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 Apr 2017 Baylee Ann
Roberta Day
I emptied my chest;

An old casket encasing

a dying blood pump.
My little deer
Is that you
peeking between the trees
peering at the stag
but your heart's
still not at ease
... time ago
a short time
a stray cupid's arrow
shot the night air
splitting your spirit in two
frightened you took off
from the foreboding
hiding in a lea
there was sun
and cloudless skies
but not really
as your insides
in a storm
in a hourglass
with sand pebbles fighting
to heal
for the best
now as you peer
between the trees
of salvation
do you hear
birds singing near a brook
... songs sung
so beautiful
in concerto
with the chipmunks, *****, crickets
then, as you take
that step forward
so lion hearted
between those
of redemption
my little deer
are there rays
of sunshine
peeking back

This poem I write with passion, mainly because the deer personifies all the women in my life that walked away.

— The End —