time.

I told you I would leave you,
I told you I'd get scared,
for I myself am broken
And I fear I cannot be repaired.

And you were such a wonder
the way you bent without a cause
and buried me beside you
reactions without pause,

We walked on ice together,
to often we fell in,
you'd pull me down beneath you,
our love was wearing thin

And now beside the rubble,
I should of known it from the start,
we never the grand production
just a piece of broken art

A boy of failed promises,
a girl of untuned strings
In trying to build a home on solid ground,
we forgot about our wings.
 Oct 2013 Candie
6 Months
 Oct 2013 Candie

Before we even started dating
I was very interested in you
I thought
"She's really unique
And cool
And into books
And smart

And cute."
Every move you made
The ease with which you made friends
And of course
How your nose was always in a book.
That interested me a lot
And I still love that
Even when I know
So much more about you.
My observations from outside.


I told you I was doing something
For our six months.
It's nothing spectacular
Nothing expensive
Just time
And my thoughts
My love
I hope to put it into these words which I
Preserve for you
Uniquely mine
For uniquely you
And you alone.


I just told you today
And you ask for my hint
It was in one of my other poems
You read it
But didn't catch it.
It would be obvious if you did see
What the hint is.
And no, these aren't all going to be
Like this
Just basically a diary
They will be better.


I like a lot about you love
I even listed some things off to you recently.
Would you like a list?

The cute faces you constantly make
The way you fall asleep in my arms
The way you make my heart skip when you lean on me
The way your mouth moves when we kiss
Your scent that hangs on my clothes after we hang out
The way you bury your face in my chest when falling asleep
The texture of you hair
The way your face lights up when you're truly happy
The way your cheeks are fun to play with
The perfect shape of your body
Your inability to be mad at me
Your anger at people being self-destructive
Your rambles on things that you feel passionate about
Your sheer uniqueness
Your amazing beauty
The way you feel embarassed when you blush
Your quiet whimpers when I whisper that I love you in your sleep
The way you always tell someone when you're annoyed
Your ability to easily make friends
Your addiction to reading
Your crazy music taste
Your refusal to tell me games you play
Your amazing poetry
Your unique way of dressing
Your uncanny ability to look beautiful and **** in anything

And yes, there's thousands more.
But that's enough for now.


You know
I think of you always
During class
During sports
During robotics
During my dreams.
You're so great
You just sneak into my mind
And take all control from me.
I'm stuck thinking about you for awhile.
Not that I really mind.


I've known you for awhile
And now you're fragile
You seemed strong
Never once wrong
And I'm glad I grew close to you
So that I can be here for you
When you need someone
And I always want to be that someone.


Of all days
I'm sick.
What I wouldn't give
To kiss you once
On the cheek
Or give you a hug
I want to tell you I love you in person
But I cannot
Not today
But I will.


Do you know
How crazy it makes me feel
To just think of you?


I am alone
With nothing but
My thoughts

Of you.


I look at the wall
The ceiling
Naked, but for some scratches
And I wish it was pictures of you
In plain sight
Wherever I look.


I know life is hitting you right now
Hitting you pretty hard
Being forced into therapy you don't want
Medicine that hurts your focus
And now it's ******* up your grades
Which in turn make your parents mad at you
And you seem to be despairing
And all I want to do
Is cheer you up
Make you smile
Forget your worries for just a little while.
I do what I can
But I don't think it's
But I will keep trying
Every time I talk to you
Text you
Hug you
I hope I can bring you a little closer
To that honest smile.


You said it's been bothering you
You say I don't have to stay with you
Because I feel obligated
Because of your mental state.
I'm glad you said it
Got it off your chest
But I would never stay because of pity
Because of guilt
I stay because of you.
The you-ness of you
You're just so startlingly amazing
Such a stark contrast to other interests I've had
And I love it.
And I love you.
I'm glad I could at least momentarily
Hopefully stop your worrying.


