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lotus lord Jun 2015
Time and time again I'll tell you to leave me alone
But you just stay there

Time and time again I tell you to stop picking on me
But you just keep at

Time and time again I say something to you
But you won't listen

I'm tried of asking time and time again
Because now I'm not going to ask time and time again
I'm going to take care of it the first time
lotus lord May 2015
time goes on

friends move
they have bigger and butter thing that come alone

time goes on

they live there life
they get married and have kids

time goes on

they grow old with there loved one

time goes on

but the time that we sent have great times together
will always stay with me and they will

go on with time as time goes on
lotus lord Dec 2014
Time will tell when its ready

We wait like a kid on Christmas to find out

If there the one,
If are dreams will come true,
If we get married or have kids,
If we get want we want,
If we will ever be happy in life,

Time will tell when its ready
lotus lord Dec 2014
This is to all to girls that have been called ugly or cheated on

You are not ugly and you'll never be so one guy doesn't like you so what you can't please them all your beautiful in your own way that make you, you

If a guys ever cheated on you that just means he wasn't worth your time once a cheater always a cheater

You a beautiful and amazing just the way you are
lotus lord Sep 2015
no one is the same
everyone is different

I like one color and you like another

I have my own style
you have your own style

I act different than you
you act different than me

i love my friends
you don't like my friends

everyone is different
it is so each is own
this is how i feel in the place i live, everyone is different and this was a way i could put it
lotus lord Jan 2015
i want to get away

i know i don't belong
so why should i stay

11 years in the dreadful place is long enough

over years i had gotten friends
some left, some moved, some just didn't care  

my wish is to get way form this dreadful
where i know i don't belong
lotus lord Sep 2015
true friends have your back
and will help you without being asked

will pick you up when your down
there a person you can talk to
you can be your self and not worry
someone who you can cry in front off

most people think all there friends
are best friends

but when push come to shove
only a few will be true best friends
lotus lord Dec 2014
Without trust there is no relationship
Trust is something every one needs

Just think if you trust and let them have there freedom the 2 times will happen

They show you they are loyol
They hang them self with the trust you gave
lotus lord Apr 2016
i'm different

you pick me out
you'll bully me till the end of school

i'm told
go see someone when your bullied, talk about how you feel

but they still wont do a thing
they hit them on the hand and say
don't do it again

it stops for what
a week

then they come after me again

it's when i stand up for myself and finally fight back

that then i'm a bully in everyone's eyes
i get in trouble, i get labeled as a bully

by why
because i do want you tell me to do?
because i stand up for myself?
or is it because im a underdog and i stand for whats right?
lotus lord May 2015
in high school
i would have never guessed i would have 2 best friends

you could have told me
but i would would have looked at you and said
you must be crazy and lieing

im glad i was never told because it came so much sweeter the way it did
lotus lord Sep 2015
I get some kids need to get pushed to get good grades
or do to better in life

but they pushing us in the 6th grade for collage
a freshman in high school is made to choice a career

a senior in high school has to do a project on there career
and if they don't do it
they cant graduate

some kids are different then others
and its not normal to do this to kids

sometimes we get pushed to hard
lotus lord Feb 2015
We go over the same stuff in school for years

What's the point
We already know this

Teacher tell us to say awake
But how can you went you already know the stuff

Maybe if we didn't go over the same thing over and over again

We would have less years in school
lotus lord Jan 2015
we as a commity need to stand up for what right

no one want to hear what we say about moving to a new school
they went in there with no open minds

th­at is me up there if i can do it you can to
lotus lord Apr 2016
i'm sorry i cant be who you want me to be
i'm sorry i cant please you

are paths have started to split

you go one way                                                   i go the other

the me you once know has grown older
i started to be come the person i wanted to be

we were once good friends
but now your getting mad and yelling at me

we are taking are different paths

live your life the way you want to
and slowly ill become ghost
lotus lord Dec 2014
We say I love you but do you mean it

We are young and how no idea what life will do for us
And yet here we are in high school saying I love you

How do we even know mean it or what its supost to fell like
lotus lord Apr 2016

there's the sound once more

my heart breaking
falling to the floor

but as it's falling
i heart a silent scream

its your name

after it crashes and shatters
i look down

i see the string and the scars

the scars from when you broke it before
and the string from when you put it back together

but who's going to put it back together

because you've left me all alone
lotus lord Apr 2016
is it a feeling when you've know someone for so long?

is it the way i feel when im around my parenter?

is it something i say to someone when i want them to know i care?

is it a feeling the just come when it does?

if no one knows what love is then why do we have so many questions on it?
lotus lord May 2015
you can be some random person
and say something to make me feel bad

it wont matter to me

you can be my best friend
and say something to make me feel bad

and it would hurt me to the point i cry and give up

because you are someone i look up to
a person i care about
when your world means everything
lotus lord Dec 2014
They all they there my best friends
But are you really

When i m hurting they look at me and say I told you so
I have to keep things from you
But I when I tell you I have to make you promise you would yell

If they think there my best friend

Are you ready to fight
To be there when im down
To lift me up and give me a smile

What you think a friend is
Is what i think people should do weather you are or arent friends
lotus lord Feb 2015
You never know what you have till its gone

You take the time for granted

But once you realize it gone
You worried
you panic

And you do all you can to get it back

You said to doutb you'll never see it again
You think back to the wonderful memories you had

