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 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
I'm so insecure
Deeply unsure
Scared to my core
Can't take it anymore
Heart's on the floor
Every day's a chore
Can't make it to the door
Who am I living for?
I wrote the song when I had no voice.
Made the decision when I had no choice.
Played the music when I had no hands.
Danced along when I could not stand.
Wrote the words when I was confused.
And wasn't looking when I heard my muse.

The lyrics now are the final thing.
So we will wait to hear Marsha sing.
If I stand with my feet
shoulder-width apart
light shines through the crack
between my thighs.
having a thigh gap
never seemed like a bad thing.
until now.
I hope you know
That you are
My exception to love.

I haven't let myself
Love anyone but you
For years.

I used to think
That I wasn't capable of loving.
Then I met you.
And all my worries
Flew away.
Written for Michelle (:
A thin line
is what separates our kind
from normal.

A different thought
is what confuses the masses
and we leave them behind

we keep moving forward
in extraordinary ways
proving that everyone was wrong
and we know that we truly do belong

Our techniques and logics
are very exotic
the patterns that we create
are not mistakes
and that we are willing to take
any adventure that life throws our way

New achievements are unlocked
when we don't follow the flock

New happiness is found
when we stand our ground

New gratitude is captured
when we thank our life chapter

life has never been the same
ever since we came

Don't let your insides die
help them survive

we all can think in extraordinary ways
it's only gonna happen
if you wanna be more than Okay
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
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