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F/Malta    Merħba u grazzi, prosit kollha tax-xogħol sabieħ.
Richard Shepherd
54/M/England    I do not consider myself a writer ...I just like writing
Sarah Kruger
24/F/florida    best wishes
18/F    An 18 year old wanna be poet wishes to have her words heard and felt .Poetry gives her a sense of individuality and purpose that …
Ayla Grey
17/F/Seattle    I never claimed to be a poet, yet still I write
M/North Western Oregon    World traveler, Yarn Spinner, Published writer, Front porch philosopher, back porch dreamer. Gentleman Farmer, Devoted Father and Grandfather. Lover of Nature. Proud to have been …
Ryan R Latini
38/M/United States    Hey poets. I've been published in Brilliant Flash Fiction, 50-Word Stories, Schuylkill Valley Journal, Compass Rose Lit., and many others. Follow me on or …
Rabiu Ameen
38/M/Nigeria    Rabiu Ameen is an inspiring "poet-hobbyist" that has written numerous poems covering themes like; love, romance, nature, people, culture and sometimes dark magic fantasy. He …
Hank Helman
Only art can save us.
27/F    Sometimes we aren't meant to get over someone, and we go on living a little bit emptier"- Leo Christopher All my pieces are copyrighted ©️ …
Jme Love
44/F/Cloud9    I think. I feel. I write. Sometimes i share sometimes i dont. Im no different than anyone else. Just trying to make it in a …
ATHENS, KEA , LONDON    POETRY, THEATRE, PERFORMANCES, EDUCATION all poems - copyright © all rights reserved
I ponder.. with wonder ... I think . Where would we be without forgiveness?
Rob Rutledge
For a so called 'Writer' I have no idea what to write here.
Nat Lipstadt
M/nyc    is this a poem, a cri de coeur, a confession - or a poetpourri of history of a journey tween naissance and
Jeremy Betts
42/M/Washington State   
Chelsea Quigley
Evan Stephens
Coleman M Lowe
64/Two-Spirit/Travelers Rest, SC    I am not who you might picture if you've spoken to me, read me and not met me. I'm not the person you might think …
The Sick Red Carnation
27/F/Iran    Maybe it's bad that My mother's pussy Gave birth to the sick mind 💮🌿 My Insta : @yasaman.johari💮 2 December 1996
Richard Smith
47/M    Married with 5 children and 3 grandchildren British Army veteran of 24 years
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