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I had the best summer ever with you.
I hate to say goodbye.
You live so far away and I might not ever see you again.
I'll miss you.

I will remember you forever.
I hate saying goodbye.
 Oct 2012 Cameron Godfrey
somewhere inside of her she was broken,
with wounds no doctor could heal
it was like she'd lost her history
and forgotten all of her future
she only thought now of the present
breathing for that moment when the knife
took all the hurt away
living for the lonely void inside
that the streaming blood could somehow fill
and just for that single moment
she didn't have to think about the true pain...
the pain that hurt the most
another day in that life, of being that person,
the crashing dreams
the bleeding took it all away
and once again she felt that she was
I walk around all I see is sadness.
The trees are wilted, the flowers are dead.
I can't remember what the world used to be like.

The only hope in a world of sorrow is you and me.
We'll try to fix it but it might not be enough.
But, with you I feel like the world is normal.

So live for today and live for tomorrow because
there is something always waiting for us
wherever we go.
 Oct 2012 Cameron Godfrey
A pencil dive, when you're half way down into the cool deep,
finally realizing how bad you need air.
Then it becomes a struggle, a battle of  pushes and pulls.
It would be some much easier to give up but as your lungs shriek
in despair you know its the last thing you can do.  
So you get over the five seconds of struggle and
you make it back to civilization again.  
You continue this somewhat insane pattern of
deprivation and struggle just to remind yourself
how much you love the taste of air
 Oct 2012 Cameron Godfrey
And I was perfect, to him at least, I was a heads up penny, a single ray of sunshine in a dark room. He told me how it was amazing how I was not already someone else's labeled piece in this silly game of love. He saw me how I wanted to see myself. And every moment we had was perfect, a perfect reproduction of what I had imagined it all to be. But like I always do, I ruin everything. He started to fall in love with me, as I fell out of love with him.
 Oct 2012 Cameron Godfrey
Searching for what isn't obvious.
Everyone has a story,
That they'd like someone to listen to.
When I look into their eyes,
Who is really looking back?
 Oct 2012 Cameron Godfrey
Not everyone's going to like you,
Agree with you,
Or support you.
Not everyone's going to accept you,
Love you,
Or trust you.
So surround yourself with those who do.
"I can't tell you the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everyone." -Ed Sheeran
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