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 Mar 2014 Trader Tim
The wars of the gods are fought
In the flesh of humankind
Pawns posed in a posture of divine purpose
Pleading for power, repenting of pride
Prepared to die, an eye for an eye
Upon the battlefield the devil dines
Was this your destiny, or some deity’s design
Wars to be lost, battles to be won
I am the star, the moon, the sun
Will you worship me when you’re done
I am all things, so let’s be clear
Vengeance is mine so make yourself pure
I am the bullet, the crime, the tear
The blood that you spill, the bringer of fear
A deaf ear I turn, a judgment I render
Appease me now for I am the offender
I hold the answers, you wonder why
Belief is a disease and so you will die
Call it a gift, call it a game
I create lust and demand you abstain
This constant collaboration between me and I
We are the truth and therefore we lie

Bite into my apple of immortal desire
Look upon the nakedness of eternal fire
I am Satan, I am god, I am the mystery within the façade
From way back.
 Mar 2014 Trader Tim
Beneath the surface my humility dwell
In holes leading straight to hell
With love deeper than the ocean floor
For that special someone I once adored

Imagine black or consuming white
An emptiness that's filled with night
An endless yearning for all that's left
A mirror image of all regrets

Accelerating particles
As thoughts turn to waves
Quickly materializing
Then fading to gray
Traveler Tim
I lust after the bite,
Cherish the lip-tingle,
Saturate my whole mouth,
Until my cheeks, my gums sing,
Teeth feeling individual, so pleasant,
And my tongue pulses with pleasure,
Dancing as if a living thing - which it is.
Until lastly, the numbness settles,
A satisfying quivering of senses,
Intoxicating me fully, before swallowing,
Then the music beats through my buds,
A heavy lulling, taking me down,
Floating beneath waves of headiness,
Sleep encroaching, waiting,
Before dreams escape, teasing,
Drifting unhurried through eternity,
Swirling within deep desire,

©Paul Chafer 2014
Poem created through a conversation with Amanda FH concerning the effects of alcohol: thank you Amanda for the inspiration.
 Mar 2014 Trader Tim
Rising to the waking hour
Nothing left now to devour

Eyes blurred from belief deprivation
Needlessly I suffered in unification

Impairment of superstition overcome
Now I am free to be one...
Traveler Tim
We set off nice and slow, I was nervous, uncertain.
Don’t get me wrong, I knew what I was doing,
I had ridden before, but nothing like this.

She was so beautiful, the best I’d ever had,
Trembling beneath me I knew she could move.
She responded delightfully to my delicate touch.

With accomplished skill I flicked HER gears,
Feeling her pull a little as we truly got underway.

Negotiating the first deceptive bend,
She gave a little shimmy, a sensitive wiggle,
Forcing a tightening from me, till I gathered her up.

Assuredly taking full control once more.
Hands gripping her firmly, slowly twisting the throttle.
She bucks; growls pleasurably, we are as one.
Revelling in wilful abandonment;
Gliding in unison, so enjoyable.

Cornering sweetly, high exhilaration,
missing NOT a single beat,
Accelerating at speeds-illegal,
Too soon, too soon,
Our destination arrives.

Catching my breath I tease the brakes and relax.
Tension flowing from me; while she: she purrs like a wild cat.
I know we made good time as I gently apply the clutch,
Easing her down through the gears, she gives a little SHuDDER.

I dismount, sighing, smiling, a playful slap, yes,
Acknowledging mutual appreciation,
Already anticipating another ride,
And believe me,

It was a ride.

©Paul Chafer 2014
Many thanks to all those who helped with editing, especially Nat Lipstadt and Sjr 1000, aka Steve: much appreciated.
 Mar 2014 Trader Tim
Either you stoke the fire or you freeze to death.
It's called a controlled explosion, and it happens in a little glass jar on your bedside table at 3 o'clock in the morning.
It rattles the bottle of herbal sleeping pills you need to believe
Will keep you under all night,
And plops the water in your little white cup,
And good morning to you, you've got a choice.
It's not a great time, true.
But really, what's a good time for a private apocalypse?
No matter how much advance notice you get,
You never know quite what to wear to the end of your world.
You turn over and twist the lid, and it's okay,
Because black is fine for every occasion,
And if this goes well the only witness is the mirror.
Good morning.
It's not a great time.
But great times are really set-ups in disguise, for jokes you can't pretend to laugh at forever,
And embers aren't so bad if you chase them with water and get it over with.
Because you've got a choice, but...
Between sliding down that ***** and swallowing your medicine with a little grimace like a good girl?
Honestly, what kind of choice is that?
And maybe after, you can turn over and set your sheets on fire trying to sleep,
And there will be scorch marks on your walls
When you rise
You shine,
And that engine just below your ribcage throws heat all ******* day
It gets you places.
You've got a choice,
And yeah, it's not the best choice-
It's the fight inside or the loss out there, but...
Nobody likes to lose.
Not even lovers.
 Mar 2014 Trader Tim
Wildflowers and lilac bushes
I'm sure that you remember
Sleepless nightly, my Aphrodite
Hard yet young and tender

Early morn my queen of ****
The pictures in my mind
Of you in lace, I still can taste
Your body sweet as wine

In demonic dance we did enchant
The chalice of our youth
We consumed the lust of angel’s dust
And dined on honeydew
Traveler Tim
re to 10-17
 Mar 2014 Trader Tim
Sprung forth from wishful thinking
Overwhelm the mind
 Mar 2014 Trader Tim
If you can feel pain;
the soft slicks and flicks upon places
you thought

just close your eyes,
and let bittersweet memories ribboned and edged with yellowing creases infuse into the little emptiness within you.

Just cautiously remember,
with this,

remember that you can feel happiness too.
Those untitled somethings,
just please,
         let them dance & flit across your heart.
Let their little etchings of 'Happy' remain there infinitely.

This one is for Michael. Happy birthday!
P.S *Yawns* Time to sleep.
Good Morning Sunshine, Good Afternoon or Good Night & Sweet dreams
where-ever you, you and you are!
My fingers twitch
My eyes are wide
As though I can see
the other side

The side of pain
The place where dark
surrounds your soul
muffles the spark

The spark of life
of hope and light
that shines through day
and blinks through night

Nurture the spark
Keep it alive
Let the inferno
Fuel up your drive

Let hope inspire you
Never to cease
When all else is lost
Hope will release

Fight through the pain
for when it is gone,
life will still be there
for you to lean on.
Yes, this is a re-post, however I feel that now that everything is going just fine, it's time to post this poem once more to represent how far we've come.
I wrote this during a time of great trauma for my family, and now I feel that life is so much better. Everything's better.
So I hope you enjoy this poem, and take the message it carries to heart.
All the best,
- Cailey
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