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1.6k · Apr 2015
Those Dazzling Eyes
Brie Apr 2015
It was summer
The wind blew my hair
As your car passed
And I was amazed
By those dazzling eyes
I fell in love

Days pass by
Everything is fine
I just need to wait a while
Until you're mine
But I wonder where you are

You are lost
Like me, you won't
I'm just a wall
For you to pass

I realize
You'll never be mine
For your heart isn't worth a dime
Now you want mine?

My mind says don't
But my heart says yes
Can you see boy?
You are less

The sun almost sets
When you plant
A tree that is the end
Once again those dazzling eyes
Capture me and I smile
Cause I knew you are now mine
899 · Jun 2016
Brie Jun 2016
Daydream delusion
Limousine eyelash
Oh baby with your pretty face
Drop a tear in wine glass
Look at those big eyes
See what it means to me
Sweetcakes and milkshakes

I'm delusion angel
I'm fantasy parade

I want you to know what I think
Don't want you to guess anymore
You have no idea where i came from
You have no idea where we're going

Lodged in life, like branches in the river
Flowing downstream caught in the current

I carry you, you carry me
That's how it could be

Don't you know me
Don't you know me by now
This poem is not mine
It's a poem from Before Sunrise
780 · May 2015
Let Me Be Naive
Brie May 2015
Some says world is cruel
I know it's true
So don't be naive
Cause you will grieve

Some says world is beautiful
If you know how to look
Be naive
And you'll see

Some says you'll survive
If you're wise
And innocent is fool

Some says you'll be happy
If you search the meaning
And let everything be

I want to be naive
To see the world as my scene
But naive is forbidden
If responsibility is given
600 · Jun 2015
Brie Jun 2015
The sky is burst with colors
Showing the vortex of heaven

The sunflowers are dead
Before she showed you how to catch

The meadows look divine
When the wind brushes the tip of peonies

Your face is wrinkles
From your never ending war with your madness

The church is only a place where you speak your grace
Before you gave it the meaning of your painting

I think your beautiful mind can never be defined
For people will never see who we really are
538 · Jun 2015
The Question
Brie Jun 2015
What is life?
I ask
Dad said it's to be a good person even if you don't have a blast
Mom said it's to be an obedient child
Never doubt your mission
Billionaire said it's to be and to do what you want

But is life that simple?
To be people
Who live to the fullest
But still live the expectation
When everyone is biased
And no one is patient

As Walter once said
Life is a complex matter
So don't take it for granted
One day I wake up and ask that question
503 · Sep 2015
Are There Rules For These?
Brie Sep 2015
Could I say people are mediocre
When I still do some mediocre things?
Could I say people are hypocrites
When sometimes I am a hypocrite either?
Could I say people are judgmental
When I still judge some of them?
Could I say people are fake
When I still pretend I like people that I hate?
Could I say people are mean
When I'm still being mean to another?
462 · Sep 2015
Our Obligation
Brie Sep 2015
Why do we feel the need to live by society?
Where we can't be free
You do realize
We have an obligation to be who we are
422 · May 2015
It's not mine
Brie May 2015
You came unnotice
No I'm not surprise
I knew this day would come
You fixed me piece by piece
But it comes with price
To give all the heart
And never take one
We share the joy
Even if my heart sore
Cause I know I'm yours
But her heart is what you want
Still I beg to play
I promise you will be okay
For the sacrifice is on me
415 · Sep 2015
The Perfect Formula
Brie Sep 2015
If only
I could be anything you want
Then we would've got
The foolish bond

If only
You understand me
Nothing's in-between
We would be free
From this never ending bickering

But God doesn't agree
I'm different
To your mediocrity
You don't understand me

Now I understand what we are
If people ask
Tell them this
We are the perfect formula for tears
413 · Apr 2021
Brie Apr 2021
Creature of the night
Howling at the moon
Creeping in the dark
Alone and never lonely

Free at night
Prisoner of dawn
Waiting to be free once more
Despise the sunrise
For its madding crowd

Died under the sun
Yearning for another black sky
Only resurrected by night
397 · May 2015
Inside Looking Out
Brie May 2015
From the outside looking in
Everything is good
The world is just
Everybody is nice
Everything is better
Everybody cares

From the inside looking out
Everything is wrong
I am not strong
Everybody judges
Evil is in its purest
Now I live in a ruin
Cause they don't care if I cannot feel

Yet they say
This is the best way
To keep on walking
And be steady
Instead of flying
Without certainty
Hence no man should fly
For they let the love dies

Would my life be like David's?
Who died in the hand of superior
Cause he felt something
Right through the core
357 · Sep 2017
Brie Sep 2017
What are we?
Merely bones and flesh
Walking in the jungle full of beast
Fooling with everybody else
And live with nothing left

Talking nonsense
And left meaningful words unsaid
Being loud and silent
At the same time

What do we want?
Nothing seems satisfying
For we are creatures of greed
Shouting to the world
We want to be free
338 · Jul 2015
The Ocean
Brie Jul 2015
I dive too deep
To swim to the surface
I barely breath
Yet I crave for more
I crave for the water to fill in my lungs
My mouth and my body
I don't even notice that I've already drown

The vast of sea makes me forget who I am
But it never forgets who it is
The bluest water I've ever seen
It draws me in
And I fell
Believing that someday it loves me back
Then the waves come
Sweep me away to the never ending ocean

Now I realize what a fool I am
To believe that someday I could live under water
That someday I could breath in the water
And be the queen of the ocean

