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 Oct 2013 Candie
 Oct 2013 Candie
I have taken shots of sorrow
til it became bottle after bottle
of warm liquid that ever warms my veins
leaves me wobbly and in a daze
the bartender says my limit is reached
but i tell him to keep pouring
keep pouring ,keep pouring, til I lie down snoring

However, like a wounded beast i refuse to lie down
So,I'm sitting at the bar and feeling weak
ditzy and cant speak
the woman next to me is saying something
about her problems and things
but my only replies formed are mumblings
the shot glass is sitting on the bar empty in front of me
painted with the cherry red of my lipstick
that once made me pretty
it tempts me for another round
it's evil stares haunts me and so I befriend its gaze
by looking at the glass lovingly

I ask the bartend for more
but he tells security to usher me to the door
upset, i saunder out,
broke my left heel and scream curses as if im opening hell's mouth

Limping around,I somehow found my car and sat in it
took out depression ,rolled it up and lit it
kept taking hits
hit after blazing hit
til my car was so smoky,it leaked out the window
dancing into the air and vanishing--
leaving me as a widow
it was then i decided to grow
tracing the smoke as it dwindled
looked under my seat and found a half empty bottle pain
and kept sipping on it
with nothing to gain

the mirror showed my patheticacy
faded cherry red
runny eyeliner
and smudged blush
painted a wasted mural of me

numb from anything once felt or thought
i threw it into gear and attempted the wasted ****** of me
(pathetic-ca-cy) lol i doubt its even a word but this is kinda how i feel tonight :/
 Oct 2013 Candie
EJ Aghassi
 Oct 2013 Candie
EJ Aghassi
Pretty regularly now
I pass by that house

It was my first feelings of security
It was my true home away from home

Always there
Always happy
I've truly grown since I've known
What that household
Set in stone

I outgrew my shell

I fraternized for the first time

I experienced my first feelings
of gratification
of wanting
of being longed for

I expanded my mind
broadened my horizons

I've stayed up all night
I've broken the law

I've formed bonds
so strong
so strong

I met my second mom
I became the prodigal son

I owe everything to that place
everything to you & her

It all comes back to me now

He in an instant ruined it all
he ripped the carpet from underneath

The times are lost in obscurity

He's all that's left there now

You and her have far moved on for better

The trees die and the character with it

But I will always have my memories
He cannot, WILL not take those away

Driving by now it all flashes by, just like that
Every time I pass it

And every time I see his car in the driveway
I roll down my windows and yell

and keep driving on
 Oct 2013 Candie
hallow's eve
the only day of the year
misplaced teenagers
and ruined dreams get to take the stage
on this october 31,
you can be anything that you want.
ghosts of your past haunt you day and day through,
and today, they are visible to everyone else, too
so, go
run around these streets pretending to be what you are not,
pretending to be the perfect image of your father's daughter,
someone who can finally live past their older brother.
hide behind the mask
and make it last
because when the clock strikes 12,
all your demons disappear back into your head.
but tonight,
you can be anything you want
and no one at all
- a. l. r.
 Oct 2013 Candie
 Oct 2013 Candie
they kept asking what happened
so that night I went home and sat down to tell the story once more
oh, my wrists listened well as
the blade spoke words
messy and red
it was enough to get me by
 Oct 2013 Candie
L Parsons
 Oct 2013 Candie
L Parsons
Diamonds can’t dance,
And plastic can’t walk,
Glass can’t bend.
And concrete can’t talk.
There’s no guts,
But there’s also no glory.
Perfection’s so boring;
So let’s make a story
 Oct 2013 Candie
Trevor Coon
underneath all of my ******* narcinarcissism
the real me hides
 Oct 2013 Candie
Timothy Kenda
We took our dreams and crushed them into dust
Stirred them up with our own blood and spit
We built a prison to hold our souls forever
We built it up with stones made from the mix
And if the walls ever start to crumble
We'll crush more dreams and fashion bricks
Keep our hearts locked in the dark until the end of time
Until we're forced to wade across the river Styx
Only when we are stranded staring back at shore
We realize it's too late there is nothing we can fix
We never learned how to let ourselves be happy
We lived a life that was filled with tricks
While others ****** the life right from our bodies
They swelled up with disease like swollen ticks
Good decisions and outcomes mostly escaped us
On a losing streak we made horrible picks
And we never learned our lessons well
As life passed us by we just chose to sit
I have worn down the leather in the soles of my shoes
Our bones have shattered like brittle little sticks
Walking forever down a dark and desolate road
The sad part is the path was mine to choose
Now watch me stack needles end to end
And attempt to balance on the top until I lose
My footing and come crashing back down to earth
And die alone with no obvious clues
Just a dark void left in the shadows of the earth where my soul once was
And a prison built of broken dreams to show I've paid my dues
Over and over again I have fallen down
The look of your broken heart shows me you have too
We are all stuck in our own prisons of spit and dust
We have watched it all disappear down the drain
I will show you my deep black sars if I must
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