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I found you one day
unassuming and shameless
and I liked this innocent boldness I saw
shining through your face

You are my glimmer of hope
my beacon of light
when the darkness consumes me.
you see my blackened soul
and thaw my frosty heart
the way that no one else can
or ever could.

Why do I allow myself to feel this?
with other men, the initial thought is
I must stay guarded
don't let them in
hurt them before they hurt you.
with you, none of those thoughts enter my mind.

I am scared that you will be scared of me
but I allowed myself to show
you the ugliest parts of me
and yet you still tell me I am beautiful.

you do not think I am a basket case.
you are the only person I have ever met
who makes me believe that I really can get better.
For Will
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
Open books of cryptic mysteries
I re-read each stanza twice
Deep meanings begin to surface
Emotional chemistry entice

I am but a skeleton key
Struggling to comprehend
I jimmy the locks of Pradip poems
My simplistic mind ascends

Sally soft warm place
Reflect upon our souls
Rained-On Parade a night
Of pain I've never known

Weeping Willows guide
Her spirituality shines
Nap's words freely flow
Creep up from behind

Noose upon my darkness
Depoet mind that bends
Srj1000 my colleague
Chafer celtic hymns

The mysteries grow deeper
So many poets on my list
You take me to a special place
A little red heart I can't resist...
I would like to mention everyone but there's too many
Inevitably Raised by Duck , Whisker's Rhyme, Amy, Maria, r, D.Rose,
K.Rose quinfinn, P.Orchid, Alice, MJS, Fox, Sydney, Liam, Timothy, Author, Gabriel This list has no end....

P.S. And my nephew BORROWED, who borrowed some of my poems.
I'd feel safer

To pour my heart out to a stranger

Rather than

Look straight at you

And have to feel judged

By your steel blue eyes.

- Feb 22nd, 2014.  1:45 pm
The people that give you the hardest times are the ones closest to you...
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
Underneath this tree of life
My orchard whispers sweet lullabies
I breathe in the apple-flavoured air
Against the grass, my arms spread wide
I hug the world in my mind
Gaia, we are one, and there is no time
To waste on the biggest stuff
When the little things are often enough
For anyone to fall in love
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
Micheal Wolf
Eyes heavy now as the day comes to a close
The days tailcoats snagged on the evenings last light
My thoughts random, yet calm as the night invites me
I lye alone no comfort in my bed, save the moments captured in memory or the visions in imagination.
Some vivid, some hazed often slowed as my mimd savours the pleasures of the senses.
The voices of the day spill over into the night
I hear the soft voice, reading to me and picture ruby lips, their folds and creases giving flight to words.
Soothing my passing to sleep whispering now, as if to kiss my consciousness goodnight.
Then the voice fades, memories slip away and I am left alone.
Alone imagining, wondering.
Is that perfume I smell?
Can the mind really do this.
Am I alone? Or held in the arms of another far away. Do they hold me in their bed, alone, yet together.
Do they lye entwined, peaceful, as one yet not.
Are we ever alone with our thoughts
Our emotions seperated from consciousness and dreams
I hope not
Do you?
Kicked about and finished. Subject to be changed
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
You would tell me you loved me only when I was on you
We had *** in the street once at 2 am
Warm asphalt under our skin

You would moan that you loved me as you came inside me
I wonder if you noticed I never told you I loved you
unless we were fully clothed

The first time I told you I loved you
we were eating homemade peach ice cream
and you were wearing your favorite red jacket
and we were talking about the planets at 8 pm by a hidden pond

The first time you told me you loved me
you were wearing crumpled plaid boxers around your feet
and we were writhing in the back seat of your tinted jeep at the park

The last time you told me you loved me
we were in my bed at 3 am running from the police
and you were in my mouth trying to create a victory that involved
me swallowing

And its funny that way

I was always swallowing bits and pieces of you
and even now I seem to be constantly on the verge of regurgitating memories and moments I thought had long since been forgotten

They say if you love someone, let them go

I let you fly like a paper airplane across a classroom
and you haven’t returned yet
"Don't purge"
they say
"It only makes it worse."
Oh, if only they knew.

That rush,
that physiological sensation
that accompanies the mental one
is all I need to breathe.
So why must it be wrong?

The calming motion
of sticking your fingers down your throat
until you gag
until you cannot breathe
until you feel that acidity
crawling up your throat
as a demon emerges from Hell's depths.

It is as if you are allowing a well-kept secret
an abundance of pain
to be released
to meet catharsis.

So necessary,
from an inside perspective.
So beautiful,
from an artistic one.
So cold,
from any sane person looking in.
They can never understand
how crucial it is in fighting the breakdowns
that plague my life under stressful circumstances.

I know,
it is hard for you to believe
or comprehend.
But this
painful yet pleasing obsession
is keeping me calm, keeping me okay.
And, quite possibly,
keeping me alive
month after month
week after week
day after painful day.
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