I'm lost
No one to guide me home
The water I'm in love with is an ocean that I won't conquer
325 · Aug 2015
Brie Aug 2015
Do you ever want to vanish?
Into oblivion
You never been born
Then you notice
No tears
No heartbreaks
No chaos
No one's gonna miss
Because you never give them bliss
You never shake
Their feelings
You aren't George Bailey
Knowing your existence is just as dust in the universe
You are irrelevant
325 · May 2015
The taste of freedom
Brie May 2015
If only they understand
How badly injured I am
They surely would care
Even if it's just for a little while
But it's reality
It shouldn't be pretty
Cause pretty is luxury
For people like me
The one who is scared and alone
No one gives a ****
Who doesn't have a place called home
Where creativity is banned
And the last thing I could do is beg
For my song to be sang
But surely it's too much
If my song sounds daft
I don't care
I sing it myself
The voice of my soul
Cause I can't live in this cage anymore
I will be the bird who tastes freedom
Nothing can hold me now
Not even your pounce
I don't know why people think being who I am is never enough
309 · Jun 2015
Not A Believer
Brie Jun 2015
Love is beautiful
If you know how to pull
Love is certainty
If you live in silver screen

Sadly this is reality
Love is mean
First everything is pretty
Wait until it gets messy

I don't want to believe it
When all I see is bickering and fighting
When you don't fall and I do
And all I get is bruise

Love hurts
But it has its perks
If he is the one
But what if he doesn't think you are?

Love is impossible in this world
Where guys are less than girls
And guys think girls need pearls
303 · Jul 2015
Brie Jul 2015
I hate the feeling of waiting
Feels so far away when it's close
The heart pumping
The restless feeling
I just need the clock to point toward 5
282 · May 2015
Brie May 2015
It was a day
When the sky is grey
Everybody still questions
And I have hesitation

It was still a blur
My mind was a whirl
Cause I can't take it for granted
If it's a bet

Tomorrow comes
Please don't be daft
If I take my own path
For I am not us
274 · May 2015
Mary me
Brie May 2015
Hello stranger
We've met with a border
We can't cross
And I wasn't lost
Back then

The sun is almost set
This is the life I dread
Stuck on my feet
Never see where the road's end

Hello friend
We meet again
But you are not the same
I see eyes full of flame
For sometimes I'm willing to feel the pain

I'll give you the moon
If I could be your groom
But all I could give is wound
And you deserve a life that isn't doom

The night is cold
And you hope
I would take you home
Sorry dear, I don't have the gold
You deserve somebody that is bold

The song is on the air
The one we sang without care
Soon my heart is swell
Will you do the honor to ring the bell?
Please come out of your shell
I promise this time I will do it well
it's about one of my favorite couples
257 · Jun 2015
You're Not Alone
Brie Jun 2015
This is for the hopeless, the broken, the Robin Williams(es), and the fighter
Just cry out
And say it out loud
There's always someone who support you
And put you through
The world is bad
But there's still somebody who pat you on the back
Just say the word if you need hand
And we will be there
#staystrong #keepmovingon
257 · Jun 2015
If You Are A Butterfly
Brie Jun 2015
If you are a butterfly
I don't want to be the flower
You **** out to dry
I want to be your wing
That makes you beautiful
And makes you fly
241 · Apr 2015
broken soul
Brie Apr 2015
Is it me?
Too late to understand what I want to be
Is it you?
Act like you knew
The wrong path that I choose
Do I have the right to blame you?
I wish I do
Nevertheless I chose
Give it a toss
To my fool heart of rose
Has spines but never shows
I wish I had known
How to hold a fragile soul
To keep it whole
In this sickening world

Love what you do, they say
Could somebody show me the way?
How to love the day
When your soul barely awake
When the sun never shares
You aware you can't bear
The burden of your life
Then the rose becomes as cold as ice
Because you despise
What have become of your own trespass
237 · Apr 2015
The Forbidden Ones
Brie Apr 2015
This is the place
Where lovers say goodbye
Where darkness is in their eyes
Where affairs only happen at night

When the sun shines
And still everything's blind
We drink the last drop of wine
Right where we are
And I know we'll be fine
As long as you are mine

The world's trying to break us
But I won't let you pass
Cause you are my last
But I need to ask
Can you be wise?
Because I am not
237 · May 2017
The sad thing is
Brie May 2017
We just need someone we feel
Comfortable with
The sad thing is
As we grew older
It's harder to open up
And get comfortable
191 · Apr 2015
Dear Life
Brie Apr 2015
What is life?
Life is sacred
For some life is wasted
Life is beauty
Yet it is scary
Life is love
At the same time life is hatred

When is life?
Life is when you're whole
But some souls are pieces
Life is when you are content
But human are never satisfied

How is life?
Life is good
When it is bad
Life is shatred
When nobody's bled

For some life is mess
Life is dreadful
Life is mean

For me life is wonderful
Life is meaningful
Life is adventure
For life is you
176 · Aug 2020
Flawless Beauty
Brie Aug 2020
O, beauty!
To possess such grace
With angelic face
Driving all men in a daze
The women want a taste

Dare I say I didn’t admire her
For such traits
Tenderness in her strength
Patience in her hope hung
Her touch created to amend
And her bravery unsung

All is conquered
Without bad deeds
But most of them bleed
Those blood weren’t wasted
For every blood spilled by her blade
Is owned by the crooked

O, dauntless!
Yet gentle in every touch
I’ve never encountered a creature as such
To be loved by her
No greatest man have that much

— The End —