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you say I'm emo
just because I wear black a lot.
You say I am a queer
because I give my best friend a hug, and he just happens to be a guy.
You think I cut
just because I have scars on my wrist.
Truth is,
none of the stuff you say is true.
See, emo has become a fad.
Everyone wants to have attention.
But us "real emos" will tell you that its no fun.
I can't...we can't control when we are happy and sad,
glad and mad.
Its a ****** feeling.
I do not wear black because I worship Satan,
I wear black because it fits me
I do not wear my band shirts to be cool,
I wear them because they represent who I am.
I do not listen to rock music because I have problems,
I listen to it because the screaming helps my blood flow.
I don't expect you to know what it's like to truly be
The only time you say that word,
the only time you say us
is when you make fun of us.
My hair is not long just to cover my face,
my hair is long because I like it that way.
You expect us to be like you,
but yet you rob us of our happienes.
who the **** are you to call me emo?
What do you truly know about depression.
Because your idea of depression is when you get grounded,
and my idea of depression is when I hold a blade to my neck.
You think depression is just tears,
but nope.
Its painful,
almost numbing.
This isn't even the start.
Do not call me emo,
because of what you think
because you will never know me
I won't let you get to know me
because I don't want that pain.
You are a ******,
and one of the reasons why
*I'm emo
You're a ******* *****
You're fat
Your smile is disgusting
You make my life a living hell
You're boring
You're too emotional
You were a mistake
My friends were right, you are a *****
You're family is ****** up
You're nonexistent to me
You're mental
Go cut yourself
I never loved you
Your face makes me want to puke
Drop dead
Go **** yourself
Every inch of you is disgusting
Go away
You are one ****** up ****

The last man who claimed to love me at one time said all of those hurtful things to me
Ask me again why I am single
Ask me again why I am so closed off
Ask me again why I am terrified of love
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders
WRITTEN ON: September. 11, 2015 Friday 10:58 A.M.
School girl: Oh look if isn't poor Gothic Rose. You got any new marks on your wrist freak?

Me: Actually no, but I have the blade in my bag would you like me to cut up your face
Pulls out blade and waves it around

School Girl: Ha! You think your so badass? Well guess what your not, cause I'm pretty sure if you didn't have a weapon I could kick your ***!

Me: Okay, fine.
throws knife across the floor way out of reach
Let's go then, cause I can still cut up your face without a blade

School girl: Backs away a few steps
Your ******* psychotic and hope you die

Me:Ha! Tell me something I don't know! and you know what I'm already dead. Dead to everyone as can be

School Girl: runs away and says nothing else

Me: Walks across the commons, picks up blade
Well, Looks like we have another date blade, let's get to it.
*Follows after school girl
Idk. Just bored.
1 pill: Nothing really serious.
2 pills: To distract my thoughts.
3 pills: To numb the pain
4 pills: To get me high.
5 pills: To make me sleepy.
6 pills: To knock me out.
Sleeps for 3 hours
wakes up

7 pills: To cause poising.
8 pills: To send me into the hospital.
9 pills: No returning..
10 pills: To end it all.

*Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop. Now I'm gone
 Jan 2015 lotus lord
Anne Faye
 Jan 2015 lotus lord
Anne Faye
if looks could ****, I would have killed you by now.
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