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 Oct 2012 Cameron Godfrey
I'm ashamed of who I am
I know you're ashamed of me
You abuse me with your words
I sit in a corner everyday
Thinking of the ways you can ****
But sometimes when I dont think about you killing me
I think about the other ways I can die
If you hate me so much
Just make your pain and mine end
**** Me Now
 Oct 2012 Cameron Godfrey
My whole world was falling apart.

Then he smiled,
And for a second,
It was all okay.
 Oct 2012 Cameron Godfrey
Lydia E
The guilt I feel
Cannot compare
To the pain I caused,
It's overbearing,
Wearing me down;
I can't go on.
Let me dream
A dreamless sleep,
Let me never wake.
 Oct 2012 Cameron Godfrey
So there I was,
Not knowing what to do,
Upset that I'd,
Never see you.
Scrolling through pictures,
In the background you sit.
Glancing at my phone,
Can't stop smiling at it.
I thought we were over,
I thought we were through.
I thought that I'd,
Never see you.
But there's still hope,
For you and me,
I just need to find time,
To wait and see.
 Oct 2012 Cameron Godfrey
 Oct 2012 Cameron Godfrey
She cries cause she didn't make the shots.
I cry cause I didn't take the shots.
She scored,
I didn't.
You win.
I lose.
 Oct 2012 Cameron Godfrey
Heart is heavy.
Just want to sleep.
Don't want my alarm clock,
To shout its morning beep.
Why can't I be like Sleeping Beauty?
Sleeping her life away,
And then when she does wake up,
A handsome prince awaits.  
But what if she didn't love him?
That would be quite the plot twist.
What if she didn't like him?
Cause things that perfect don't exsist.
A rant... That turned into this...
 Oct 2012 Cameron Godfrey
I like you.
Or at least I like who I am when I'm with you.
When I look into your eyes,
I'm on a different planet.
I've always liked you...
Even before everyone else did.
I still do...
And I don't know if its worse if you know,
Or worse if you don't.
I can hear your voice,
so clearly in my head,
words like bells ringing once again,
and sitting still I spin

Madness lies, cold and
lonely, in my bed, in my head,
waiting for the sun to rise
on jaded, hazy eyes

Remembered cries,
remembered lies,
it's no surprise that
forever fell short again

Another empty night
spent looking for old friends
in darkened bottles'
bottom ends

Whoever knew?
life can be so hollow
I guess it's true, nothing
comes close to me and you

Even though, I don't know
which way I want to go,
just wait around, I'm certain
I'll come back to you again
this is just a rough draft, it definitely needs something more, I'm just not sure what yet. constructive criticism is always appreciated!
Not many understand the concept of breathing
For the rain became placid
And as of result, my mind became numb
And as the serenity of what is
Becomes the serenity of what was,
Our bodies travel forward
In this Fourth Dimension
People Lose Sight Of Time

And what a proficient view!
Men walk the streets beneath
Their great umbrellas,
People feign their beliefs in humanity
But as it so happens to be--

There Is None

"Why won't you come my darling?
Where is it that you plan to go?"
And she would ignore the very syllables
I pathetically spat
And the very life of the sound had withered away

It became your favorite toy,
You know?
The one you lent your cousin;
The one that lost it's heroism in his hands
As it lost it's leg--
As his Fourth Dimensional state changed in what
seemed to be an instant!

So entirely drastic
For my change was not noticeable
To the naked eye--
And what a proficient view!--
That one only sees my eyes water
And my lungs spout a shriek
Nothing drastic

But Now I Can't Shriek

For I am now a man
And my lungs may only keep me breathing,

Or so the concept goes
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