Every little thing make you want to cry

But the moment you get it back  
You hold it close and cry
You tell yourself I'll never let it go again
lotus lord Nov 2015
deep down i still love you

but i know i can not show it

you try to make me jealous
you tell me you have another

and yet you say
i love you
lotus lord May 2015
you pull me in to your lap and kiss me
latter that day you ask me out

i wait and think but never answer

time goes on and you give me a computer
but we went down stairs you set the computer down
you pulled me close and kissed me
and it changed my world

weeks went by

one day after school we hang out
i sat in your lap as you play minecraft
and in between games we kissed many of times

the next morning i asked you out
but you needed time

a week later

at are choirs concert you gave me your phone and told me to read

what i saw killed me
you asked out my best friend/sister

i cried and cried even cried myself to sleep

it blow over but i never really did heal

you told me that those kisses meant nothing and it crushed me

you then asked out another girl

and it hurt me once more

i grow feeling for someone who hurts me over and over again

but how?
lotus lord Jun 2015
why cant people come talk to me

you go behind my back
and do something that will hurt me later on

you never come to me and ask to talk
never once

if people came to me and sat me down
told me whats going on

there wouldn't be hurt
wouldn't be drama

i would be better than i am now

but yet you still go behind my back

why cant people talk to me
lotus lord Jun 2015
time was so nice without her here

she was  pain to have around
and no one really  wanted her around
we only did it to be nice
but she never did get the hints

the day she was gone was so happy to me
and soon every day she was gone
things were as i wished what i wanted

come to find out she was locked up
and out away happy day for me

but then she has come back around
and the same old me being nice
and her being me  to me
has come back once more
six more days and  i would have been in heaven
this girl is a puppy dog to my friend and she wont get the hint that he dont like her like that anymore this girl would walk a mile and back  just to fallow him around for 4 minutes ive tried to be there for her and to be a friend but she just wont stop being mean to me 6 days till the end of school is it to much to ask well yes it been nice with out her
lotus lord May 2015
you think it easy being me

im sweat and kinda
sometimes im happy and i show it
helping others when their in need
always trying to do the right thing
give people complements to brighten there day

but then you come around and destroy who i am
you make me doubt
you make me feel so small

and then i cant be who i want to be

why do you do think its so easy being me
bulling is something i see everyday and i cant stand it.  im bullied and even thought they try to being me down, i still try to bring people up.
lotus lord Dec 2014
why make rules if people brake them

for in this world we have people who we call rule breakers
and then we have people who we call goodies

not everyone is a goddie
and most of the time goodies want to prove they can be bad
so they even brake rules

so why make rules if there just going to get brokn
lotus lord Dec 2014
I may not talk or have friends but that doesn't mean anything

If I talk I may get made fun of and if I'm made fun of I may not get friends

I'm alone and sceard don't know what to do
I live in a dark cruel place

So why talk or have friends
lotus lord Dec 2014
how is it that the good get punished and the wrong gets away

we have been told if you tell the truth you will not get in as much trouble if you told a lie

but just think if you tell he truth you do get introuble but if you lie theres the chance you get away

so why tell the truth
lotus lord Mar 2017
i was worried and scared
so i left

but no matter how many steps i take forward
i'm always looking back

are love wasn't fake
it was as pure

maybe that's why i can't find it again

i miss you, i curl up in your clothes, i pretend your here
i still love you
i want you back, but will you take me back?
7 months ago i left a man i fell in love with i wanted him to relieze what was happening but i regret it now we want each other but how i left things im scared it will hurt us
lotus lord Jan 2015
ive made my voice heard and it so wonderful­/

this is me doing something to try to help save me from moving im caitlyn
lotus lord Nov 2015
you can stop and look at anything you want

but its not always going to be beauty

the world works in different ways

but it always works with ying and yang

people in this world want world peace

but there's that ying and yang again

you can have all the world peace
but there will always be war

this is reason why you can look at anything
but its not always going to be beauty
lotus lord Dec 2014
So you don't like me
I'm OK with that does it change my life at all no
I could be the nicest person in the world to you
And you still wouldn't like me

I may be different for you and that's OK
You may not like me for who I am
Or who I'm friends with in the end I does not matter

It only matters whats on the inside not the outside
lotus lord Jun 2015
this is to younger me

most people would write
don't do this
go do that

but i'm not going to

you have a wonderful life ahead of you
you'll have hard times and you'll have good ones
just keep doing what your doing

you'll be glad you did
lotus lord Jun 2015
i try to be there for you when i can
but sometimes it seems as if it not enough

you've always been there when i needed you
it may not seem it

but knowing you care
makes it a hole lot better

it makes me know know your there with me

you may not be there when i'm down
you may not be there when i need someone
you may not be there when i need a hug
you may not be there when i just need a friend

but ill always know your there in my mind
lotus lord Jan 2015
i know what hold for me now
but i don't know what hold's later

my life can change within a matter of moments
my life could come crashing down

my life was some in ruins

but yet you were there to make me smile and happy
to pick me up when im down

its happened once it will happen again
but yet you stay

im glad we met and im glad where together
lotus lord Dec 2014
You see a homeless person and you think trash
I see a homeless person and think I feel bad for them life has been to hard for them

You see a little kid and think annoying
I see a little kid and think he only wants someone to play with

You see me and think what a loser
I see you and think how cruel

What you think and I think are way different
lotus lord Apr 2016
I watch you everyday

From random videos to watching YouTube's

You give people hobbies and jobs

You give the a chance to creative and show the world who they are

Sometimes to question runs though my mind
Do I have what it takes to be a youtuber to

I just push it aside and continue watching

— The End —