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Jun 2021 · 343
Notice Me
Being Esther Jun 2021
Here you are, you hidden treasure
I see everything you mean
The journey before me
Without the pressure of the regret
Without remorse and you see that I too know you
With discovery comes the inclination to draw closer to you
Yet your burden keeps you at bay
Too distant for me to engage
Too far for the possibility to suppose itself real
But still, I found you
Here you are, waiting to be seen
Dec 2020 · 131
Wishful Thinking
Being Esther Dec 2020
The more I look into your eyes
The more I give of my heart and soul
For the inkling of hope, we can still
Celebrate unity as promises told
Without interruption
To have and to hold
Forever and beyond
For all to behold.
Nov 2020 · 112
open your eyes
Being Esther Nov 2020
the moonbeams flicker
between the trees
everything wants
to be seen
Nov 2020 · 109
Argg!!! circa 2005
Being Esther Nov 2020
What tribulation can I describe?
No words can I say.
The time for displeasures
Nov 2020 · 103
Being Esther Nov 2020
basis of reality
shaded by fallen whispers
strutting through the halls of a daze
juggling balancing acts of euphoric bliss and tortured gloom
what is real?
silenced fantasies downplayed with expletives and unrequited intentions
screaming quietly while tiptoeing through corridors of unassuming pleasantries
basis of reality
shaded by fallen whispers
Nov 2020 · 97
Being Esther Nov 2020
pink crystal waters
deserted, golden beaches
lush palm trees waving
in somber welcome
Nov 2020 · 144
Let freedom ring...
Being Esther Nov 2020
Exhausting hours spent toiling in worry
Philandered thoughts rest passionless among stresses unknown.
Measuring wanton existence in units of a soiled, forgotten time.
Decided value exchanged for fretful ponderings
Desiring those things without description
Harsh epithet for the miserly soul.
Love embraced.
Peace befriended.
I am whole.
Nov 2020 · 105
Untitled circa 1997
Being Esther Nov 2020
Dreams cast a fervent spell of desire
An uninvolving unrequited sense of want
The beaten path is written as an epitaph
On the marble of my essence.
Being Esther Nov 2020
Time paralyzed on
A magic carpet ride
Hovering over my head
The sun's rays
Sting my eyes
Watching hours, minutes
And seconds pass by
Water overflows like
An open dam
Flooding my view
One scene at a time
Reaching through hazed days
Cooling in the breeze
I open my eyes.
Being Esther Nov 2020
Light ascends to surround
Longing for an embrace
Feel its warmth reaching out
Crying a whispered lullaby
Light dreams to dance
Longing for an embrace
Open arms reaching out
Moving seductively to the beat of the drum
Longing for an embrace.
Nov 2020 · 87
The manner of love
Being Esther Nov 2020
The sun rises in the blind hope of the morrow,
The tide focuses on the shore,
The verge of a dream awakens the moon whose light calms the fierce
Pacifying the lonely as the sun's warmth embraces the glowing light
A promising new dawn and new life
Forever changing the tide.
Being Esther Nov 2020
Massacre my heart
Stimulate my mind
Tearing me apart
Another glass of French wine
You wonder why I came
I wonder where you have been
Nothing feels the same
Loving you like sin
Whisper into my soul
Bleed me from within
I lose control.
Being Esther Nov 2020
Lying wait in speech
For the time
And the place of all reason
Now this is
The greatest day
Run to the shade
And a place of all reason
Impaired thoughts of you
Cloud the promise that dreams
The greatest day
Manifest in reach
And the place of all reason
For the time
Seek this moment
The greatest day
Catch the parallel
Filtered consciousness
And a place of all reason
Now this is
The greatest day.
Nov 2020 · 136
When I Lose These Words
Being Esther Nov 2020
I betray myself with thoughts of you
Though I hid you away
Why gone you would not stay
For love denied our ribboned passions
The unnumbered time we left
You could not stay
Gone too long, gone too late
Myself, I betray
NanoWriMo Freestyle Rebel
Nov 2020 · 85
Being Esther Nov 2020
The hollowest sound is that
Of the lonely wind.
It rushes through
With the slightest of sound.
Though it is heard,
It lay oft-ignored.
Even you, yourself, have said
"It is just the Wind."
Nov 2020 · 98
Is That Enough
Being Esther Nov 2020
Watching strange faces in a crowd,
I feel the owner's sense of unique grandness
even in the obviously desolate.
My judgments cause me to face the sad realization
that maybe I am neither grand nor unique as I had supposed.
In all of my brilliance,
the state of the world remains in change.
Nothing stays the same.
The consistent differences remain unaffected by me.
The homeless are still.
Hungry unfed.
Who am I,
but grand to the small circle around me?
I am small.
Nov 2020 · 106
The Fantasy
Being Esther Nov 2020
Last night,
I dreamt of love
And how I wished it would be
Not a whisper in the willows nor a cool breeze
Through pecan trees
But a rumbling roar in the silence of a scream
I dreamt of happiness not serene or angelic
Just obnoxious, coarse, and rude
A scream.
Nov 2020 · 85
The Idea of Being Forward
Being Esther Nov 2020
'Hello,' she said
With her eyes and her smile
Before the word could form
From her lips and be heard
'Hello', she said
Soft and clear
As her arms welcomed him
In a warm embrace
And he looked at her
In full amaze
The greeting unexpected
Came and went
Quickly and smoothly
And he looked at her
In full amaze
As she walked away
Walking out of the reach
Of his gaze
'Hello,' she said
And he looked at her
In full amaze.
Nov 2020 · 80
To A Muse
Being Esther Nov 2020
The love I indulge
Given the chance
In moments of silence
Allow me to dance
Embracing pieces of a dream
Old and familiar
Passions stirred
It feels so familiar
Like looking into a mirror
In a dimly lit room
Finding yourself different
From the person assumed
I see life in colors
Green, red, yellow, and blue
Life, passion, joy, and sadness
And it started with you.
Nov 2020 · 100
The Schematics (circa 2001)
Being Esther Nov 2020
crisp, green grass
uncountable as the grains of sand
like the memories in the corners of my mind
untouched by time
untempered by wisdom
of what was once divine
of what is now common
come what will the grass still greens

— The End —