When I think of you
I imagine gazing into your eyes
As I have done so many times
Those infinite, piercing
Beautiful eyes.
Brilliant, shining, beautiful
Just like you.
So wonderful
I dream of watching your eyes fall asleep
And waking to the very same pair
Happy and alive
Yet so real
Your beauty
And your realness.
I love you
I could say it a thousand timees
And mean it more every


It hurts me so much
To see you in pain
To know you're hurting.

You're trying to be more
You say
Sure, be independant
But I want you to run to me
Cry on my shoulder
Because you aren't alone
And I don't want you to prepare for
A time when you could be alone.
Because I plan on staying within reach.


You lately have seemed
Afraid that I am staying with you for some
That I may feel.
Well, let me tell you
That is so wrong.
I feel bad for you
But that is different.
Because I could never date you through pity
I would feel like I was
Taking advantage of you
So don't worry.


I love you so
I can not describe it
The feeling
The exhilaration
From catching a glimpse of you in the hallway
I just feel the need to smile.


Have I ever told you
That everytime you hug me from behind
I just feel uncontrollably joyful?
And when you refuse to let go
I find it cute
And I just want to stay like that


A dream we both have
I want so very badly
To fall asleep holding you close
Singing to you the lullaby of my beating heart
Listening to your breath slow and relax
The perfect weight of your body against my own
And for you to be the last thing I see before I close my eyes
And the first thing I see when awakened
To make fun of your bedhead as the day's first light
Illuminates the room gently
To tell you how I love you
Before you can think anything else
Now only a dream
Someday it will happen.


I wannt to forever hold you
To hide away where nobody can find us
No schedules to disturb us
No cold to riddle our skin with
No agony tearing at our hearts
No painful reminders of the past
As the days blur into weeks
Into months
To hold you forever
In solitude.


Why, love, are you so worried as of late
That you have changed?
I love every version of you
And I'm continually amazed at your ability
To cope
To prevail
But you are not strong enough alone my love.


I have a feeling
That we will last
Overcome the odds
For a relationship that will endure
Past school
Past our new experiences
Past our differences
And bring us ever closer
More in love
As I feel myself falling for you more everyday


I never feel quite as amazing
As when I have you laying on my chest
Relaxed and falling asleep
With a blanket
A movie
No upcoming deadlines
Nothing else matters
Just the warmth of you relaxing on me
And my feeling of content.


I love that we can discuss
Our different
Yet similar
Yours as yet unnamed
Mine becoming again pure
And we can grow from this
And we become stronger.
And if we disagree about something
We can have a discussion about it
Though I keep my mouth shut
If I have the potential to start an argument
And we stay civil

24. LIST

One of your guesses as to
What I was doing when I hinted about this
A list.
Alright, you inspired me.
Words to describe you.
­And lastly for now


Having you in my life is
I worry so much
About your well being.
I wish I could be your knight in shining armor
But I just
Society doesn't leave room for heroes.
It only attempts to create villains.
But you and I
We can resist it
Because society ***** anyway
And we're invincible.


When I fall asleep
The last thing on my mind is you.
And it's not just a thought that pops in then.
It starts when I am drowsy
And on the edge of sleep.
I imagine you snuggling close
Burying your face in my chest
Inhaling deeply and


I am glad that you can
Be relaxed enough around me
To fall asleep randomly.
And I love how, even in your sleep, you
Snuggle close
Twitch your hand three times
And whimper whenever I whisper into your ear
"I love you"


I love being with you
I love holding you close
Your breathe in my ears
The pounding of your heart
Speeding up when we kiss
Your happy sighs
Pulling me closer
Warming me in this new coming chill.

29.  HEAT

You are warm
You are hot
You keep the chill away
Heck, we could be in the snow without any significant
Warm clothing
And as long as I could hold you close
I could remain there forever.


You are my perfect love
The one for me
The two of us
Can do anything
Beat any odds stacked against us.
Overcome any hardship.
Just wait until we can escape to our life
We can win this race love
Destroy anyone who seeks to foil us
Or just ignore them
They aren't worth our notice
If they try to bring us down.


I look into your eyes today
And they are beautiful
As they always have been
I can lose myself in your eyes
The sight behind them
The intelligence
And so much more.
You're startlingly great
And I can't help but want to be around you.
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