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337 · Feb 2015
Sour Patched Kid Feb 2015
nights like this are best wept clean.

To clean the slate of sadness
that seemed so irrevocably joyful
after its wash.

but nights like these I longed for the
storm to arrive.
Only to welcome eyes too dry.

I don't wish for sadness.
I do not wish for hurt.
I wish for tears that cleanse my soul.
I wish for tears that clean it, deep.

nights like these are best wept clean.
322 · Mar 2016
Sour Patched Kid Mar 2016
there's ice on the windshield,
overlapping, mirroring itself in an array like scales.

i scrape and scrape and scrape;
the ice would still remain.

it distorts.
hazards look like brakelights.
"Is something wrong?"
pedestrians resemble road signs.
"To where are you guiding me?"
road markings... nothing.
"Have I gone too far?"

i dare not try to change lanes
for fear of crashing
and bursting into a crowd of yellow and red octopuses that hug like a bloom.

but the warmth wouldn't reach me.
it wouldn't even melt the ice.
if the fire were on the inside,
the ice would still remain,
sealing me inside,
keeping me inside,
keeping me safe,
keeping the world safe...

i can't find my way.
bloom (n.) - a group of jellyfish
320 · Feb 2017
Sour Patched Kid Feb 2017
plumped down in the shrieking worn chair
pulled my hunk of life-****
  out of my pocket
brewed up a ****** poem with my thumbs

i've traded informative book reading for
  'dank memes'

i need to get lost in a dank library for a
away from all the life-****
318 · Jan 2017
Sour Patched Kid Jan 2017
i've come to learn
that they
become numb to
my cries
so often that they've
become deaf to
my whimpers

and i've
become hoarse from
my shouts
so often that i
become mute from
my whispers

after all
what can they do
to help
they've tried ev'rything?

after all
what can i do
to tell
i've tried ev'rything?

try some more

298 · May 2016
Sour Patched Kid May 2016
I peeled off her clothes like
the wrapper of a 100 Grand Bar
after a paleo diet
but still with the
of critiquing a friend's
favorite song.

They floated to the floor like a
lost slip of paper
you wrote a phone number on

impacting with grace
inaudible over my
7-A.M.-residential-construction hammering heart.

Her figure was statuesque
in its rare elements of beauty,
and she felt right on my tongue
like the first time I tasted authentic
vanilla ice cream.

But she'd prefer gilato
and I'll have whatever she's having
so I hope I'm having nothing.
290 · May 2016
Sour Patched Kid May 2016
I kissed her, my hair in our eyes.
I pulled back, mystified.
She made me feel poetry.
And her skin was poetry,
delicate and savory.
I was so inspired that
I couldn't find the words.
"Seeing that she's nearly a stranger,"
I thought,
"I'll have to show her later."

Her beach sand is sprinkled with fine sea shells.
I'll spend the evenings studying them all.

And I am a boy
who has never seen the ocean -
the vastness in her eyes that I
would love to get lost in.
Sour Patched Kid Nov 2016
pour your heart out
like the last 'fifth'
you've had too much
where's home from this?
285 · May 2015
the haunted
Sour Patched Kid May 2015
Surreal like memories
concealed in melodies
playing and playing
running circles in my head.

Enamored for centuries
and armored for plenty pleas
fighting and fighting
wishing, flipping coins for death.
284 · Mar 2017
Sour Patched Kid Mar 2017
i live for this moment
melting together of souls
that feels
how white noise sounds

we can cast our thoughts and feelings
into this ocean with ease

infinity is so serene

the undefined has no end.
279 · Oct 2015
Sour Patched Kid Oct 2015
Kind'ling, eternal comfort
eloped to my beat.
In hers I found my rhythm.
279 · May 2015
Sour Patched Kid May 2015
It will run its course
clean, free of remorse
outlasting and unforgiving
but I will be the last one living.
271 · Mar 2016
Self Destruction
Sour Patched Kid Mar 2016
For some, smoke screens.
Others see their reflections,
brush their finger tips through the rubble,
make friends with the debris.
Calloused palms hold broken glass,
washing cuts with poison.

In ashes their hearts lye.
266 · Nov 2016
Sour Patched Kid Nov 2016
she was broken
like sunlight french-kissing water,
refracting and reflecting
into dozens of colors
shades of blue and red and yellow
not everyone could see
or appreciate

without light,
a diamond is just another rock
263 · Jul 2016
Sour Patched Kid Jul 2016
you were never mine.
you will never be mine
you will always be yours

maybe one day
I'll be lucky enough
to be "mine"
lying next to you while
you're being "yours"
258 · Jun 2016
dancing the fine line
Sour Patched Kid Jun 2016
a celestial calm
entwined with
daylight veins
sitting silently
no occupation
but to
wind and wind
clockwork motor
just to grin stupidly
as it
'round the room.
256 · Nov 2016
Sour Patched Kid Nov 2016
crawled out from under that
cinder block
thought all was
in the shadows

another shadow came
all was dark
250 · May 2016
Sour Patched Kid May 2016
It is early in the morning.
The sun is turning the curtains that ugly, ***** hue.

