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 Aug 2012 AzealAngel
Why would you tell me to breathe
if you're the only one who wants me to die?
wind your spells around my neck
and tighten your grip.
this is a wasteland.
You want me to breathe but
you're the one killing me.
Hypocritical ******* flows
from your mouth so beautifully.
this is a wasteland, a chemical reunion.
through death you say,
i'll live again.
put your venom in my mouth
you're the only one that wants me around
you're the only one that wants me to die.
Don't tell me to breahe,
its only toxic waste in these lungs.
your fangs in my tongue, deteriorate.
I'll dissolve and you'll explode
in pretty coloured smoke. enjoy.
You'll vanish before i can blink an eye.
You're the only one that wants me to die.
 Aug 2012 AzealAngel
Andy Cave
Shot in the chest by that arrow so sharp,
now love songs are playing from a beautiful harp.
I'm fallen aback at this sudden revolution
that you are my future, my one solution.
 Aug 2012 AzealAngel
Andy Cave
I am so very sorry for upsetting you,
you are such a great friend I hate when you're blue.
The way things went, they didn't go well
I should have stayed hidden, trapped in my shell.
Your friendship meens more to me than anything money can buy
upsetting you like this makes me want to lie down and cry.
Please forgive me for making everything bad
I just want you to be happy, not mad, not sad.
The things that I said well they were not smart,
so I decided to write something straight from the heart.
I want for our friendship to stay and to last
so let's start over fresh and forget the past.
No I don't want to lose a friend oh so dear,
that's my biggest worry, my biggest fear.
Let's forget last night and all the days that have past
this friendship so important to me I just want it to last.
 Apr 2012 AzealAngel
JK Cabresos
You can't stick
that thing
in random holes.
That's dangerous.
© 2012
He said I was pretty
This boy of fifteen
He can’t even drive but thinks he knows what love means

We walked  through the woods with just a  flashlight
And we walked and talked and got lost in the night
There was laughter and tears and secrets that were shared
He gave me his jacket and held my hand when I got scared

He said he’d treat me better than anyone ever had
And  he promised to never let me be sad
He said all the things that  I wanted them to say
All the people that I loved but refused  to stay

His face is so sad and his words are so sweet
I leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek
For I know he’ll meet someone young and kind
With a contagious laugh and a beautiful mind

And he’ll hold her hand when she gets scared
And surprise her with hugs just to show that he cares
But for tonight I’m glad it was me
For tonight
He tells me I’m pretty.
For Randy.
 Apr 2012 AzealAngel
my <3

******’ spine.
I'll curb
your mind
right back into
the gutter
it was hiding in.

I'll kick
your lie- leaking
teeth in.

Guess all the
Cut cauterizing,
Lemon- juice,
I bled-out
Messed me up.

My bad for messing around
a ***** up.
 Apr 2012 AzealAngel
How can one express their heart
when words are not enough,
how can I even dream to start
when my tongue finds it so tough.

Let me try...

You are the graffitti
me as yours
you are the scent
of stale beer
in late night smokey bars
you are the
pain of paper cut
where lemon juice seeped in
and the bitter
taste of sugar
replaced by sacherin
you are the days
felt wasted
and night times thrown away
and the silence
found in laughter
just to keep the tears at bay
you are my anger
my sorrow
and my pain
and given
my time over
we would do it all again.

These are not insults
these are the depths of my heart.
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