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 Aug 2021 CA Guilfoyle
Bennie in White House
helping the rich get richer
while poor quickly rot
copyright December 17, 2015 by Hilda
It amazes me how either ignorant or extremely affluent most American citizens are by voting for so many rich Republicans who want to destroy Social Security, disability benefits, food coupons, etc.
Every one is the superstar of his own reality, the hero of his own story.
Many men emerge as kings in some realm and declare according to their own understanding.
Women have been called Queens for ages.
The problem is that the Kingdoms most men can give them are not worth ruling.
 Aug 2021 CA Guilfoyle
I forgive you for everything you've ever done.
I forgive you for everything you might do.

Forgiveness gives me peace

The easiest hardest thing
I ever
have to do.
 Aug 2021 CA Guilfoyle
Poetry is the voice of the simple.
Even the simple understand grief
c. April 7, 2020
the poet ambles along
taking in the delights
inhaling the morning
in a world gone awry
while others  huff and puff
to unknown destinations
on the highway to nowhere
Hi everybody! It's been quite a while, but here we go again.
 Aug 2021 CA Guilfoyle
Stephen S
613 200 Hours
25 550 Days
13 Cars
11 Jobs
9 Dogs
6 Surgeries
5 Children
4 Grandchildren
3 Marriages
2 Siblings
1 Weary soul.
No regrets.
 Jul 2021 CA Guilfoyle
Jeff Stier
I strive for beauty
I wait for the bell to chime
the lightning to strike

Today, it seems,
the skies are clear
those chimes of midnight
are silenced
they boycott my breath
heap ash on the urgency of ringing
and leave me dizzy
in my decline.

But if the past
truly is prologue
it will all come round again.

Language will make its magic.
Sweetness will ooze from
the open wound
of my heart.

There will be words
in the order and rhythm
in which they were intended.

And poetry will breathe yet again.
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