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Should I have left at 8’ ?
When those two words set my fence!
When my steps crossed the gate,
But could not let me vent…

A word away and you were near,
Beyond the alley, along the riverline.
Blinded by the pixels, I caught the fear,
You kept the call and yearned for mine.

The old strolled road and the street lights,
The place I knew, “Alas!” I cut the line.
Pulled two strings, I knew your temper.
For both were faint, but held by laughter…

In thoughts I left, with no smoke but chalice,
That my universe worked upon collision.
Back to black was where I'd be created,
But you saw beyond my painted illusion…

“Should I have left for 8?”,
With you along to rather be,
I'd blame the cold to deem it late,
When I could feel your breeze…
A west side story in my eyes,
A four lined play is all aligned.
The bedside window with your seal,
I laid my sheets with inks of green.

“Small talks” and “calls away” in cords,
Minutes to silence and I sway.
To my delusion minted in laughs,
We grew red tinted in a day.

Inklings that I cease to know,
I fight or fly and learn to forget.
Fall and stumped to see my brakes,
Where we collided like we met…

In echoed words at sea driven by car,
Beyond the time we wasted.
Seek to run away yet not far,
I knew our worlds shifted…

No poetry in letters without your words,
Where I had my arms in your initials.
The stars I knew lighted our worlds,
Could it be a memoir, like I knew before?

A west side story in vain,
Where you kept the call tabled in one word.
When you pictured the light in the rain,
I should've stepped one foot as if unheard…

A west side story, no coincidence,
The sun can't always shine in the screen,
Not like the movies in all sense,
You grace the warmth like it's ever been.
The mist without sunshine; we're here,
on wheels with two smiles.
Nineteen to where we matched,
to the strings attached in miles.

To see you like clear skies,
all ears with each uttered word,
within each glimpse of the eyes.
I seek warmth to echoes I heard.

The energy I could see,
if to name it yours;
you kept it crystal clear and free,
where we'll open all uncharted doors.

My stars will hold your moon,
and align you with me.
A scarlet tint; a living boon,
we'll cross paths at three.

If I can say “You smile”,
all my thoughts fathom in awe.
To no misery of baggages i pile,
they leave my chest ashore.

Small talk with music in chords,
minutes to silence and I'd sway.
To my delusion minted in your laughs,
we grew red tinted in a day.
Symphony tickled his hair,
                   where he reckoned her perfume stayed.
The thoughts he had in a daydream,
                   are lost where she laid.

With her beat that skipped his heart,
                   she tied the strings he had in line,
The sweet 'Eurekas' perched like sharp darts,
                   she knitted his time and trapped his mind.

Her hemp stitched to his fine lace,
                   she pulled the thread on his hand.
Soft tucked linen of her rose and haze,
                   he was resting in her abode of sand.

His ears to her lullabies, rings in her reminisce,
                   to sing with warmth as they duel.
Her solo piano played the one he missed,
                   her voice echoed for his jewel.

Not rarely, he sat by her shores hence forth,
                  to witness her shades of scarlet,
His hand choked the gin in her ode,
                  and raised the nine clouds to his head.

In silent white garlands and prayers,
                 She whispered his spirit as her's walked back.
He knew her bliss to caress his twin three years,
                 when they inked her back to black.
Cashmere curtains and drawing rooms,
Red pavements and fast cars,
You knew better and saw maroon,
To flip my page back to scars.

You're my sweater in winter;
In June I'd wear you too.
In your fabric to simmer,
like a makeshift bed ado.

You are the gin, I call vice,
the word I never knew.
You are the storyline, the advice,
They play in the news.

Covered my watch and sane,
I knew my time, my hours;
Laid on the sofa across the pane,
Just to let the open shower.

How to ignore bright eyes?
If you're the slit of ray indoors.
How to write for you?
If my ink is edged in yours,

You wrote me these words,
In my time left with you.
My dawn sets with the birds,
And I sigh as it struck TWO!
You wrote my context with no side quest,
when you let me sing your tone.
Beneath my skin-coloured lined chest,
you close my eyes to seek us alone.

I felt content for one reason:
to smile along my way in the rain.
You grace warmth in the off-season,
to line your joy with my pain.

You let the cold brush pass
as we're led down the alleys and paths.
In your whites and my faded cast,
within each step, I could sense your heart.

You utter a word to hear my line,
when in distance, you were close.
I would rest my eyes to see you in mine;
if blindfolded, I knew you the most.
Drawn was I to those eyes,
to see through your light.
When your loo blew ashore,
it capsized me inside.

Down beneath the willows,
where you'll lay your beauty,
Where I'm yours, in the green,
to breathe your calm breeze.

Daylight shines in your face,
as the hair cascades through.
Over the hills and far away,
you're painting me with you.

You're leading this bloke to life,
where I could drown in glee.
I feel you calming the soul,
my divine aura as I seek thee.

Rippled a thousand times,
to know you're still there.
The heavens will keep my spirit,
beside your grave to share.

They say I'll hum new chorus,
if you drown me in your dime.
To think I'm a fool, for I've
found my heart up this time.

In deepest waters, you found me,
made me into something new.
Your rhythm keeps me in time,
to know that I'll carry on for you.

I'll pen this reverie,
as I yearn for your sight.
Your the ritual I need,
as I'm drawn to your light.
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