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Bekah Jan 18
Built off the backs
Of migrant slaves
The American Dream
Is what they claim
A place where women
No longer choose
Instead it’s men
In flashy suits
The rich get richer
While neighbors starve
Injustice cuts deep
Leaving us marred
Though a dream,
A nightmare too
America The Great
Red, white, and blue
Reposting because my profile was glitching when it was originally posted.
Bekah Jan 13
At night the thoughts linger
Like poison in my mind
Maybe one day I’ll be enough
But I don’t think it’s tonight
Bekah Jan 6
The weight of my sadness
Is heavy like clouds before rain
I’m only self medicating
To try to numb the pain
Antidote coursing through me
Like toxins in my veins
  Jan 2 Bekah
The child moves,
stumbling through the trembling air,
Hands grazing the rough bark of trees, the cool breath of stone.
Laughter rises, thin as thread, spinning through the dark—
A thread they cannot follow,
only pull,
only pull,
Until the world dissolves,
and home is only a memory of warmth.
Bekah Jan 1
I’m good at shooting pain
So burn me alive like the sun
My fate is inked in a darkness
I’ll never be able to outrun
Bekah Dec 2024
Here lately I haven’t been writing
And I’ve been staying in my room
Human interaction is a struggle
So I put on my best costume

It comes with a fake smile
And covers the dark circles around my eyes
I’ve become a master of the art
Of hiding my own demise

My therapist tells me I’ll get better
That I just need to give it time
But nobody understands the torture
Of being trapped inside my mind

My mental health is in shambles,
My anxiety always on edge
I’m finding it harder and harder
Just to get up out of bed

My brain is meticulous
With every thought I think
It feels like I’ve tied a brick to my ankle
And all I can do is sink

The chains that have bound me
Are tightening their grip
I wonder how much time is left
Until I lose myself to the abyss
Bekah Nov 2024
Maybe we’re all just a little broken
Scrambling to find pieces
That don’t quite fit
But we force them together anyways
Seeking solace in the mismatched parts
Hoping that one day
We will feel whole again
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