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Brooke Pauley Jan 2015
they throw it around like it's a toy that can be replaced,
i forget what it's like to own a heart that's never been gashed.
what does it feel like to love without fear?
what is it like to care without hurting?
Brooke Pauley Jan 2015
our professor asked us
'what is perfection?'
silently, i thought of you.
he told us perfection is nothing but a rose
placed perfectly beneath the sun
On a random day
"perfection is *******",
and I thought of you.
Brooke Pauley Jan 2015
me habéis llegado al alma. O acaso habéis estado en el fondo de ella?
Brooke Pauley Jan 2015
we were a double entendre.

two different, too different.
short lived, but wildly so.
we smiled at things,
even from polarization.

we agreed on things,
even from separate extremities.

we laughed at the same jokes.
and we found each other palpable.

we didn't owe each other anything,
and we couldn't satisfy each other.
we were a brief ******.
and a good one.

we were a double entendre,
and ambiguous.

crazy boy, i happily remember you.
  Jan 2015 Brooke Pauley
Gaby Comprés
we are poems.
beautifully written,
wonderfully designed;
marvelous works of art.
we are written with
starlight and wonder,
with verses of beauty
written across our hearts.
we are walking rhymes,
walking wonders,
walking words that tell
stories of freedom
and redemption.
we are poetry,
we are songs,
we are melodies
that are sung on
bright days.
we are the words of grace,
we are the words unforgotten,
we are words that remain.
Brooke Pauley Jan 2015
you look young today,
you see yourself in the reflection of the mirror.
as we sit, all too familiarly,
you christen yourself,
"lady in waiting".

we laugh even now,
at the things we couldn't change.
we talk of your wedding ring,
'who shall have it?'
'want it?'
relic of a failed marraige

i think of the night he locked you out,
you so cold without a coat.
we curse him and the moon that night,
mocking us as I swept you in my arms.

yesterday you fell three times,
just now you see fireflies blooming from my locket
and i steal armfuls of lilacs for you.
you accept them graciously,
but you let them fall to the floor.

the ambulance comes in an instant.
my lips startle yours,
as i lift you into back,
and kiss you goodbye.
Brooke Pauley Jan 2015
"y si la vida es corta y no llega la mar a tu galera,
aguarda sin partir y siempre espera,
que el arte es largo y, además, no importa."

"And if life is short and the sea does not arrive to your galley,
still wait without parting and always trust,
that art is long and, moreover, doesn't matter"
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