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She said: My Love .. You will forget me
وتنسى أنني يوما
And you will forget that I, one day,
وهبتك نبض وجداني
Have granted you my heart  
وتعشق موجة أخرى
And you will adore another wave
وتهجر دفء شطآني
And you will leave my beaches warmth
وتجلس مثلما كنا
And you will sit, as we used to
لتسمع بعض ألحاني
To listen to some of my tones
ولا تعنيك أحزاني
And you will not care for my sorrows
ويسقط كالمنى اسمي
And my name will fall as hope
وسوف يتوه عنواني
And my address will get lost
ترى.. ستقول يا عمري
So, my Love, will you say
بأنك كنت تهواني؟!
That you (once) loved me!?
* * *
فقلت: هواك إيماني
So, I said: Your love is my faith
ومغفرتي.. وعصياني
My forgiveness and my disobedience  
أتيتك والمنى عندي
I met you with hope
بقايا بين أحضاني
Remaining in my arms  
ربيع مات طائره
Like spring without a bird.
على أنقاض بستان
On the ruins of a garden,
رياح الحزن تعصرني
The winds of sadness squeeze me
وتسخر بين وجداني
And laugh in my chest.
أحبك واحة هدأت
I Love You .. like an oasis  
عليها كل أحزاني
On which all my sorrows have calmed down
أحبك نسمة تروي
I Love You, like an aura that tells
لصمت الناس.. ألحاني
My songs to people’s silence
أحبك نشوة تسري
I Love You ..  like ecstasy that runs
وتشعل نار بركاني
And fires my volcano.  
أحبك أنت يا أملا
I Love You .. you, Hope
كضوء الصبح يلقاني
That like morning light meets me.
أمات الحب عشاقا
Love has killed many lovers,  
وحبك أنت أحياني
And your love has given life to me.
ولو خيرت في وطن
And if I were to choose a home,
لقلت هواك أوطاني
I would say; my home is your Love.
ولو أنساك يا عمري
And if I were to forget you,
حنايا القلب.. تنساني
My heart would forget me.
إذا ما ضعت في درب
If I lost my way,
ففي عينيك.. عنواني
I would live .. in your eyes.
Arabic and English
  Oct 2014 Brandon Antonio Smith
Faced with the great shroud of encroaching unknown,
Cowering beneath dark clouds with nothing else but your own.

Just know that what gnaws on us is the looming uncertainty.
Fruits of undesirable truth may hurt but still it would set you free...
A brief chat with a friend earlier today made me realise this...
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