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  Jun 2014 Zelda
Sean Yessayan
Not drunk,
yet not sober.
The ones who've left you,
hardly consoled.

At the moment,
I don't know why they would ever leave.
  May 2014 Zelda
Daniel Magner
"The way you work
is so messy"
as paints lay all
bits of paper
tacked, taped
in shapes
five shades
of blue
stain my arms
"And your pieces are so...
unclean, undefined"
I laughed a little
and replied
"Just like
Daniel Magner 2013
  May 2014 Zelda
never write a poem
they show you're weak and naive
who wants innocence
  May 2014 Zelda
Joshua Haines
I heard your voice on the radio
Each word transmitting
from your lips
You touch me more than you even know
From my neck to your fingertips

To be under your skin
is where I should have been.
From the start I knew
a little bit of everything
except you.
And to know you
is to know everything.
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