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lotus lord Dec 2014
it time to get over it all

go to sleep or hang with friends make it better

get over what has happened today or this week
tomorrow is a new day to forget the bad that has happened
yesterday is the past
the past is the past that cant be changed

but today is a day you can change
so change it for the better not the worst

put on a smile and shine your day
this is to everyone who has or has been having a bad day
lotus lord Jun 2015
this is something i say to my best friend

things may seem that there after you
that the world hate you
that everyone is against you

but its not like this
you are given these hard time
to make you stronger

yes you'll see who your real friends are
but you'll become stronger
its only there to help you

so it will always be ok
lotus lord Jan 2015
im so hungry
and sleepy
cant i just have a lazy day?
lotus lord Jun 2015
today came way to soon

and i wish i had time

we put you out of your pain
but now we are in pain

you will be missed boo
and i promise to see you every day
you will be in the back yard
this is for my cat boo i know ive been wrighting about her a lot but i got to spend the weekend with her she has cancer and it hard my parent put her to rest today so she wouldnt be in pain and i love her and will miss her
lotus lord Sep 2015
if you need i will stay
if you want me i will stay
if you care about me i will stay

when you don't need me i will leave
when you through me to the side i will leave
when you don't care i will leave

i will stay when i am needed
but once you stop needing me i will leave
lotus lord Dec 2014
From when we met I liked you but soon I will learn your true plan

I was sweet and nice got you stuff as a surprise

They told me you had someone else while you had me

For when I asked was it true you would tell me not to worry that they were only jelouse

I had been hurt from that night you asked me to home coming and you showed up will all your ex's who took control of the night but you where to fair gone to remember who I was

I took you back cause I felt bad but that is when I learned you plan

You called me ugly, slutty, stupid in every text you sent me, told me you would rather die then to date me, then you killed me saying you were only using me
lotus lord Dec 2014
They think just cause they play sports there the best of the best

But truth be told there just ideots
They make fun of people and get away
They only play so the girls will be all over them
And to they can sleep with them all

But truth be told I would go near them cause there just bad new

And I know not all them are like this
lotus lord Dec 2014
When we make a choice or do something for netter or worst it effects people more than you think

When it effects you it effects all who care about you and then it mat effect all who care about them but it also effects the others who are involved

Just remember that for everything that has happened for better or worst it effects more than you
lotus lord Dec 2014
You make fun  of me for what
To make you feel better about your self

But how can you feel better
You hurt someone who you really don't know

You want to say I have it worse
But why even say it just so you make it all about you

Just think when you hurt someone other people are hurt as well
lotus lord Dec 2014
You want to help but all you can do is feel weak
Knowing your best friend is in pain

You want to help but can

Know the pain they have to go though everyday
The fake smile they put on for everyone else
Seeing the tear they hold back

All you can do is watch with tears in your eyes knowing you want to help do all you can but you can't
lotus lord Jun 2015
the school year is coming to end
i have to say good bye to all my  friend
there will be tears

some that i know ill never see again
and some that i know i have had a great time with

the end is near
and i know they have changed my life
and i hope i have changed theres

its off to a new school that no one wants to go
i did fight all that i could
and parents did to but that never changed a mind

so now my last day is coming soon
and i dont want to let go
i dont want to cry

but i do want  to change there lives

i hope my last day goes well
and for all my friend i love you with all my heart
this will be a sad day in a week i dont want alyssa nor twitch to go they are the  one who i will cry all night about for i want them in my life and want them by my side
lotus lord Dec 2014
Let then go
For it will cause you more pain than before

You've have the good and bad time with them
Don't look back and regret it because you know you'd do anything to have it back

Its a part of life, if they come back then maybe its ment to be

You look back to your kids and tell your past of the lessons you have learned

They'll always be a part of you and you know that
Learn to love and forgive
lotus lord Dec 2014
You brake my heart once same on you
You lost a worderful girl

You brake my heart twice same on me
I thought I could trust you again but it turns out I can't

If it was meant to be then they'll come back but don't force it
lotus lord Dec 2014
Life is way short

We have dreams and hope
Family to see
Children to see grow up
Grand children to met
Things to take care of

Life is way to short
lotus lord Sep 2016

its a two way street
or more like playing frogger

you give, you take
but most of the time you just feel like it was just you

you fall hard
and you get your heart broken
lotus lord Feb 2015
It may seem like nothing
But to someone it means the world

You stand there with your best friend
Know she's in trouble
Scared for her life planing on not going home

But yet you stand there telling there your coming home with me

You don't care about anything else

You just stand there holding them letting them cry but all you do is stand there holding knowing its means a lot

For when you know they don't get much
So you bring even the most simplest of things and yet they act like you gave them the world

No matter what you stand by there side

It may seem like nothing to everyone else
But to one person it means the world
This is for my best friend she got in trouble and was scared but I wasn't about to let her stay in the cold and run, she was coming with me no matter what because she is my sister and she is my family
lotus lord Dec 2014

