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 Feb 2017 brandon nagley
I watch the sun dance,
Everyday that it cares to shine,
On the lake
Every time the wind bothers to blow a kiss to the earth
That sun sways to dazzle
Though the sun, and the moon
Show off, and dance, for the water they both so love
The water always kisses the shore
And the uncaring land,
Cares no more, than to push the waving lips of the water
Perhaps a bad title.
 Feb 2017 brandon nagley
She counted time not,
In hours or even days
But in stollen moments
Glances, caught
From loving eyes
Graceful touches,
Deemed "sins"
The wife of a beast,
Daughter of a merchant
She, the sold wares
Counting not, the hours of absense
But time gauged in wishes,
Her scarlet letter, blackened
Worn over her breast
Scars hidden,
Beneath fine clothes
She wears the jewels given her,
To blind onlookers
To the cloaking darkness,
That covers her soul
 Feb 2017 brandon nagley
People, they don't wish to see, or hear
They like only what they see, that is pleasant,
Their reality,
Consists only of *******
Parties, skin,
Thats it
Skin, and bone
No more,
No less
Silly creatures
Feeling nothing,
Thats people

Heaven help us all,
And GOD bless
It's all just a wash.
 Feb 2017 brandon nagley
We're we ever,
But grains
Of sand,
Less, us
We? But ideas
Of tomorrow's
 Feb 2017 brandon nagley
I was never a rose,
But green
Not a chrysanthemum,
Nor an orchid
Something cut,
Walked upon
And yet,
You were the dew
And kissed me,
With a thousand moist kisses
Making me sparkle
In the sunrise
Well, I didnt even know this was chosen as the daily till just a second ago. Thank you all so very much!
she was only ten years old
when he made the video tape
the film shows a horrid crime unfold
that little girl was *****

(the story that remains untold
a past she can never escape
available for an easy download
fuel for a pervert's sake)

they have their way with her over and over

******* eyes watch with bad intent
she is a victim again and again
every time that file is sent
she is ***** by other men
so many ways we play the game
we go astray then we lay the blame
it's our way to weigh the shame
we say we'll change then stay the same

we should hate the game we play
knowing it's just the same we stay
it's our way to feign the way
looking for the place for blame to lay
I tried to use a lot of the same words in each stanza, but switched them around. I might try to use only the same words in each stanza
Biggest, blackest vultures
perched above the headstones
Unbending sin collectors
sipping through the nectar

Ripping through the silver
Leave but ashes, purple
Bruises hot and breathing
unfeathered throats, excited

Talons drop like fountains
beaming bright and red as blood
Penny wishes sinking
under oath and God above

The meal is hot and ready
Can only vultures stomach

the melted shouts of children

the deadened eyes of mothers

the headless walking fathers

Biggest, blackest vultures
elegant as navy
Irony collectors
clean of human peeling

Of napkin trees, a shading
Their beaks are white and shining
Underneath the highest flag
of their tender country
Happy inauguration day.
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