I have not slept well in weeks.
My *** drive is dwindling.
*** walk.

I am beginning to wonder if anyone ever loved me,
running my tongue over a mouth sore.

I must be tired.
250 · Sep 2021
Deep Blue
Sour Patched Kid Sep 2021
a hue deepening from the baby blue
of the desperate sky to the midnight
blue of the harrowing ocean floor

i had forgotten what it felt like
to sink into the opaque depths
of despair and drown as my deep
sea monsters watched and laughed

even with my feet touching the
ocean's core, i still can't tell
which way is up
246 · Jul 2016
the last time
Sour Patched Kid Jul 2016
you embrace
be it hands, arms, bodies
you say, "see you soon"
with such faith

you part ways
your relationship pauses
the rest of the world winds

i didn't know i would be
seeing you
for the last time.
244 · Mar 2018
Love pt.1
Sour Patched Kid Mar 2018
I sparked a cigarette and painted my faults with gasoline.
I steadied my limbs and summoned the guillotine.
Never had I pondered that love was so subtle.
Never had I wandered so far from rebuttal.
It's funny how feelings themselves whimper when they're so animated.
Had I known any better I would have stayed for sedation.
Tell me something that echoes so profound.
Tell me something that forever makes a sound.
242 · Jun 2016
Sour Patched Kid Jun 2016
a second light comes crawling
this time through the window,
reminding me I survived
another night wading
through the fiery lakes of hell,
naked as my soul on a cool night with a new love.

everything else is so easy.
it's all relative, isn't it?
and this is my reference point,
my floor.
231 · May 2023
like our love did
Sour Patched Kid May 2023
i can't recall your portrait
but i'll never forget the feelings you inspired

my tornado shelter in the middle of the storm,
keeping me grounded while the sirens scream

my daily PRN for a diagnosis of loneliness,
easing the pressure of life's trials,
bubble-wrapping my heart and mind

my extra blanket in the depth of winter,
giving me warmth when the furnace died...

... died like our love did
231 · Nov 2016
Sour Patched Kid Nov 2016
almost funny how
one can read Nietzsche
and still
become the monster

stared too long into the abyss
without care

seductive void
i strut towards
it beckons me
sways its hips

hip deep, enamored
left behind my armor
lips creep to a smile
i've found my karma

i'm clawing my way back
limping the hairy path
oozing slime and blood
and hatred

now i'm most careful
avoiding mirrors
do not stare
i am the abyss

avoiding mirrors
do not stare
my reflection is Medusa
i am become monster
215 · Jul 2016
some kind of numb
Sour Patched Kid Jul 2016
all feels like death
drugs and *** feel like dying
214 · Mar 2018
Sour Patched Kid Mar 2018
I wanted a broken heart
Because many hearts were broken
And to be like many was "to be like..." -
Relating was a cosy thought

It was like that cool dime-sized scar on your elbow that you could show your friends to brag about your adventure
But instead of a healing arm you have a philosophy that needs to heal
This knotted idea, constructs tangled like a pair of earbud headphones you left in that near-useless right front 'pocketception'
And it will require patience
Patience and nimble fingers
That will someday hopefully be used to pluck a guitar to the soundtrack of your soul

I wanted to cut my heart
So I could craft it into a diamond
Refracting all the shades of pain the world has to offer, all the hues of hurt
Shades and hues that paint a portrait of my experiences
Sad indigos, angry crimsons, ***** onyx

I wanted jagged edges
That resembled a ninja star
That had been thrown in a wood chipper
Whose cuts were familiar to many
Whose veins were identical to none
I'd like to think the same pain flows through my veins
As that that flows through someone's
Sour Patched Kid Dec 2018
we both see red,
but my red isn't your red,
and the doctors tell me there is no "red" at all.

i'm counting the days.
my numbers make them numbered,
and i'm just growing number.

i'm calling on the angels
to have faith in something more than memories.
suffering from loss because i remember "me"

the end isn't far.
i can't tell "end" from "END",
but right now i would settle for either.
191 · Mar 2018
and never come back.
Sour Patched Kid Mar 2018
Prayers balance my regrets
All I've forgiven
I've not done yet

