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 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
One day I’m going to have to stop doing winged eyeliner
and getting drunk in public places

And one day I will have to admit to myself
that I don’t really know what love is

One day I will get in my car
and throw my just lighted cigarette out of the window
because I don't really need it after all

I’ll stop listening to depressing music when I’m home alone

I’ll stop showing up to your house at 1 in the morning

And I’ll stop throwing up in toilets every Friday

One day you’re going to find out about me -

How I’m used up and selfish and *****

One day you will notice my scars
and you won’t kiss them and tell me you love me through it all
because this is not a movie
and pain is not beautiful when it’s as obvious as
blood dripping in your mouth

You will not compare me to a wild flower
and want to **** the nectar out like an active bee and pollinate me

You will pull my sleeve back down
and look out of the window until I drop you off at your house
and you kiss me on the cheek once
instead of leaving marks on my collarbones
and you will not call me right away anymore

so I guess what im getting at is my demise was our own
and no one likes pain they have to look at

No one likes darkness when its up close and personal
love is very special cupids gift to you
sends his love by arrow with a love thats true
aims it at your heart  lets his arrow flow
when it hits the target thats when love will grow
it will last forever and will never part
this is what will happen when cupids sends his dart
love it travels round over land and sea
finding hearts to live in  where the love should be
visits everybody in the human race
in every human being love it has a place
travels everywhere in each and every heart
no matter where it goes it always as a part
all a cross the universe in the world so wide
finding everybody to put its love inside
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
What is this feeling
that leaves me longing
My heart begs to hold on
Yet the golden dream
of this beautiful stranger
fades from real to reality
Although we've never met
I know her somehow
Somewhere someway
Perhaps from the past
Perhaps from the future
Maybe a soul mate
I've yet to meet
It's as if she was torn
from my being
And in my waking hour
I am but half a man.
I long for more
than just a dream
Yet at least I hold her
in my unconscious world...
Traveler Tim
The strange life of a Traveler.
Re to 02-17
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
Megan Grace
how do you get to a point
when you no longer
recognize the person
you are- when the hands
you've watched every day
become two strangers
hanging on your arms, when
your words taste dry and
sour rolling off your own tongue?
more importantly, how do
you find your way back?
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
Do not let me trust your
Mouth full of lies
Kisses of saccharin-sweet hemlock
Eyes of angelic innocence
And heart of iron, forged in Hell
Set me free before you hurt me
Let me go and fair thee well
Your words don't stop running
Across the infinite sky

They fill me with doubt
And certainty
Echoing your smile

Your eyes
Are a reflection of the stars
Looking away when the sky
Is empty of the moon

Won't you have me
At your feet
Hypnotized by your voice
And your silence

I hear your heart beat
When I'm awake at night
And you are still asleep

Like a thunderstorm
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