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 Sep 2014 Bianca
Your smokes
 Sep 2014 Bianca
Our love was like those cigarettes you smoked,
so hot it can put a hole in your heart,
the smoke fills our veins and we began to choke,
and the cigarette died before the fire could start.
 Jun 2014 Bianca
Forgotten Heart
if you got a chance
to read my poems,
i wonder
will you ever know
that these poems
are written by
thinking of you???
will you ever say
these poems
are lovely???
for i know
these are lovely
as these are
written for you...
please know that my poems are
dedicated to you
 Feb 2014 Bianca
Maman Screams
Broken glasses beneath my roots
Scattered memories of a girl I knew
Penetrating fragments through my open wounds
Would it be simpler to be abuse
Leaving taints as the march's wind blew
Opening circles of rendezvous
Dreams may now seems like a dejavu
Was it really you the girl I knew
Now just became part of the muse
The girl I once knew

©2014 Maman Screams
 Dec 2013 Bianca
Tammy M Darby
I perceive no beauty
In the rising of the sun
No peace in caressing sweet breezes
Being only one

The colors of my world
Simply described
Are muted black and gray
Upon my weak frail shoulders
The mantle of loneliness lay

My ears no longer recognize
Lovely odd melodies
Of singing evening birds
I utter not a word

The  twisting worn paths I travel
All eventually seem to be the same
There are no longer any blue skies
Only cold dark daggers of rain

This poem is copyrighted and stored in author base. All material subject to Copyright Infringement laws
Section 512(c)(3) of the U.S. Copyright
Act, 17 U.S.C. S512(c)(3), Tammy M. Darby  Dec. 26, 2013
 Dec 2013 Bianca
If you asked me how much you meant to me a few months ago,
I'd say you were the treasured flowers that occupied my vase,
You're now the dead leaves I step on.
You used to be my favourite sweater keeping me safe and warm,
You're now the discarded blanket stuffed in my drawers, failing to keep the nightmares away.
You've become what I always was to you, nothing.
I'm no good at writing poetry
so this flop shall find another hobby
words aren't where my talents lie
so I'm kissing the world of poetry goodbye

there will be no one missing my crap
they'll be pleased that I've turned off the tap
my writing desk shall be thrown out
for I'll not want it hanging about

my creative mind can take a long rest
as I'll no longer be at a stanza's behest
the writing game has lost it's appeal
crook poets like myself must get real

composition offerings shall cease to-day
as one is putting one's pick permanently away
the end has most assuredly turned up
it is time for me to finally pack up
mum isn't here to talk to
she has gone to heaven
where all the good people go
most days I see her
in my minds eye
and think of her
with a silent
tear in my eye
she was called to heaven
at such a young age
mum was only 58 years old
the good die young
they are spirited away
this Sunday
it will be Mothers Day
a visit to the cemetery
I shall make
to place some flowers
on her grave
a few words of love
I'll whisper to her
as she rests peacefully
by the river
 Nov 2013 Bianca
Jedd Ong
Your eyes
Drew me in:

Large pingpong *****
With brown diamonds
Embedded in the center.

When you smiled,
I remembered not how your mouth curved,
But how your eyes

Even then I could tell you were a little delicate-

Okay a lot more delicate
Than you would let on, and

That your soul always forced its way out of you.
I will not write a love poem...I will not write a love poem...I will not write a love poem...
She wakes up too early
Then does her hair
She doesn’t have breakfast
She doesn’t care
Puts on her make up
She doesn’t like her face
Puts on her smile
She’s still out of place
But inside she’s dying
She’s unbearably insecure
Slashes at her wrist
The pain helps reassure
Blood seeps out
Scarlet and deep
Her breath is shuddering
She doesn’t ever eat
But no one notices
Anything wrong
So she keeps on going
Until she’s gone
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