Tomorrow looms
Its shadow casts a spell
Where it leads I cannot tell

Love is change
Change is to be lost
Adventure comes with a cost
190 · May 2018
Burden pt. 2
Sour Patched Kid May 2018
i've tried
to find
the light
it leads
where does
this end
do i
the end
the search
to be
is so
to me
it fades
to coal
we work
for cash
to pay
bills and
take pills
is all
that does
but to
me it
at all
i have
no faith
in gods
or gems
no joy
in tales
or hymns
there is
no love
to be
felt here
like a
dog I
see in
shades of
grey now
no high
is worth
the climb
no words
are worth
the rhyme
i will
soon be
for the
last time
190 · Apr 2018
how to never kill yourself
Sour Patched Kid Apr 2018
wait for the best day.

the best day
**** yourself
your birthday
because your
loved ones
will only be forced to think about
your suicide
once per year

(your birthday comes.

you eat cake and smile.
you drink, dance, and forget you're suicidal.
you wake up the next morning
back in the suicidal mindset
but knowing you have to wait
364 days.

you wait 364 days.)

repeat until death by natural causes
186 · Mar 2018
the perfect poem
Sour Patched Kid Mar 2018
Some have asked
Will you ever stop writing
I tell them
I will stop writing
When I have captured her
In words
Magic threes

I will stop writing
When I have captured her
In the perfect poem
179 · Jan 2022
the death of the spirit
Sour Patched Kid Jan 2022
melting, as all the parts of me
that make me human
die a slow and torturous death.
"no one is coming to save me."
and somehow,
that has to be okay.
179 · Mar 2018
the archaeologist
Sour Patched Kid Mar 2018
wind, water, and rhyme
brushed away the sands of time
like golden hair - fine
out of a lover's blue eyes

revealing glimpses
into the past
little chocolate heart-sized samples of a
lost civilization swallowed like pride

wonder struck and sowed a seed of curiosity
like one who just discovered knowledge
and the depth of its beauty
desiring to seek that forbidden fruit
knowing well what trap lies there

its beauty, divine and sparkling
a silver crown encrusted with sapphires
that begs one to look further
dig for all the treasure beneath

its beauty: but also worn and dull
like an over-washed, one-size-too-large t-shirt
not highlighting assets
instead drowning them in an ocean of grey

its beauty: where sweetness raffles
like eating trail mix
and its bitterness is cold, black coffee
some crowns are stained with impatience

brush a little more delicately
around the fragile artifacts
never digging too deep
for fear of fumbling it all

uncov'ring these time capsules
conditioned as they were
preserved by memory lapses
laps in a labyrinth

why do we seek
buried, ancient artifacts
instead of building new ones
with the plant that knowledge became?

why do we bury deep
our prized possessions
like a dog buries a bone?
- to dig them up later
165 · Mar 2018
Simply Mad
Sour Patched Kid Mar 2018
I rinse the cups
In case
They're lined
With poison

But I pop the vitamins
And leave my supplements
Under the drug cabinet
When my ambition is suitable

The tap water tastes funny
And the food never goes down
Quite right

My sleep is like my relationships:
Seldom deep and only existent
Because of normalcy

Judge my facade
Acting is easy
Madness is difficult though honest
I am simply mad.
158 · Mar 2018
Sour Patched Kid Mar 2018
Home was wherever you were
Now home lies on treasure maps
"Ex" marks the spot
So I travel and I dig
but all I dig up is rot
Home is still a treasure
I've just lost the key
156 · Mar 2018
Sour Patched Kid Mar 2018
Someone or something hurts, and then walls.
So towers tall the ground around you
You're at the bottom of a hole.
Higher or digging depths, it's all the same.
You build beneath you.
140 · Feb 2018
Sour Patched Kid Feb 2018
The day has come where I am no longer
looking back at the sunsets behind me,
but to sunrises beyond, in wonder.
A smile ruptures across my face
like pavement fracturing from an earthquake,
and a hearty laugh bursts from my depths
with the pent-up force of a geyser.

And my world is shaken like a snow globe,
redistributing the beauty all around.
Sometimes falling can be delightful  -
like watching a violet and amber dusk.
Beauty always lies in contrast: rise and fall.
The sunrise is where tomorrow holds my lust.
138 · Mar 2018
Sour Patched Kid Mar 2018
I wrote
Better poetry
When you were
Chewing on my heart
Like a dog chews a bone
Sharpening its teeth
134 · Dec 2018
All the Broken People
Sour Patched Kid Dec 2018
we walk in darkness,
faintly but agile,
dodging puddles
and strangers
whose gaze is uncomfortable

we play games
with ourselves
that we just can't win.
we try to bend the rules
but instead just bend ourselves.

we lose ourselves in art:
the only thing that's real.
because the connections we make
are hurried and fake.
affection is *** appeal.

we inquire and murmur
hoping the other has an answer
to our questions of self doubt.
we jump off the bridges we build,
and hope they burn with our regrets.