I'm me and its never going to change
lotus lord Sep 2016
I wake up hopping today will be better then the last
But a hope is just a hope
lotus lord Nov 2015
its been a long time since i saw you
its been a longer time since we dated

i still look at you with all the love i still have for you
but know it can not be

i look away with sarrow in my eyes

but as turn away

i hear your voice cut through the silents and say
remember are plan

i turn around with shock and disbelief in my eyes
just to see you smiling

later that day you come to have lunch with me

and just before you walk out that door
you give me a kiss
and smile
lotus lord Dec 2014
My heart is not a toy

It got played way to much
They wound it up again and again till it broke
And just left acted like it was nothing

You left it broke
Didn't care if someone would fix it

Because for all you did was wait till It was happy and fix to play it again and again till it broke
lotus lord Apr 2016
i hear a sound
i pull my blank over my head
i think to myself the monsters will get me

then mother walks in with a light
she shows me there's nothing there

its all in my head

7 years later

i sit in the back of the classroom
i pull my hoodie over my head
i sit in silents

kids through things at me
calls me names
push me around

and i think to myself
were's mother when i need her to scare away the monsters
lotus lord Jan 2015
The new year has come and I'm so excited

My first true date in 2 days with a guy I like to start it off right

An imaginary kiss since he couldnt be here

But the thought count and so does it
lotus lord Sep 2015
no one believes anymore

as were little
we believe in santa, the tooth fairy, and a lot of others

but now no one believes
either parents tell them to soon
or other kids destroy it

no one believes anymore
theres no joy for the little ones
they cant even believe in there dreams

its sad to it
lotus lord Dec 2014
From when we were little we have been told practice makes perfect

But from what I have seen practice does not perfect it makes permanent
lotus lord Apr 2016
i wake up
but i dont want to get up

i get dressed
but i want to stay in my pj's

i go to school
but i want to stay home

i go home
i wonder what i going to do next

i hang in my room
being meself

i go to sleep


what i could have done better
what could i have done different

but i fall asleep thinking i need to do better
when i really know what i did is what im going to do tomorrow
lotus lord Dec 2014
People are like candy
You have sweet ones and you have sour ones
lotus lord May 2015
Everyone is not perfect

But perfection comes in every way

You may not like who you are on the outside
And you change your self
To make you think you are perfect

But really yor already perfect
You perfect to person who loves you
lotus lord Dec 2014
The day I turn 18
Is the day you will be free

The plan I have made is to work and save money
Have a house where you can stay

You will finally be free of your chains

You'll finally have a place to go
A place you can call home
One you don't have to fake or be afraid

A place of peace with me

Sister/best friends forever
lotus lord Jan 2015
how can you keep playing

you sit there acting all lovely on me
and yet you don't fell bad when you have a girlfriend

its bad when non of your  girlfriends can trust you
because you play them along like every other girl

but when i catch you in a lie
all you do is shrug and don't give a care

i don't know about you but at least i know what loyalty is

because down the road you just going to stay the same way never change and ill be the one married and have loving kids

but i guess you just don't know what love is
i have to deal with this on a ex who i have no idea what i saw in him it just makes me mad the he plays me along and tells me non of his girlfriends have ever trust him because he plays so much
lotus lord Dec 2014
What's so great about being popular

Being popular means you have to be mean
Make fun of other people
Have the right clothing

I don't know about you but being popular is lame and hard
lotus lord May 2015
i sit there and cry for many of reasons
but you may not even know one

i have trouble in my life
with friends and family

i get sick like every one else
and i dont feel well

my teeth are hurting
and i have to get sugary

i push myself to the point im crying in pain
take the chance off hurting my self to help others

but yet i get told not again
that im worthless
i hold everyone back
the list goes on

i cry for many of reason
so dont judge when you dont know the reason
lotus lord Dec 2014
Were told to give respect but how can we
Teachers don't respect us so how can we respect them

Respect is a 2 way street

Even if we give them respect we don't get it back
lotus lord Dec 2014
I'm tired
I'm sleepy
I dont want to go to school just to be laugh at
My parents wonder why I don't want to go to school but truth be told I can't stand to talk about it
I'm tired I'm sleepy
lotus lord Aug 2015
a time we do not look forward to
we wait till that last year to finally be free

but there is one thing we do want
to see are friends

you never relieze just how much they mean
until now when you see them again

you want to talk but cant
have to get to class

you have to deal with all that homework
and class work

and once again you look at the clock
to see hen will it end
lotus lord Dec 2014
Being sick is a pain In the ****

You can't get anything done
No friends to hang out with
Have to stay in bed

The only thing good to come out is you get to stay in bed all day be lazy

Being sick on Christmas day now that's just plain eveil
lotus lord Dec 2014
I wanted so bad to be able to hold someone close
But it never happens

I have to walk though life seeing others happy because they have someone and I don't

I cry myself to sleep know I just want someone anyone that way I could finally hold someone close
I've just made this cause fell so lonely just want someone to date...
lotus lord Dec 2014
sometimes i scare myself

i talk to myself when im alone
i spend my time video gaming with other people cause they dont know me
i pretend to have to people i hold most next to me when i sleep
i find myself aruging with myself
i get mad over nothing

sometimes i scare myself
lotus lord Dec 2014
When you haven't eaten for a few hours you say your starving
When I kid who hasn't eaten in days they say I'm hungry

