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 Mar 2014 Trader Tim
every thing about this world is angry.
the way it progressively
hurts and tears its people
and the way we all take it
get used to it
value this hurt.
or the way we get choked up in love.
and caressed by its sharp-clawed intentions.
when we get excited
really excited.
and no one else is there
cheering us on.
or if they are
they care more about
their own victory.
people impress others
to fit in,
or to try and prove something.
but the only thing they prove
is how much of a ****** person
they have become.
this world is full of it.
vile thoughts
and we're trapped.
there is no way out.
not even death can take us away.
so we stay.
and we deal.
and destruct
because that's what the world wants us to do.
I honestly just feel as if there are no good intentions on this planet anymore. everything that comes out of anything involves hurt or deceptiveness and its quite unnerving.
they say i have green fingers i can make things grow
what the really mean by this i really just dont know
i am not an alien or from out of space
my fingers they are normal i am of the human race
five digits on each hand to me they all look white
i didnt  find a green one not a one in sight
maybe there just kidding so i will go along
show them my white fingers and prove that they are wrong
life is just a game show just a great big quiz
we  have to find its questions and what the answer is
what challenge will it give us we must wait and see
life it is the host what will be will be
we must join its game what ever comes our way
find the answers that we need and win the state of play
 Mar 2014 Trader Tim
 Mar 2014 Trader Tim
Found another victim but no one's gonna find Miss Jackson
Do you get a little thrill out of breaking hearts?
Using the pieces to create your sinful work of art.
Out the back door, *******, but I love her anyway.
Try to wrap the world around your finger with your magic
But your crown's falling and you look quite tragic
You put a sour little flavor in my mouth now*
You need someone to lift you back up
But ones who once loved you are now fed up
*Back away from the water, babe, you might drown
 Mar 2014 Trader Tim
Who can forget
The black that stains a soul
I wish I were a simpleton
Whose regrets could just let go

Yet life is not designed
For any second chance relief
Once  you've crossed the line
You create such new beliefs…
Traveler Tim
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 Mar 2014 Trader Tim
Life, it seems a question
That’s answered only in death
A light that leaves your body
As you grasp for your last breath

What comes next
Nobody can know
You came like a dream
And now I’m alone

The tears that I bleed
Are hidden by lies
My love is spread thin
For those I would die

Her eyes gave me access
To see through her soul
Now I've gone blind
How could she let go

If death holds the answer
And love holds the key
Then somewhere beyond
She’s waiting for me
Traveler Tim
Over 20 years
I still can't let you go
 Mar 2014 Trader Tim
Tormenting tears of unrest
Tattooed upon my soul
Even if it were possible
I could never let this go
As my nightmares
Bleed into ink stains
Vaguely explaining why
I embrace the night with blindness
'Til once again I die...
Traveler Tim
re-to 02-17
 Mar 2014 Trader Tim
She slipped through my hands
So many years ago
Her face has never faded
Her touch I’ll always know
She haunts me in my dreams
Her innocent little face
I’ll notice she is missing
And my heart will start to race
I’m running down endless streets
The panic holds me down
I’m crying out her name
But she’s nowhere to be found
If only I could make her know
The heartache that I feel
Ever since I lost her
This cut that never heals

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