we search for souls
replete with love,
knowing **** well
love is an empty concept
to all the broken people
124 · Mar 2018
writer's block
Sour Patched Kid Mar 2018
unwritten novel in my mind
autobiography of my much-sought-after
deep slumber
the ****** mystery of my sense of
and not a pen in sight
122 · Mar 2018
dear father
Sour Patched Kid Mar 2018
i am my father's lost cause

to lose something one must first be in possession of it

to possess something one must be able to afford it

how can one afford what one does not know the value of?

how can one afford someone whose values they do not know?
120 · Mar 2018
Complementary Love
Sour Patched Kid Mar 2018
pick me apart
like one of your spongy, sparkly, buds
put me out
like a cigarette in your
ash tray soul
stir with me your second favorite poison
Regret me the day after
And swear this swine you'll quit
The next Monday you remember
118 · Mar 2018
amber sunglasses
Sour Patched Kid Mar 2018
it doesn't matter the quality of the day
letting it fade out was one of my favorite past times
staying awake doing nothing
until your mind and body slipped into that foggy state
and it felt like seeing the world through
amber sunglasses
117 · Mar 2018
Hope pt.2
Sour Patched Kid Mar 2018
Relief is not
Too far from here
Tell me I'm not
Destined for years
Wasting my time
In all I've seen
Somehow losing sight
Of what strength means
The black 'mongst white
What must I give
To keep my might
So cheerful but grim
111 · Mar 2018
Sour Patched Kid Mar 2018
A guttural hatred
digs further

i plucked the hair
but left the follicle,
sealed the surface
of a hollow, "Full."

i always move the ***
before it boils over
but i am not so sure
that i will keep my clover

perhaps it's not just luck
perhaps in fact it's skill
perhaps it's glass and rust
in the throne sits my will
101 · Sep 2021
Loves Passed pt. 3: Joy
Sour Patched Kid Sep 2021
our time traveling hearts
don't recognize the hours as they slip by us
like the wind while we hide in this
little home we built called "love"

Love, your friend forever,
- the sour patched kid
80 · Jul 2021
A New Normal
Sour Patched Kid Jul 2021
winters used to come and go
now all's draped in sheets of snow
trailing wherever the wind blows
clutching tight all of my woes
where's my way with most doors closed
trapped in a maze, seeing ghosts
phantom limbs and phantom whims
can't turn to books, songs, or hymns
switching to a diff'rent dose
hoping, to death, I come close
i can't ever tell friend from foe
guess I'll have to go alone
77 · Nov 2021
Sour Patched Kid Nov 2021
my mental stability is whitewater rafting.
drifting along this everlasting
river of de ja vu, my sanity
crashes against the rocks,
splashing in strings and fragments
that i once called thoughts.
this ****** little beige boat of mine
wasn't built for travel like this.
75 · Apr 27
in love again
something's diff'rent today.
i think i've got it pinned -
sun is gone, clouds are gray -
but i'm shining deep within.

there's some Place special
that's on my mind.
my heart's at threshold.
my fears are blind.

a Place within You -
A Shelter From The World -
can That be my place, too?
i'd skelter in Your Heart unfurled.

my daydreaming has been awakened -
wond'ring and pond'ring like a child.
the range of topics - slowly baking.
my heart - a sponge in Your Fountain Of Youth, wild.

don't You know, Darling -
just what You've done for me?
from a past life, i'm parting.
You've filled my hopes with glee.

i see You everywhere,
except the place that i want most.
the spot next to me lies bare.
this cot is where We're meant to post.

i'll see You soon with tears of joy in my eyes.
We'll spark each other's grins.
Together, We'll battle the world in stride.
i'm ready to be in love again.
72 · Sep 2021
The Right Medicine
Sour Patched Kid Sep 2021
Hey, old friend.
I never thought we'd actually speak again...
All of our conversations abruptly ended
after a sentence or two...
Where have you been?
I've searched for you everywhere...
Low and high...
Especially high.
I never thought we'd meet again...
It's great to have you back, Me.
I'm glad we're back.
69 · Oct 2021
when the drugs ran out
Sour Patched Kid Oct 2021
i sledded down the slippery *****.
i shedded downs and tripped through my nose.
i netted frowns and flipped them, they rose.
regretted grounds and clipped them, awoke.

and then...

blue like the pills that make me
rise from the dead.
hues gripe the deals that break the
highs from the dread.
flew, kite, the wheels had staked my
mind from my bed

and then...

crash and burn like the Challenger,
thrash and turn like a gallon churned,
cash out, earn spikes my melon's slurred,
past loud, learn rites, i'm felling words

and now...

over. the fog has cleared.
the sky still grey, revered.
my mind is frayed. in tears
i lie awake. the fears
return to stay. my gears
all turn, in play. the years
won't burn, they'll pave what's near
and earn the brave. i'm clear.
i'm... sober. saved.
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