When it come time for you to eat you stuff your self and waste the rest
When it comes time for them to eat they hand it out so other kids can eat even if it only means a little
lotus lord Sep 2015
It seems as if its harder to find nice people

Are parents try to make us good
But it seems as if the world changes us more

No one stops to help
make someone's day
Or to even share a smile

In today's day and age

Its like who can be meaner
Who can make people feel small
who can be more cruel

it seem as if you have to be mean to make it
but what ever happened to being nice?
lotus lord Dec 2014
356 day a year
We look forward to the summer because there is no school we get to have fun and lay in the sun oh who I kinding my pale self is sitting around video gaming

Summer is when we get a break from all the hard work and get to be lazy sleep in and stay up all night why cant summer come more often
lotus lord Dec 2014
we blame others for what we do but why

we have a choice to do what we want
for we are not forced to do anything we do not want to do

so why blame others for what we do when we are the ones to blame
lotus lord Dec 2014
I want you so much
But yet you have another

You hug me tell me you love me and miss me
And I stay by your side no matter what

But how long can I stay when I know I'm crying on the inside and it tars me to pieces before it kills me
lotus lord Jan 2015
my life was over or at least i felt like that
the only person i called a friend had betrayed me

mom made me help at that camp to get over my loss

and that's where i met the 3 boys who would change my life forever

you made me forget what i had lost
made me happy once more

i ended up dating one and he ended up being my first kiss
he is now my best friend no matter how much his mom hates be we will still always be best friends

another end up being like my older brother
we may not talk much be still he there for me i could be in tears and he'll say with me as long as he can to help me when i'm down

the last was one who has made the biggest impact
once i though of him as my older brother but he never really was he was more as a best friend it was after 2 years did i found out he liked me and liked him and now where dating

these 3 have made the biggest impact on my life and i'm glad i met them
these 3 boys where there when i was down we met at a summer camp were i was helping out they were to we have made this little group the 4 of us we have stayed in contact for 2 years now and i'm glad there not one thing i would give up the change the moment we met be it was perfect as it is i love them all i really do
lotus lord Apr 2016
the outcast group is the one no one wants to be in

but to be honest its the funnest group there is

you have people of all different personalities
so many people with many different lives
so many people with stories to be told

the outcast group

were the weirdest
were loud
were crazy

but were the one group that's not scared to be us

we are the outcast group
lotus lord Dec 2014
You may say you are worth crying over
But truth be told you are worth it

You are someone I hold close to my heart
You are my best friend really I'm sister

If anything were to happen to you it would **** me for you mean so much to me

I would do anything make sure your safe and where no one can hurt you

Let you be able to be happy
Not just put on a fake smile but I real one
This is to my best friend,  I may have only known her a few month she can never be replaced she is the one person who gets me the most someone I would die for and never have to think twice for anything I have done for her
lotus lord Oct 2015
no one can be normal

because everyone is different
lotus lord Dec 2014
The true meaning of Christmas
We have all for gotten

People think its all about giving the right gift
What will I get

And if its not something we want or under the tree
we get upset

But really I could do without the presents
For I only want to help people in need
Make a kid happy and smile

For the true meaning of Christmas is to help those in need and not what anything in return
lotus lord Dec 2014
Snow fall so light falls with out a care
Little kids play with out a care in the world

You look and wish you could protect them from the cold dark world we have made from them

But all you do is snails and say I will change the world so such things can be chairished
lotus lord Nov 2015
the world is mine to see it as i please

for i was not born just for my parents to have a child

but i was born to tell my story

when i was little i would look at this world and think
its so pure

this world spins completely around in 24 hours

this world spins completely around the sun in 365 days

and yet 9 years later it only felt like 1

i learnd that this world is far from being pure

it juges you
watches your every move

its a cruel, heartless and greedy place

were told be yourself
be different

but most importly were told dont change for anyone

my did i learn that's all a lie

you act like yourself and you get chewed up and are spit out

the smallest things are life changing

that little girl with golden hair
her front teeth missing cause the tooth fairy came the night before

she looks up to me with her blues eyes sparkling
and a smile on her face and tells me

don't look down
look up

don't be sad be glad

be the princess in your kingdom

never lose hope

never forget who your suppose to be

as i think to myself i say

this little girl knows more kindness
then most people know in one finger

but i was stopped in my thoughts

for this little girl pulled a simple little purple crown

i know its not much but i made it for you

i have to go but remember stay yourself

from that moment on i know not only know that this world is a cruel place

but this world has people that are kind and caring

and keep this world pure in there own eyes

they had a story to be told

at that moment i know at that
i was going to change lives

simply giving a gift
or tell someone i appreciate you
can make a difference in this world
i have been given a assignment to do a spoken word poem and this is what i wrote
lotus lord Jun 2015
I like different things than you

I have different friends than you

I dont want to be popular like you

So dont pick on me

Dont laugh at me

Because I am me
And you can't change it

This is my life
And I'll do as I please
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