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bm Jan 2015
Funny how you pray for me; someone who doesn't believe in religion

Funny how I loved you; someone who never could feel
  Jan 2015 bm
its 10:53pm
i'm lying in my bed laughing because i think i can do anything
and yet i can't even decide if i'm gonna **** myself tonight or next month.
  Jan 2015 bm
The truth of it is-

he's not going to fix you

she's not going to make you forget
the way your father would hit you

He is not going to make your collarbones sprout roses
He will not make you forget how to need

The truth of it is-

She is not a savior
She is not able to fight off the demons in your dreams

He will not make you forget the way your mother left
The bloodstains in the bathtub will still be there

The truth of it is-
This is your life
This is not a movie

No one is going to swoop in and save you

You will have to grow your own wings if you want to fly away
  Jan 2015 bm
I want to be your 911 and your favourite childhood blanket and I want to be your goodnight instead of your goodbye.
I want to be your favorite pair of shoes and the air beside you so that I'm always next to you and I know you're comfortable.  
I want to be my parents' "I knew she could do it" instead of their "she's not trying hard enough."
I want to be my friends' safety net and not their other 24hour emergency hotline-dial-me-when-you-need-me. I am not temporary.
I want to be a girl who smiles because the world engraved laugh lines in her gentle face and not a happy pill trapped mistake.

But I will never be those things.
I will never be those things because, in your eyes I will be the last cigarette in every pack that smells and tastes so good, but hurts your chest in the most unforgivable way.
But I will never be, for you.
bm Jan 2015
When you stop loving someone who doesn't love you after a long, long time you don't know who you are anymore because for so long all you've been is heartache and once it's mostly gone you have nothing left
bm Jan 2015
I don't love him anymore please fall in love with me I want to be the girl that ******* breaks you
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