Have your bad day.
I'll be either strong enough
For us both, or
Weak with you.
These are the times
Of butterflies and honeydew,
Adventure and laughter,
******* of the kind
That makes the left side of
Grown men numb.
Popcorn and sofa cinema,
Good days and some not so.
Go ahead. Have your bad one.
It comes with the package,
And I don't need you to be tear-
Free, to love you.
Stain my best shirt.
Worry me with a frown.
Cry me an ocean of tears, be
Afraid that I'll leave, shake
If you must, with your every fear.
Just don't ever believe that
I'll drown.
Have your bad day, princess.
Have a year of them.
Just make me aware of them.
I'm the knight in white at
Your side to stay.
Challenge me;
I need scores of dragons
To slay.
Senk skuldrene, Helene.
Du er i verdens tryggeste hender.