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Worrier of the world
We reap what we sow
Forget the answers to
questions once asked
Plea for forgiveness
Holding on tightly,
As if it were our last
Clinging to the brink of death
We remember to forget
We remember to forget
You can’t escape the inevitable
It won’t last
We get lost in metaphors
and allegories and rhymes
None of which make any sense
History repeats itself everyday
We remember to forget
We remember to forget
The blinding bridges
The winding pathways
That led us to demises
we never knew existed
Before reality hit us
Like a ton of bricks
hidden in a sock
We’re all lost, lost
In a tangled web of all the lies
we've been told
The eyes we peered into
Weren't the windows to the soul
But an open doorway
To secret realms we had
yet to explore
We raged fires on and on
Into the dead of night
We remember to forget
We remember to forget
What future truly lies ahead
For all of us, we’re borrowers of time
leaking off the mysterious invisible clock
The hands are broken, and we simply forgot
All that ever was, will eventually be lost
Never to be found again, buried so deeply
Bulldozers will be summoned to unearth  
The secrets we shoveled into the ground
Some long lost years ago
We remember to forget
We remember to forget
So we can all rest peacefully
when we finally lose our heads.
© 2014 Christina Jackson
 Feb 2014 Trader Tim
I don't know what it is about late nights and seasons of love and why they make me miss you more than I already do. Something about thinking of all those plans we had and the fact that I'm living them without you. Something about the scent of your skin mingling with my perfumed wrists. Something about the way I'd argue that I wasn't beautiful but you'd just continue to insist. Something about all those I love you's I held back in fear of rejection. Something about the fact that all along you needed my protection. Something about these memories and feelings I just don't understand. Everything was so much clearer when I was holding your hand.
When she cries, you can see the fear in her eyes
When she smiles, you can see happiness on her face,
When she messages, you can feel she is talking to you face-2-face
When she laughs, looks like the whole world is happy,
When she hugs, feels like day is warm, even when it's really cold!
When she misses, feels like you are missing her too!
When she talks, you can't take your eyes away from her's
When she's angry, you think that you are the reason
She is never alone, because you are with her...
I would have moved
mountains, with my bare
hands, if you'd asked me

instead my hands wrap,
tight, inside themselves,
fingers weaving patterns
with each wave of
my heart beat

aching, breaking with
each rise and fall,
quick paced and

as a child, you're told

- the devil makes work
for idle thumbs -

but you are just a man
The trajectory of the leaves
as they're floating and falling
to the earth.
Mimic a rocket out of orbit
about to make a crash
© 2014 Christina Jackson
I'll tell you your life is perfect
like you
but I can't because that is not true
your life is a beautiful imperfection
that stands true to only you

From me to you I tell you,
if you make the most out of your life
everything else will come naturally
and over time
you will also see what is truly meant to be

remember to throw your hair across your shoulders
lay your arms strong against your body
grab a mirror
and say
I can be a somebody!
@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
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