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 Mar 2016 Wanderer
David Crum
I have nicknames and designations for all my friends.
You, not a ghost but a phantom, not a ghost because you are my friend, always, and I will always love you.
But a phantom, an echoed impression of a  old friend.
Foggy, misty, silhouetted figure with a familiar outline and unfamiliar details.
Looking for the person you wee in the ancient days of my youth like looking for rice in a snowstorm.
Not trying to rekindle an old flame you see,
but trying to find the fire-words to light a new one.
i honestly do not remember writing this, but here it is.
tucked away from the memo section of my phone.
 Mar 2016 Wanderer
Stephen Walter
Drunk to the point where I can't stand and still the feeling of missing you holds more president than standing. I'm not certain that I was built to sustain this existence in your absence, yet still I try to go on, all the while, watching unfit humans start anew... Watching the dealers and the ****** turn new leaves over in the wake of the new lives granted to their care... watching the parents of future presidents pace the halls of their wallpaper-peeling abodes, smoking and drinking and swearing and cursing and hating while the greatest gifts that God should ever bless them with cry out in the dark not ten steps away, unnoticed and unloved...
 Life is unfair, little one and Death, Death is unkind... why has he not come for me, come to ease the isolation of my broken heart, which beats in maddening defiance of my broken existence...
You are six now, and life is growing ever closer, threatening to clamp it's jaws around your jovial throat, while she teases me with release... I have missed so much. I will miss so much more before there is an end to my suffering, yet still I must soldier on... On towards a fitting end that I can only hope awaits me. On towards the end of pain and the balm of eternal rest, for I have not SLEPT in years and I have not LIVED in lifetimes... for I have missed all of yours... yet I wish, nay, pray, to go no further...
 Your life and your happiness keeps me sustained and moving forward, all the while haunting me in every waking dream...
Live, my Angel. Live for yourself and to keep me alive.
I love you. God's speed and good luck, good night and sweet dreams...
May angels guide you to your rest while my Angel's slumber grants my own...
 Mar 2016 Wanderer
J Ray
If I could pull the stars down one by one
You know I would, just for you
If I could just lasso that old moon
You know I would, just for you
If I could find one thing to make you smile
I’d say goodbye, and I’d drive a country mile
I’d find a field full of daisies, for the one I love
A field full of daisies, and pick them one by one
I’d give them to the girl I really love
And that’s you, baby it’s all…just for you
If I could put the sunlight in your hair
You know I would just for you
If I could stop the rains from falling down
You know I would, just for you
Since I can’t always paint a sky of blue
There’s one thing that I know I can do
I’ll find a field full of daisies, for the one I love        
A field full of daisies, and pick them one by one
I’ll give them to the girl I really love
And that’s you, baby it’s all…just for you
©J.Ray 5.15.15
This is a song I wrote....I know it's not quite my forte, but if you would like to hear it, here is the link:  No prompts to buy, I PROMISE!!!
I really hope you enjoy it, and all comments and critique are much appreciated! Thanks!!!
 Mar 2016 Wanderer
Not Again
 Mar 2016 Wanderer
Y'know that sinking feeling you get when you discover that the author of the strangely fascinating book you've been reading like a mad man for the past few days committed suicide at a young age?
Yea, it's kind of like that.
 Mar 2016 Wanderer
Amber S
white lie
 Mar 2016 Wanderer
Amber S
we never talk about the ******* afterward.
it's hidden in the dust on my sheets, his liquids still fresh,
his cologne stamped on my pillowcases,

instead he asks about work, mentions his exhaustion,
doesn't bring up the marks he always leaves,
the one on my arm like a birthmark,
the small red ones on my back,

the ones on my hips like roses left out for too long

last night his fingers pressed on my throat and he kept asking how
i liked it. i was drunk, he was drunk and when he said he loved *******
me i almost thought he said
he loved

in my room we spoke of what we always spoke of, books and PhD's,
of classmates, of futures, and interrupting our conversation his
lips found mine, in a hungry kind of way,

he never really liked to kiss.

it'll be two weeks until i see him again, perhaps longer,
and our talks will be briefer, and i am hoping my scratches are long
and violent on his back, i hope his skull is stinging from my

we **** like we'll never **** again, and maybe i haven't had
this passion in a long while,
because i know he'll never be mine.

his fingers on my throat felt like freedom, and it's in those hours between
late night and early morning we are nothing but skin,
his fingers on my throat,
his fingers on my throat,
his fingers on my throat,

i'm choking on my spit
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